Friday, December 30, 2011

Guide to Releasing Emotions Addition

Hello Dear Ones......

As many of you are reviewing the events of 2011 in your lives and wanting to release all that did not work for you so that you may start off 2012 with a clean slate, so to speak, may I suggest that you review my guide for releasing emotions.

I am reposting it for you below with a new addition. I am suggesting that you invoke the Violet Flame to transmute the emotions that you are releasing. That will become a part of the "Releasing" step. This transmutation will return the energies of those emotions to the Light and Love from which they were created. My apologies for omitting this in my original guide.

Discover - by using intuition, contemplation or meditation an emotion that no longer serves you

Acknowledge - give it "credibility", recognize that it is residing within you and has been a part of you - it is neither good nor bad, it simply just "is"

Embrace - claim it as having been a tool to aid you in learning a lesson not something that defines you

Feel - feel the emotion and all that is connected with it within you but don't linger in that space

Release - release it with love and gratitude for helping you to move further along in your Spiritual journey. Invoke the Violet Flame to transmute the energy of this emotion back into the Love and Light from which it was created. This adds additional Light and Love to Mother Earth and benefits everyone on the planet.

Replace - fill the "space" that the emotion occupied with Love and Light

Blessings to All of you as you begin this most important year. Do not forget to call upon Myself and those in the other Realms to help you along your path this year.

I AM Andre St Germain

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More About Nature

Hello Dear Ones....

Earlier I spoke of spending time in Nature and enjoying the fresh, pure air. Today, I would like to give you some more information about the importance of connecting with Nature.

In Nature, you also find the plant and animal kingdoms. It is important that you remember that there is  Oneness throughout the Universe and Multi-verse and we are all connected to one another.

The plants and animals play important roles in your lives. They contribute to the overall energies of your planet by contributing food and service to you. When you are walking in Nature, be sure and thank them for being such an important part of Mother Earth's eco-system without which you would not be able to sustain your lives.

Take a moment to pause and connect with them. Be still and hear a message that they may wish to give you. Admire their beauty. Know that at their very core is also the spark of Divine Essence that is within all of you. They are composed of atoms and molecules just as you are, only arranged differently. They have frequencies and vibrate just as you do, just at different levels.

They deserve to be honored, revered and loved just as much as you do for their roles in the Creation.

There is much you can learn from them if only you pause and take the time to do so when you visit Nature. Please do that the next time you are with them. You will not be disappointed!

Blessings to All of you!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Signing up for email following

Hi....I have heard that some of you wish to follow St Germain's messages by email. Doing this will enable you to receive his messages in your email and you will not have to visit the website.

There is a box on the righthand side of the blog.  It is directly under the words "Follow by Email"

Simply put your email in this box and then click  on the button that says "Follow"

It will take you to another page that you have to put letters and/or numbers in and then click on "submit subscription request" This is done to make sure that you are the one who is requesting the email subscription.

Once this is done, you will receive an email from Feedburner Email Subscriptions that asks you to click on a link that is in the email. Once you click on that link, your subscription is complete.

Then, whenever there is a Message posted from St Germain, you will receive an email in your email box. There will not be a message in your email if there was not a new message posted to the blog.

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Mary Ann

Spending Time in Nature

Hello Dear Ones....

In one of my messages, I suggested spending some time in Nature. I would like to expand on this suggestion today.

When you are outside in Nature, you have the opportunity to breathe in Source's wonderful gift of air. Air supplies life to your body. If you can visit Nature outside of your normal city environment, you have the opportunity to breathe in a different air. The air in and near woods, lakes, parks, different bodies of water, mountains, valleys etc is in closer contact with the Elementals that watch over it.

It is not affected by exhaust, concrete, asphalt, pollution and industry. It is in its purer form. You are breathing in air that has been touched by the Elementals, whose job it is to preserve its purer qualities.

There is also a peace in Nature, a calmness that will  began to envelop you. You will soon find your mind beginning to quiet, to slow down, to take in all of Nature's beauty. As your mind slows, you will begin to go inward, you will begin to get into touch with your Inner Spirit. This will happen without your even trying to do so.

A visit such as this will counter-act the effects of your  city living. As you breathe in this pure air, you will cleanse your body of those toxins that surround you in your daily life. You will feel invigorated and renewed! Your Spirit will feel refreshed! You will gain a different perspective on your life!

I will have some more to say on this in a future post.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Solutions for Post Holiday Let Down

Hello Dear Ones......

