Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thank you, Andre, for your response; I really appreciate it. I also have to be honest, and say that I'm getting a little weary of all the "lessons" and "lifetimes" that I'm having to release these days. It just goes on and on and on... Is there any way I can get some relief and more support? Am I not asking loudly enough for this? And also, I seem to be having to go this very much alone. I've been asking for support, but not a whole lot has shown up. I know "I create my own reality" on some level, but I've been asking for "grace and ease" and this strikes me as being elusive in my life these days. I remember Archangel Michael telling me once that I was a great soul and that's why I had so many challenges to face in my life. However, there comes a point when one would like to feel some gratification and relief. Is this too much to ask?!? Hope you take this in the spirit of Love and Light in which I intend it.

Dear Maria.....I do understand what you are feeling right now. There are so many Lightworkers experiencing exactly what you are right now. You did make the choice to incarnate on the earth during this period of many changes in order to complete many of your lessons and to help others with their changes, also. They seem to go on and on and on because of the many lifetimes that you have lived here and because of the lessons that you have accumulated during those lifetimes. And remember that these lessons are also present in many of your other "aspects of self" that are living in other dimensions.

My sense is that there are some elements of your current lessons that you have not yet realized. Because you are so determined to clear these lessons, they will keep appearing and perhaps even intensifying a bit until you find all of the "threads" that you need to release. Neither I nor your other guides can remove them from you. Once you discover these elements and come to a place of peace,  acceptance and release of them, they will be healed throughout all of those lifetimes and dimensions in which you experienced them.

For example, a thread that could be there, you (I use the word "YOU" as a representation of many of those on your planet ) may have experienced tremendous emotional pain in a relationship in another lifetime. The pain may have been so great to bear, that you "vowed" never to experience true connection with another person ever again, because you do not ever want to go through that pain again.

You may have squandered your wealth in another lifetime, which ultimately caused you to "harm" yourself or others in that lifetime - i.e. you or your family starved to death because you gambled away your money. And so you "vowed" never to have wealth again so that you would not repeat that same scenario.

You may have experienced such a "broken heart" with another individual that you vowed never to allow yourself to love again so that you would never have to experience the pain of a broken heart again. I am sure that you are getting the picture now. 

Someone that you may have injured in another lifetime may have placed a "curse" on you so that you would not ever be able to hurt them again. They "vowed" that you would never hurt anyone again as you hurt them. You may have even done this to someone else yourself.

May I suggest that YOU (and I again use that term collectively for all of the readers) take the time to really quiet yourselves and look inward. It is sometimes difficult to release something that you are not even aware is affecting you. If you are sensing that you have vows or curses upon you, then more than likely you do, and you will want to take action to release them.  In addition to your own work, you might also enlist the assistance of other healers who work with vows and curses to assist you with this. 

This discussion is not intended to cause you to become fearful or give you something else to worry about. Vows and curses are simply elements that  help you to learn lessons. From now on, you will also want to carefully choose the words that you use in dealing with yourself and with others, so that you do not  place more vows upon yourselves or "curses"upon others.

It is important to always come from a place of love within your heart when you have interactions with yourself and others. YOU ALL do create your own reality, as Maria said, and do you All not desire to create the best reality that you can? Choose your thoughts and your words wisely in doing this, for as it is said, "As you sow, so shall you reap."

Maria, have you considered that you are seeking "outside" help for the solutions to your problems when perhaps the "help" that you are seeking is already there - within you. Taking the time to really quiet yourself may reveal the answers and help that you seek.  May I again suggest that often times what YOU  seek may appear in a different way that is expected or perhaps even wanted, but it will appear. And of course you know that others can not do your work for you.

Indeed, it would be nice if everything that YOU were to do would be easy and graceful - but the reality is that often times it is not. Know that in spite of this, YOU CAN accomplish and obtain what you seek. Be sure that you are coming from a place of love and not from fear and perhaps even anger when you are doing your work. Your Angels and Guides are there to assist you but they can not do your work for you. YOU are never alone. Remember that WE ARE ALL ONE and ONE with Source.

I do guarantee that you will feel Light-er and that relief you seek as you do your work and release those energies that no longer serve you. I know that I am repeating myself, but I can not say enough times to please use the Violet Flame to transmute those energies that you have released. By doing this, you are releasing more Light into the Universe and this benefits All of us.

