Hi Dear Ones....a great question today...
Hi Andre--
While I understand there are no rules.... If someone here on the earth plane is working on healing a specific physical ailment....are other aspects of us, living elsewhere also healing - or are part of the healing?
I've been calling in all my aspects to ask them to forgive others who have harmed them, asking for their forgiveness, looking for any "lesson: and forgiving myself - thanks for the step-by-step help!... I guess my question is: since all of our aspects are part of us...are they experiencing "issues" that might correlate to healng this major piece on the earth plane?....anything to be aware of or ask about, since everyone is different? Thank you so much all the really great blogs you have blessed us with!
Yes, you are correct in saying that as you are healing here on the earth, your aspects - wherever they may be - are also healing. Since you are incarnated on the earth at this time, working so diligently on your Spiritual journey towards Ascension, you are the main aspect - so to speak and what you are doing impacts all of your other aspects. Now that being said, what your other aspects are experiencing elsewhere can be slightly different variations of your earth lessons.
Your approach that you mentioned in your questions is the way to work with your aspects and your lessons. If something here on the earth is still presenting you with a major difficulty, may I suggest that you see if you can examine it with different eyes - in a way that you have not looked at it before. Look more internally rather than externally for your answers.
Perhaps a little more quiet inner meditation or reflection; discussion with your Spiritual mentor; more journalling relating to the specific issue - not so much on general messages you are receiving. Ask for guidance from your guides; maybe even asking for a new guide to present himself/herself to you who can specifically assist you with your issue.
Remember that the answers that you seek are within! Keep seeking them and they will come forth!
Extra blessings to All who are experiencing difficulties with their lessons from myself, those in other realms and dimensions and of course, from Source.
I AM Andre St Germain
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