Well, now that the holiday season is beginning to wind down, I am seeing that many of you are beginning to feel a let down. You have been so focused on "getting through" the holidays with all of the parties, shopping, preparations etc that now that they have passed, you are left feeling all of the emotions that came up.

Get togethers went better or worse than expected; you tried your best to be loving during family gatherings but sometimes that didn't seem to be enough; many of you were feeling quite stressed for a variety of reasons and that stress spilled onto others who weren't even involved in the first place and now you feel guilt and shame about that. The list can go on and on and on.

So, now what do you do? Well, may I suggest one of the things that I always do - have you guessed it? Take a few moments to pause and breathe and breathe and breathe. Perhaps take some time to be alone, to just be with yourself for a while. Go for a walk, visit a park, get out in nature. Allow yourself to "review"( if you must) for a brief period, a situation that perhaps did not go as well as you would have liked. But do not keep replaying it over and over and over.

Look at whatever emotions you felt at the time and what you may be feeling now about it. Realize that it was just another learning opportunity. Do not "beat yourself up" for whatever happened. Forgive the other person(s) if necessary and more importantly, forgive yourself.

If you felt great joy and happiness and now you are feeling let down, remember those feelings of joy, happiness and love. You can experience them again, you know. Maybe you chose to feel them this time; maybe you chose to act differently and by doing so, you created a different scenario that enabled them to come forth. Guess what? You can choose a different way the next time and the next time and the next time.....

There is always my guide for releasing the emotions - discover, acknowledge, embrace, feel, release and replace. (see the archived post for Saturday December 10, 2011 for more information on this.) And of course, do not forget to invoke the Violet Flame to transmute the discordant energies that you have released back into the Love and Light from which they were originally created.

Look for things for which you can express your gratitude. Make a list. Write it down. If you are honest while doing this, you will indeed see that there are many things for which you can be grateful.
I suggest that you begin to keep a gratitude journal and write at least five things in it on a daily basis for which you are grateful. Make that your first resolution for the new year. You may soon find that your list becomes bigger every day. You will begin to feel the gratitude within your heart as you do this.

I will start you off by saying that I AM grateful that you are taking the time to read my messages for it is by working and sharing together that we ALL move forward along our Spiritual paths.

Many blessings to all of you!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Hello Dear Ones....

Just a thought for today...

Patience is a virtue as the saying goes. Remember that almost everyone is in "holiday" mode and therefore may not be in their usual loving places.

Take a moment for a quick breath while you are waiting in line, dealing with grumpy shoppers and stressed family members.

Your patience is a gift that does not have to be purchased!

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Connecting with Child-like Innocence

Good Evening Dear Ones......

Today I would like to suggest that you get in touch with your child-like innocence.

There are many ways to do this but may I suggest a simple way? Spend some time with a small child. Watch as the child looks with awe and glee at the world around him/her.  There is no judgment - no qualifying - no thinking about how something should be. The child simply takes in the world around her.

Take your small friend to a movie and watch her eyes and expressions as the story unfolds. Bake some cookies together! Don't worry about the spilled flour, the mess on the floor, the undercooked or overcooked end products, just observe the happiness felt by her as the separate ingredients blend together and become wonderful cookies to be eaten almost as soon as they come out of the oven! Better yet, allow her to make a giant cookie, all her own of her own shape, her own design and see her delight.

Or go for a walk with him and observe what he stops to examine; the rows of bricks decorating a lawn that become a "tightrope wire" to be conquered; the small wall that becomes a mountain to be successfully climbed. The stick that becomes a sword to fight off the dragons. The puddle that is a river to be forged.

Resist the urge to "over help;" to correct; to explain why something cannot be, for in a child's eyes, anything is possible. Perhaps it would be beneficial to you to also adopt this "anything can be" attitude. Because anything is possible in your creation!

And be sure to listen to them for as it is said there is much truth to the saying"out of the mouths of babes" for there is much to be learned from the wisdom they share.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Pausing for a Moment

Hello Dear Ones....

Just a brief reminder today at this busy time of year to take a moment for yourselves to just pause, take a few deep breaths and re-center yourselves.

Remember to bring the Love and Light within you and to send it forth from yourselves to those immediately around you and throughout your world. Set your intention for this to happen, even when you are not consciously thinking about it. And it shall be done!

Have a Blessed day!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Acceptance of Others

Hello Dear Ones.....

Today I would like to talk about acceptance of others.