I hope that this discussion has helped you.

My blessings and love to each one of you.


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Answers to Questions that were Posted to the Blog

The following are questions from a reader in reference to an August post.

Thank you Very Much for this message, Andre! I seem to be encountering one of the "challenges" you mention as of late, as several of the part-time jobs I thought I had in town are fizzling out; and fears around my financial situation seem to be surfacing again. Can you help me understand what's going on with this? I'd like to be clearer about my purpose here, besides being a Keeper of the Light for the area. I have many gifts to offer the people here -- both local and tourist -- and would like some direction and focus. Also what to you mean by "this momentous task"? Is it being the Keeper of the Light here? What else is involved? And how will I be connected to the City of Light that Genii writes about. I seem to have many questions today! Hope you can illuminate me, and my busy mind... ;) 

Dear Maria...thank you so much for your questions.

Financial lessons are so prevalent among Lightworkers today. Just when you think they have been resolved, they seem to reappear. That is because there are many levels to these lessons. As you release one or more of these levels, the deeper ones  are being given the room to surface and to be released. You may have carried these lessons for hundreds or thousands of lifetimes.  It is important that you look closely at the particulars of the lessons. See if there is a common thread to them. If there is, then make sure that you release all of the threads. Perhaps do some journalling after a period of meditation to see if some new aspect reveals itself to you.

It is important that you look at these lessons from a place of Love and Light. Release the fear as you are looking  at them. Know that you are taken care of and that this care may be in a different form than you have been anticipating. Tell the Universe what you need and ask to be shown a way that you can manifest it. Many are there to help but they can not do so without your asking, for they cannot interfere with your Free Will. Do as I suggested in my earlier post today - See It, Feel It, Trust It.

Have you considered offering some type of classes? Or organizing some type of weekly meeting groups? Accepting payment for these classes or meetings is ok. Remember that money is simply energy and that you will be receiving the energy of money in return for the energy of what you are sharing and teaching. 

You mentioned in your question that you have many gifts to offer. Spend some time reviewing these gifts and designing a plan(s) of action that you could do to utilize them. Then pick a plan and proceed with it. You will gain knowledge from this venture. If it does not work as well as you wish that it would, move down on your list to the next plan. And so forth and so on.

The momentous task that I was referring to is the one of being A Keeper of The Light for Sedona. As the time grows closer for the City of Light to appear, many will come who will try to capitalize on the what they perceive to be a "gold mine" in the business of Sedona. You role will be to be there as ones who will make sure that the true role of Sedona does not get lost or caught up in profit-making ventures. You and others will form a core group who will be there to help others who are looking to advance in their Spiritual growth. You all will be a "safe house" so to speak for true seekers. Begin now to establish connections with other like-minded individuals and with the combining of your energies, your task will not seem so daunting.

I hope that I have provided some insight in to the answers that you are seeking. Please feel free to call upon me at any time.

Many blessings to you!


September 24, 2011 - SFT - See It, Feel It, Trust It

Good Evening Dear Ones....the title of today's blog comes from words in a movie that Mary Ann and a friend saw today entitled "Seven Days in Utopia."  The movie is the story of a young, promising golfer who chokes in a tournament, grabs his stuff, gets in his car to get away and winds up in a small Texas town called "Utopia." There he meets a former pro golfer who promises him that if he spends seven days in Utopia with him, he will find his game. He does find his golf game but he actually finds much more.

Johnny, the former pro, gives Luke a ball with SFT on it. He goes on to explain that he must see what he wants to accomplish, feel what he wants to accomplish and trust that it will happen. There are many other profound moments throughout the movie. Even if you are not a golfer, you will gain a lot from seeing this movie.

The concept of seeing yourself in a situation in the way that you want to be, really imagining how it feels to be in this way and  trusting that it will actually happen this way is not new. But it is certainly most apropos in your world of today. Many of you have lived your lives according to the wishes of others or in the way that you thought you should live them. Now is the time to live your lives according to the way that you know within yourselves that you must. You incarnated upon the earth to learn lessons and by learning them you can release the energies that you have carried through many lifetimes that no longer serve you.

