Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Hello Dear Ones...

It has been quite a while since I have addressed you through Mary Ann's blog.

I just could not let this momentous day of 12-12-12 pass by without saying hello to you.

Did you feel the influx of the energies? Know that you may be experiencing many things right now - feeling tired, confused, not all there, excited, inspired, and the list can go on and on! These feelings may intensify as you draw closer to 12-21-12.

To prepare yourself for the additional energies, be sure that you are drinking plenty of water, spending time in meditation or just be-ing. resting when you feel tired and eating those foods that will support you through the influx of the energies.

Know that there will be additional energies coming to your planet from 12/21/12 through 12/23/12. It will take that 3 day time frame for the energies to assimilate not only with you but also with Mother Earth.

Relax, sit back and enjoy the ride! Wonderful, wonderful things are in store for all of you! We in the Upper Realms congratulate you for the intense work that you have been doing to prepare for this momentous time. We send you blessings from above!

I A Ascended Master St Germain