It is important that you learn to be accepting of others no matter where they are along their Spiritual journeys. There is no correct or incorrect way to progress along your journeys.

You may find that you will try on "many hats" so to speak during your incarnation. You may be drawn to a particular Spiritual practice for many years and then you one day find another one that resonates more with you. Indeed, this may surprise you, even cause you to question yourself as to validity of what you have been doing or what you are now finding yourself drawn to do.

Remember that no matter what you choose to do, you are following a plan that has been carefully scripted to help you learn the lessons that you have chosen for this incarnation.

What I will ask you to do is to be accepting of your fellow "classmates" as you all move forward. Sometimes, some of them, shall I say, will become "over-enthusiastic" in their thoughts and expression of their feelings toward their particular practice.

Suddenly they feel as if "they have seen the Light" and they will become so enthused about their way of proceeding that they will want you to now view their way as THE way. They may decide that it is now their mission to enlighten every one as to the proper and in their eyes "the only and best" way to move forward.

Know that the "best way" to move forward is the way that resonates within YOUR own heart. What I suggest that you do in this type of situation is to send them Love and Light from within your heart. Do not engage in a debate with them or else you risk falling into the same type of behavior as they are exhibiting.

You may of course thank them for their concern but lovingly tell them that you have found a practice that works for you and that you are glad that they have found one that works for them.

For as a friend used to say to Mary Ann, "There are many paths that you can follow to get to Boston - you can drive, you can fly, you can take a boat, you can even walk. No matter which way you choose, you will eventually get there."

And so it is with your Spiritual journeys!

Happy travels to you and many blessings along your way!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Listening with Love

Hello Dear Ones,

At this time of year when so many of you are so busy, it is important for all of you to step back for a moment to breathe and to center yourselves. You may often find yourselves in conversations in which individuals are "sounding off" about the holidays, traffic, crowds, salespersons, their relatives, etc.

Instead of getting caught up in their stories, why not try a different approach? Listen to and send them love as they are speaking. They will feel the effect of this action. By not engaging with them, you will deflate their bubble of discordant energies. Remember that like energy attracts like energy.

If you add your discordant energy to theirs, you will then have a much larger ball of discordant energy that will attract even more discordant energy and will affect individuals on an exponential level. Listening with love and using the Violet Flame to transmute the energies will benefit not only the two of you who are engaging in the conversation, but the many who are around you.

And while you are sending love, how about adding a smile? A simple smile can often convey more than an excess of words could ever do.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Following Up on an Idea

Hello Dear Ones.....

Have you ever had an idea pop into your head and had no idea where it came from? Thought about it for a few minutes, then blew it off figuring there was no possible way that it could ever work? Did you ever stop for a moment to consider that the idea may have been a gift from Source through your Higher Self?

Next time this happens, write down your idea and give it a few moments of serious contemplation. Go inside yourself and see if you receive an more information. Approach this exercise from a place of non-judgment and be open to whatever information you receive.

You may be pleasantly surprised! If it is indeed something that you have been inspired to do, you will find that follow-up ideas will smoothly and easily flow. Everything will begin to fall into place, like the pieces of a puzzle do to form a picture. You will be amazed at the simplicity of the process.

Blessings to All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Hello Dear Ones....

Today I wish to speak with you about dreams.

Sometimes when you are working on yourselves there are some facets of your lessons that you consciously do not wish to look at for various reasons. Your Soul will help you at these times by sending you a message or hint through your dreams.

You may have a recurring dream, a recurring theme in a dream, or a dream from which you awaken with a start. I suggest that before you retire at night that you ask your Guides and your Higher Self to help you remember any dreams that contain elements of lessons that you working on. Keep a pen and paper or a recorder next to your bed and immediately upon awaking record whatever you remember. You may have no idea what the meaning of your message is at that time, but it will become clear to you at a later time.

You can spend some time in quiet meditation or contemplation, going within and asking for the meaning of the message(s) you have received. If you are ready to work with the message, you will receive insight. But do not be discouraged if you receive nothing at this time. When you are ready and willing and perhaps when you least expect it, something will "trigger" you and you will have the answer that you seek.

Is it not amazing how You All have planned your incarnations upon the earth in order to receive and learn your lessons?

Sweet dreams!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Lightening Things Up

Hello Dear Ones...

This past week I have been speaking about some pretty intensive subjects. Today, I want you to take a bit of a break to think about some lighter subjects.