You are moving toward living your lives in your own Utopia.  Some refer to this as living "Heaven on Earth." This does not mean that you will be living on clouds, with angels floating by playing their harps and that God is sitting on a big stool looking down on you.

It means that you will be living from Love and Light, from the Truth that is within you. Take time to See that type of Life. Imagine what it would feel like to live this way. Really feel the happiness, the bliss, the joy, that goes along with living your lives in such a manner. And Trust that what you have been searching for all of these many lifetimes is real, possible and that it now and always has resided within you. You are simply re-connecting with it.

Toward the end of the movie, Johnny has Luke literally bury the lies that he has been carrying within him about his life. May I suggest that you do something similar to this. Now, you do not have to go out and dig a whole in the backyard (although most certainly you may if you wish to). Write them down, so that they are in front of you in black and white. Now that you can clearly see them,  there will be no doubt about what you are releasing.  You may wish to shred them, burn them or do whatever else you want to symbolize their no longer being a part of your life. Remember to breathe in Love and Light to fill up the empty spaces left by your releasing.

S - F - T the new you! You will be amazed at how your life will change by doing these three simple things.

Blessings to All!


NOTE from Mary Ann: the movie has a website that has a place where you can write down your lies and they will actually print them out and really bury them for you in Utopia, Texas.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 21, 2011 - Knowing What to Believe

Good Evening Dear Ones.....I have been hearing some of you say that you are not sure whom to believe when you hear spiritual information. There are many who channel various Ascended Masters, Archangels, those from other realms, universes etc. Sometimes the messages seem conflicting to you, especially when you hear different types of messages channeled from the same person or being.

What I will say to you is that EACH of you already has all of the information that you need  already within you. Information that you receive from Spiritual teachers, books, channelers is merely a way to "jump start" you so to speak in your own Spiritual quest. We hope that a bell may go off within you which will activate your quest for more of the knowledge within you.

Sometimes the messages will immediately ring true within you; other times, they will not. When that occurs, it is up to you to search within your own heart for your truth. If you find that information that you receive from one source no longer rings true, then look for another one.

There are times that our messages are somewhat different than what we intended because they are filtered through our channelers who in fact are human. Sometimes they are distracted when relaying our messages and so what they write or say may be done according to their own "filters."

Do not take as "Gospel" word what you hear and what you read. You must take it within yourself and determine if that message is true for you and if it is not, then simply let it be. Accept it as just that - a message that is not true for you, as it may ring true for someone else. Do not judge it, but in actuality thank it for helping you to clarify and to determine what you know and what you believe.

We are here to provide guidance for you and we can do that in many ways. As Mary Ann has told you, I have chosen her to convey my messages to you in a relaxed, conversational manner in the hopes that they will reach more of the masses in a way which is familiar and comfortable to them.

Others who channel me do so in a very formal way because their followers like that type of format and they attribute a certain type of reverence to Ascended Masters and do not wish to see us in anything but a "pedestal" type light.

What really matters is that you ALL re-awaken to the information that is within and once you do this, you will no longer have the need for an outside source. You will have the Source that is inside of you.

Have a blessed day filled with much Love and Light,


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Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 18, 2011 - My New Blog!

Hello Dear Ones and welcome to my new blog site!

Mary Ann has worked very diligently to set up a new blog site for me, as we had some difficulties with the old one. She has copied all of my previous messages, so you will have all of them in one location!
And coming soon ----- I will be having my own Facebook page and Twitter account. Stay tuned for further info.

Many blessings!

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August 26, 2011 - Comments and Questions

Rev Maria....congratulations to you as you start a new chapter in your life! Sedona will bring you many new opportunities and many new blessings, as well as a few challenges. But not to worry - they will simply be an additional way for you to move forward along your path. You are drawn to the Red Rocks in Sedona because they contain very high levels of energies and frequencies that have been "deposited" there by the many Light Beings who have visited there through the billions of years that Mother Earth has been in existence. You have done the work that has moved you to a place of being able to connect to these energies. As you continue along your path, you will find that you will be receiving more and more information as you spend time in this beautiful area. You may also wish to share the work that you have done, along with various other ways of working on one's self, with those with whom you connect. By doing this, you will move yourself further along your path and you will on August 26, 2011 - Introduction
on 8/31/11
Marianne, thank you for your timely question. You are all well aware that the energy of Mother Earth is changing, as you all move closer to the major shift in consciousness and energy in 2012. This shift has already begun. As you are all working toward ascension, you are changing the structure of your bodies from the denser earth structure to the lighter crystalline structure. To do this, you must release the denser energies that no longer serve you and this release will affect Mother Earth and those elementals responsible for the care of the earth. As they reach a critical level there, Mother Earth and those responsible for the care of the earth, such as the elementals (fairies, gnomes, etc) will also want to release these denser energies. As this is done, you will see an increase in weather phenomena as Mother Earth goes through her cleansing. The intensities of these phenomena may be lessened as those of you holding the Light of the Father-Mother God continue to do so, especially on August 26, 2011 - Introduction
on 8/31/11
Hello, St. Andre Germain, Mary Ann, and Beloveds. I've just been blessed to land in the City of Light Sedona. Could you please enlighten me as to the role of the Red Rocks -- esply. as it may relate to our times -- here in this Magnificent country. I feel as if I'm having a love affair with them :) Such Magnetic and Majestic Beauty!!! on August 26, 2011 - Introduction
on 8/31/11
I have a question for Andre please. I know the earthquake and Irene was a great cleansing for the east coast can you talk about what changes will take place. Thank you Marianne on August 26, 2011 - Introduction
Marianne Somers
on 8/31/11
How wonderful. I look forward to having reading the messages everyday. And using "Andre" what a good way to change the understanding that we are more connected than we think. Thank You Mary Ann for doing this and sharing your connection the Beloved St. Germain. MS on August 26, 2011 - Introduction
Marianne Somers
on 8/27/11

September 17, 2011 - The Power of Fun

Good Evening Dear Ones...Today I want to share with you the importance of having fun.

As the saying on your planet goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." We, who are helping you along your Spiritual journey, want you to have fun also. So many times, the work may seem very "heavy duty" to you and in truth, it is. To balance this, you must have joy within your lives.

And a great way to do this is to get together with friends and share some laughs. Laughter helps to move any stagnant energy that may have accumulated within your body to be released. Not only will this affect your physical body, but also your etheric, cellular, mental and emotional bodies.

You may get together for coffee or tea, have a party, go to a movie etc. Or you may find that opportunities for laughter may even arise during somewhat more sedate moments. Do not fear allowing laughter to emerge at these times. For example, you may get together with fellow healers for a session of group healing. One thing leads to another and you find that all of you are soon laughing out loud. Does this diminish the healing that is being accomplished? Indeed, it does not. In fact, it may accomplish several things.

As stated earlier, it will help the stagnant energy to be released. It may also help the one who is being healed to feel more at ease with the situation. That  person may consider a thought or feeling that previously had been quite daunting to now seem less foreboding. The healers and the one being healed will also benefit from a more relaxed atmosphere.

After all, life is about balance and we in the other realms do want you to have joy in your lives, as does The Source of all joy and happiness -  the Creator. We spent many lives living in physical form, so we do know about the importance of having fun and enjoying life! I, myself, used to love getting together with friends for a glass of wine and lively conversation at an outdoor cafe when I lived in France. We shared and learned much that helped us with our Spiritual journeys. And you can too, by allowing yourself to have a good time.

Now, I am going to give you some homework. I want all of you to plan a fun happening for sometime in the next week. Note how you are feeling before and then after your event.  I am betting that your Spiritual work will flow more easily after the event.

Peace and blessings to All and remember to LOL - laugh out loud!


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September 15, 2011 - The Importance of Living From Love

Good Evening Dear Ones.....Tonight I would like to touch on the importance of living from love. The upcoming changes and shifting of earth energies will help you all move toward living from a love perspective.

You are all aware that we are All One - we are connected to each and every other person on the earth, the earth itself, plants, animals, minerals and so forth. When you live from love, you are in fact sending love to everyone and all things, including yourself. When you are angry and sending forth negative energy, not only is the person that you are directing it toward receiving it, but YOU are also receiving it, since YOU are connected to everything.

When a person interacts with you and you find yourself becoming agitated and angry, stop for a few moments, breathe and consider why you have those feelings. Many times when you are angry at  another person because of qualities, attributes or actions that you find annoying, distasteful etc, it is because YOU YOURSELF possess these same tendencies  and you don't like them in yourself. The other person is acting as a mirror to you to help you realize this and to help you release them.