Spend some time just day-dreaming. Dream about what you would be doing if there were no obstacles in your way. If money was not an object, working was not necessary, bill paying was a very low, low priority and what causes you concern was just not important.

Where might you travel? What would you do? What type of business might you create? Whom would you visit? How would your life change? Or would it change at all?

Take a few moments to write down your answers. Feel all of the "lighter" emotions connected with your dreams - joy, bliss, happiness, peace, contentment, excitement! Really feel these emotions within your heart. Allow your heart to be filled and to expand with them.

See your heart expanding outward, further and further. See all of the Love and Light within your heart expanding beyond its physical boundaries.  See it going forth into your room, onto those around you, your friends, your family, your town, your state, your country and beyond, the world, the universe, the multi-verse and don't forget to share it with Mother Earth! Linger in the Love and the Light for as long as you wish.

Cement these feelings into all of the cells of your body. Feel them healing and recharging each cell and know that at any time, you can recall and feel these emotions by quieting your mind and going within.

Then, you might want to review your lists and see if there are any elements of your dreams that you can start to utilize right now. Do not be afraid to think big and to think outside-of-the-box! You have no limits! All is possible! Many are here to help you! Call upon them - they are just waiting to be summoned! Listen to the inner guidance that you are receiving, for after all, it is Divine Inspiration.

Blessings to all!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Courage to Move Forward

Hello Again Dear Ones.....

I hope that you have had a chance to read yesterday's blog in which I gave you a guide to use for releasing emotions. Today I had the opportunity to watch several of you test it out.

I gave it to you because I heard so many of you wishing that there was a simple format to follow to make the releasing a little easier. Know that the format is simple but the work may be challenging for some of you. That is because you are getting down to the "nitty gritty" of your releasing work.

Do not be surprised if this work brings up even more emotions than you had originally planned to work with at the time you began using it. Many times the emotions are piggy-backed. Where there is fear, there may be anger and resentment. Where there is depression, there may be despair and hopelessness. And so on.

You may feel a very strong urge to discontinue the work but please continue onward, for it is through the facing and releasing of these "core" emotions that you will take your greatest steps, no leaps forward. These will be the ones that are underlying the other ones, the ones below the surface. You may not even be aware of the root ones until you begin this work.

Feel all of the emotions that arise! And do not be afraid that you will offend me if you briefly mention my name in shall we say an "unflattering" way. I will not take offense, as I know that you are truly doing your work and truly feeling your emotions.

This might be a good time to work with some others with whom you have a trusting relationship. Choose someone who will "push your limits" by continually asking " What are you feeling?" "What's really behind that emotion?"Could it be that you are feeling this...or are afraid of that...... or what is the worst that can happen if you do feel that?  It is not necessary to know the story behind the emotion but rather it is more important to acknowledge and to feel it so you that can release it and replace it with Love and Light from Spirit.

My Beloved have come so far and done such hard work! Please do not stop just as you are about to jump over the few remaining hurdles. I will be here for you, as are your guides, those from other realms and other dimensions and of course, Source.

We are waiting to welcome you to the "new you" and to celebrate with you as you step into your power and in to the true you that you incarnated upon the earth to be.

Please accept our help and our blessings! We are truly so excited and so happy for you!


I Am Andre St Germain

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Guide for Releasing Emotions

Good Evening Dear Ones.....

Today I would like to give you an outline that you can use for releasing emotions.

Feel free to modify it in any way that works for you.

Discover - by using intuition, contemplation or meditation an emotion that no longer serves you

Acknowledge - give it "credibility", recognize that it is residing within you and has been a part of you - it is neither good nor bad, it simply just "is"

Embrace - claim it as having been a tool to aid you in learning a lesson not something that defines you

Feel - feel the emotion and all that is connected with it within you but don't linger in that space

Release - release it with love and gratitude for helping you to move further along in your Spiritual journey

Replace - fill the "space" that the emotion occupied with Love and Light

Blessings to All of you as you continue along your Spiritual journeys!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Releasing Judgement of Self

Good Evening Dear Ones.....

Tonight I would like to discuss judgement of self. This is one of the most self-destructive actions that you can impose upon yourselves. When you judge yourself, you are denying the presence of Source within you. You are saying that you are not ok. And yet, how can someone who has the Essence of Source within them not be ok?

I can hear some of you saying "But I am too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, too old, too smart, too gray, too dumb, too smart...and so on." And your point is? All of those descriptions are describing an outer shell that is used to house your Essence. Your appearance and your comments about yourselves are simply tools that you are using to bring up emotions and discordant energies that you wish to release in this lifetime.