The person who upsets you most in life is actually your greatest teacher for they have agreed to perform these actions, as distasteful as they may be, in order to provide you with the learning experience. What greater love is there then from a person, who will act in a way that you really dislike, maybe even hate, to help you learn? And also remember that you all agreed to the roles that you would play in each other's lives before you incarnated upon the earth. Can you really hate them for doing just what you asked them to do?

Always remember that the Violet Flame is there to help you transmute your unwanted feelings and energies  back into the love and Light from which they were created and that by doing this, you are adding to the Light within the world.

So, try for just a day, to remain within your loving energy. Look at unpleasant moments from a loving perspective. Remember what you have read above. You may find that you are happier and calmer by day's end. Is it always easy to do this? No, indeed, it is not. But love can get you through even the most difficult of situations, for when you give love, you are in fact also receiving it.

Blessings to All,


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September 13, 2011 - Take Time To Review

My Dear Ones....Tonight, there will not be a new message.

What I would like you all to do is to take some time to re-read the messages that I have already shared. See if perhaps you will find a different meaning than you read the first time. Also, please feel free to post a comment or to ask any questions that you may have concerning the messages. And if you have a question that is unrelated to any post, please ask that, too. Because the chances are that if you have a question, someone else may have that same question.

Blessings to All,

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September 12, 2011 - The Power of Group Prayer and Group Healing

Good Evening Dear Ones.....How often have you received a request to pray for someone or some situation? Or to send healing energy? Or receiving a whole prayer list of folks to pray for? As you say your prayers have you ever paused to think of the power of what you are doing?

You do not have to be physically present with a person needing prayers or healing energy for them to be effective.  Just as a TV station sends out signals that travel through the air and are received by your TV set, so do prayers and healing energies travel through the ethers to be received by those in need of them. You simply set your intention and send them off with love. The energies travel instantly toward their intended goal. Do not worry about whether or not the person will accept them, loving energy will always have an effect on the recipient, at least to some level. Whatever is not absorbed will go to straight to Mother Earth and others on your planet.

And if many of you do this toward one specific goal or person, the power of the prayer or healing energy increases exponentially. Those in other realms (Ascended Masters, Angels, Elementals, Other Dimensions) will hear your requests and will add their own prayers and blessings to your energies. Think of it in this way.  You place a small snowball at the top of a hill. You release it and it rolls down the hill, gathering more snow as it goes. Once it reaches the bottom, it is now a gigantic snowball, having gathered more snow as it rolled down the hill. That is exactly what happens as you send your prayers and healing energies.

Think of how powerful prayers can be if a they are requested on a worldwide prayer list! Or if you gather together to do group healings? Imagine what you can accomplish!

So do not take lightly a request that you receive for prayers or healing energies, for your impact in honoring these requests cannot be measured by any earthly means.

Blessings to All!


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September 11, 2011 - Self-Care While Processing

Hello Dear Ones....I have been noticing that so many of you are really working very hard on your Spiritual lessons. You are releasing many things that you no longer wish to have. You are journalling, going to classes, meditating, receiving healing work and working with Spiritual advisors. But what are you doing  after the work is done for that day? Are you taking the time to process and integrate the work?

May I make a few suggestions? If you have the time after a healing session is completed, rest for a while and allow the work to integrate within your lower bodies - the physical, etheric, cellular, mental and emotional. If you cannot stay in the room where you had the work done, at least remain in the waiting room or your car for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Breathe during this time and be sure to drink plenty of water.

Make sure that you are centered and grounded before tackling any difficult work, especially driving your car.

There are homeopathic remedies that you can take to help you with this. Visit a natural health food store and speak with one of their experts. Or speak with someone who practices homeopathy.

Take time to have a cup of herbal tea. Enjoy the warmth of the tea. Notice the aroma. Be mindful of what you are sensing and feeling while you are drinking it. This will help you to relax.

Do you feel tired and want to sleep? Then by all means (if possible) do so. Turn off the TV, computer and cell phone and leave them in another room. Another way to follow-up difficult work is to relax in a warm or hot epsom salt bath. The epsom salts will draw the toxins ( whether energetic or physical) that you have released away from your body. And there is another benefit to this method - you will be taking the time to pamper yourself and to relax. Very important elements of self-care.

If you find yourself making all kinds of excuses as to why you cannot do any of these self-care actions, then I would ask you to consider if you may have an issue with worthiness and deserving. YOU ALL deserve and are worthy of receiving tender loving care.

I know that you may be saying "Oh great, another thing to explore." While that may be true, you could not spend more valuable time on any issue that is more important than self-love and worthiness. For you see, from these flow many of the answers that you wish to discover.

Blessings to everyone,


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September 10, 2011 - Just When You Think You Can't, You Can

Good evening Dear Ones.  I was again inspired to share a message after Mary Ann and a friend accomplished a very daunting task this evening. A friend very graciously shared some items with them that she was unable to take to her new home. These included a queen size mattress and box spring, numerous boxes, 3 large cabinets and other items. They had one van and a small car between them. They and their friend looked at each other, shook their heads and started loading the vehicles, figuring that two trips would have to be made.

Mary Ann and her friend asked the ArchAngels for help as they began the loading. Lo and behold, with a little bending, the mattress fit in the van! The 3 tall cabinets fit in underneath of the mattress, all of the boxes and other items fit in the two vehicles and the box spring was tied onto the top of Mary Ann's car. Even with winds gusting to over 30 miles and Mary Ann holding onto 1 of the ropes as they both drove with flashers on, they proceeded slowly and successfully made their way home in one trip!

How many times have you looked at a situation that has occurred in your Spiritual journey that seemed impossible and so you gave up? Did you ask for help? Did you assess the situation to see if there was another way to approach it? Did you attempt to slow down and put your "flashers" on as you worked through the problem?

The best way through a situation is to just breathe, tackle it head on and work through it. Even if you only progress a little bit by a little bit, eventually all of those "little bits" will add up to a "big bit" and before you know it, your lesson will be accomplished. No action means no solution and no completion. Which way will you choose?

Many blessings to All of you.


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September 9, 2011 - Do Not Be Afraid of the Light

Good Evening My Dear Ones.....As I was watching Mary Ann's little four-legged one react to the flashes of lightning during a storm, I was struck by the similarity between him and many of you who catch a glimpse of the Light within you and then draw back in fear and want to hide from it.

That happens because you have lived so many lives under the influence of The Shadow side of the soul that you are unaccustomed to the brilliance of the Light. But experiencing the Light is such a truly beautiful happening! It means that your work has helped you to  break through some of the many layers of the veil of separation between you and Father-Mother God. It is a sign that your work has not been in vain.

As you continue along your journey, you will become accustomed to the Light. You will be drawn to its magnificence; you will want to experience more and more of it. The layers of separation are thinning now, as the energy and frequency of the earth is changing. Your work, in conjunction with the earth's shifting, will accelerate the deterioration of the veil. Soon, all the layers will be gone and if you so choose, you will be living in Light - you will be living your heaven here on planet earth!!

Remember at night before you retire to call forth the Violet Flame and place within it, all energies that no longer serve you. These energies, once transmuted, will return to their pure creation of Love and Light and their brilliance will increase the brilliance of the Light of the Creator!

My blessings upon you all!

I remain,

To post a comment, to ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit  Andre would love to hear from All of you!

September 8, 2011 - Stick-to-it-tiveness

Good Evening Beloveds... I was going to give Mary Ann a respite today from sharing my messages, but then she had a very interesting evening that brought forth a topic for me to discuss.

How many of you have ever spent minutes, hours, even days trying to resolve technical issues with your electronic equipment? Even though you may become very frustrated, angry and ready to throw away a particular piece of equipment, many of you  stick with it until you resolve the problem.

You search the internet, call for technical support, go back to the store where you bought the product, call your friends - in other words, you do every possible thing you can to solve the problem.

But, I wonder, how many of you have taken this approach to your Spiritual life? How many of you have sought every possible answer or solution for problems/lessons in your Spiritual journey? Especially when it becomes difficult to proceed. When it seems as if you have hit a wall, do you just give up or do you try to find another way around the wall?