Know that in other lifetimes, you were and looked the opposite of the terms that you use to describe these days. And yes, in those lifetimes you also judged yourselves! Now is the time, to release your self-judgement. Now is the time to love yourself completely and wholly for who you are and that is the Essence of Source!

I have several exercises that you can use to practice releasing judgement. The first is to stand and look in the mirror, look yourselves in the eyes and proclaim "I love you" over and over and over till you start to believe it. And then, do it some more until you feel the love that you have for yourself within your heart. This may take a while for you to accomplish but I promise that you will feel it within your heart if you continue this practice.

The other exercise you can practice is to write yourself a love letter using only positive words and positive attributes. I know that some of you are saying "You have got to be kidding!" "I can't do that." It is not that you cannot do it; you may not want to do it because you may still be harboring feelings of unworthiness. You may only be able to write a few words. That is ok. You will get to the place that you will be writing paragraphs!

As you begin to truly love yourselves for your true Essences, your judgmental feelings will begin to fall away. Use the Violet Flame to help you with these exercises.

I promise you that with continued practice, you will experience an absolutely amazing transformation!

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Releasing Emotions - Depression

Hello Dear Ones......

Today I would like to help you with releasing depression. Undoubtedly, each of you at some time throughout your journeys has experienced depression. It is often the result of having experienced one of the other emotions that I have already discussed to a very large extent and not having known how to release it, in order to allow more Light to shine in to illuminate the "dark" areas caused by the veil.

Depression can cause some very serious consequences if allowed to flourish. You can sink from depression into hopelessness and despair. You will then find yourselves in a position that will take much effort and even some times additionally, some assistance from an illumined individual to help you see the Light again.

One way to keep from experiencing the depths of despair is to continue your commitment to your daily Spiritual practice. If you do this, you will experience a connection to your Higher Self and to Source, which brings you much joy and bliss. You will become accustomed to these feelings and you will know when all does not seem well with you as soon as it begins.

If your current lessons are providing you with events that cause you to lessen this connection and to question your whole Spiritual outlook, I would challenge you to "flip" your thinking. For example, if all that you see in your life is lack, then I would ask you to look for the abundance that you have and you all have abundance. It may not seem that way at times but it is always  true.

When you pay your monthly obligations, try paying them with a grateful heart.

Instead of, "Gosh I really dislike having to pay the electric company", how about saying "I am thankful that I am able to pay the electric company so that I have power to run my lights, computers, stoves, refrigerators etc." "Wow, the oil companies are really ripping us off with the amount that they are charging for gas to run our cars."  How about, "I am thankful that I am able to place gas within my car." Even more basic, "I am thankful that I have a car."

I hope that you are getting the idea. Work on turning your depression into gratitude. You will feel Lighter and you will find yourselves being "raised up" instead of falling deeper into the depths. If this seems difficult to do, enlist the aid of an illumined friend who will help you to recognize these facts.

Talking to someone who is "down" there where you are will only take both of you down to lower depths, as your "down" energy will expand and become larger. You must stop this energy from expanding and swallowing you.

Do not forget to invoke the Violet Flame as you release this depression that no longer serves you.

I am sending All of you special blessings to accomplish this most important work.

I Am Andre St Germain

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Releasing Emotions - Powerlessness and Frustration

Hello Dear Ones......

This evening I would like to discuss releasing several emotions that many of you are feeling - powerlessness and frustration. These emotions go hand in hand and are very prevalent today because of the current upheaval that is occurring within your world. Many of you are feeling very frustrated that change is not happening at a faster rate in your lives or that what you are doing does not seem to have an impact or be enough.

It is more difficult to obtain jobs; your expenses are rising while incomes are decreasing; your government representatives seem less inclined to act for the will of the people and more for their own interests. Many  are wondering if indeed the changes that have been promised for your planet are ever going to occur. You feel that you are doing all that you know how to do - and yet that does not seem to make a difference.

Those of you who are working on releasing these emotions may be experiencing feelings of dis-ease, discomfort and even disease around your middle, stomach and intestinal areas, in the area of the 3rd chakra - your power center. I know that some days you are even questioning the value of continuing along your Spiritual paths because you just don't feel that you are having any sort of impact with the work that you are doing so why bother.

Know that any Spiritual work that you do does indeed affect your life, the lives of those around you and your planet. So, how do you release these emotions?