There is always another way you know. But sometimes discovering the other path can be frustrating. It requires that you stop and reflect upon the situation. It may require your willingness or at least your being willing to be willing to look at the situation from another angle. Perhaps forgiveness is necessary - both of yourself and another person. Or some journaling would be in order to unearth the true meaning of the lesson. Maybe meditation would be a useful tool. A conversation with your Spiritual advisor could also help.

And so on and so on.

So, the next time you are having technical issues, I ask you to consider : Is not your Spiritual life, which is everlasting, worth at least the amount of time that you spend on some technical issue, that is but a fleeting moment in your life's eternal evolution?

I remain yours,

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September 7, 2011 - Touch

Hello Dear I would like to talk with you about the importance of touch. A touch may convey many things - love, friendship, concern, frustration, even anger. It can also help you along your Spiritual path by releasing memories held within the cells.

When you are in the process of releasing your "stuff", consider having some type of massage to help the unwanted energies pass more quickly through your bodies. Not just your physical body, but also your mental, emotional and etheric bodies. For you know that you cannot just affect "one" of those bodies - they all work together.

Be conscious of your own energy when you reach out to touch someone. You will recall that your energy precedes the actual physical touch. Be aware of the feelings and energies of the other person that you receive before you actually touch them. If it does not feel appropriate or if it seems that they are not open to physical touch at that time, then honor their wishes. You can always still send them love.

Also, be aware of the energies that you are feeling when someone reaches toward you. If they do not feel like something that you wish to receive, then send them love and discreetly, if possible, withdraw yourself from them. You are not honoring yourself if you accept a touch that does not honor you.

A touch that you can always receive? Why, one from yourself! Take the time to give yourself a hug and to thank all of your wonderful bodies for all that they do for you.

I hope that you will receive the love that I am sending you in my big etheric hug!

I remain,


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September 6, 2011 - Allowing Things to Happen

Hello Dear Ones.....I wish to speak with you today about allowing things to happen.

So often, life on your planet happens at a very rapid pace. Everyone wants things now - be it food, relationships, jobs and so on. You have a pain and you take a pill immediately to make it go away. You are hungry, so you drive to get fast food. You want sex, so you have a one night stand. You don't want to feel emotions, so you lose yourself in a bottle or in a pill.

By concentrating on fulfilling your needs immediately, you "rob" yourselves of the opportunity to really look at what might be occurring. Is there a reason behind that pain? Is it attempting to slow you down so that you may look at something that needs attention? Has that emotion risen to the surface to be released so that you may move forward? And yet by "stuffing" it back down, you actually remain where you are or even slip back a little bit.

The energies surrounding you are increasing the pace at which they are moving. You want to be able to take advantage of their increased movements and their increased frequencies. However, the best way for you to do this is not practice immediate gratification but rather to examine what is really behind what is happening.

Allow the pain to be there for a while. Take advantage of resting and look at its meaning. Feel it and all that is connected with it. Thank it for being there to help you look at whatever comes up. BREATHE through it! And continue to do so. Soon, you may feel the pain lessen. You will find yourself taking control of the pain instead of the pain taking control of you. You will then be in a better place to examine its meaning.

If you are hungry, wait a few moments before eating, especially fast food. I have heard many of you  comment that you have "inhaled" your food. That you don't even remember what you have eaten or how the food even tasted. Were you really hungry or were you eating to "stuff" down a feeling or emotion that was occurring? What happens then is you have  food in your stomach but the feeling or emotion is still there. It may even surface on a much greater scale the next time. So, again BREATHE! Perhaps have a glass of water to temporarily satisfy the "hunger" pang. Examine what was happening at the time you all of a sudden had to eat. See if there might have been something else behind the hunger.

Another benefit is that slower eating will help your digestion. Take time to bless your food, remove all memory from it, all negativity, all fear and to raise the electrons within the food to the perfect, pristine energy that they were originally created with ( a tip of the hat to Marianne Somers for this blessing).

Also, if you will start to increase the amount of fresh, live food in your diet, you will find that your cells will be "singing" and that your mind will function with more clarity. And be sure to drink plenty of pure water throughout your day. Hydration is so necessary for the many systems within your body to function at their optimal best.

I am sure that you are getting the picture of how to allow things to happen naturally. You ALL have the knowledge within yourselves of what is the best way for you to live your lives on Mother Earth. So, tap into that knowledge and to quote Nike, "Just Do It!"

Blessings to All of you!


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