Well, if you have been following my blog, you know what is coming next. I am going to recommend that you pause for a bit, BREATHE, and connect to your Higher Selves and to Source. Note what parts of your bodies feel the discomfort and distress or dis-ease when you are feeling powerless and frustrated.

Acknowledge these emotions, feel them, and release them. Do the releasing by bringing the Light and Love into your bodies, especially to the affected areas. As the Light continues to flow through you, you will notice that the effect of these emotions will lessen and they will start to dissolve. As with the other emotions that you have been releasing, there may be many layers of these within your bodies. And they might also be located in other areas of your body.

As you become accustomed to the flow of Love and Light throughout your bodies, you will more quickly be able to notice where the Light and Love do not flow as easily. Concentrate on bringing  the Light into these areas and I promise you that the discordant energies of these emotions will begin to dissipate and you will feel and become Lighter.

Thank those persons who are acting in such a manner as to cause these feelings to arise for helping you to become more aware of just what you need to release.

You hold the Power to your lives! Do not continue to give it away to others! Live your lives the way that you wish to, the way that resonates with your hearts. For it is by living from your hearts, your truth and your love that you will make your Ascension and you will help others to do so also.

Many blessings to All of you as you continue bravely going forward with your journeys!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Releasing Emotions - Fear

Good Evening Dear Ones........

Today I would like to continue my discussion on releasing emotions and speak about fear.

Fear can be a very destructive and paralyzing emotion. Undoubtedly, you have heard the expression "frozen with fear." If you allow fear to control your lives, you may find that it will soon be difficult to take any kind of action at all. The fear becomes embedded within your cells and will cause a physical and cellular reaction when it is triggered. Living with constant fear is one of the quickest actions that will cause dis-ease and disease to flourish within your bodies, as it affects physical processes throughout the body.

Often times, fear occurs because you feel that you are no longer in control. You are used to "having all of your ducks in a row" and suddenly you find that they are all over the pond or worse yet, have even left the pond!

Or especially in these times, you may be dealing with your fear of survival. That is very prevalent in your society now as the old paradigm begins to fade away in order for the new one to emerge. So, now what do you do?

You take a moment to pause, BREATHE and center yourselves. (Do you see a pattern here on dealing with the release of emotions :-) ?) You must first re-establish your active connection to Source and to your Higher Self, in order to gain insight into what is occurring within your lives. You may wish to journal about your lives and see if you notice patterns that begin to emerge around a common theme ( for example, you may discover that you slip into fear mode when you have to deal with someone who is in a position of authority over you. This pattern could have begun back in your early childhood with your parents or other authority figures.)

Many times fear goes hand-in-hand with feeling powerless. You may have even brought your fear issues karmically into this lifetime. This is especially true if you can trace your first encounter with fear back to your young childhood years. You chose your parents and/or other authority figures before you incarnated because you knew that they would be perfect to help you with this lesson. So, remember that they played the roles that you asked them to and remember to thank them for having done this.

Own the fear that you have. No one can cause you to be fearful - the fear is your emotion; they can only provide the means by their actions to have your fear become known to you so that you can release it.

The important thing to remember is that once you become aware of these fear patterns and the lessons they are helping you to learn, you can release them. As always, you can invoke the Violet Flame to help transmute your fear into Love. As your veils thin and dissolve, you will re-awaken to the fact that you are always connected to Source; that Source is Love, is always there for you and provides you with endless abundance.

As you begin to live more from the Love that is within you, you will see your fear lessen, for Love and fear cannot co-exist.

Blessings to All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Releasing Emotions - Anger

Good Evening Dear Ones.....

Today I would like to talk about the importance of releasing "trapped" emotions with your bodies - the first one is anger.

Anger that is held within is so destructive to you on so many levels. It will cause dis-ease within your cells, that will eventually lead to disease. It can add layers to the veils that are already clouding your vision of your connection to Source.  And since you are working so diligently to eliminate these layers, you will want to do all that you can to continue doing so.

In order to release the anger, you must first find and acknowledge it. That means that you will want to discover where it is located within your body. Is that "pain in your neck" or "pain in your butt" actually anger that you are feeling and holding against someone? Maybe even yourself? This pain could also be felt within your shoulders, your back, even your kidney area.

You must look and feel below the surface for the real cause of the anger. There could be an additional emotion connected to it - powerlessness, fear, unworthiness. More than likely, you have experienced this anger before in similar lessons to the one(s) you are presently working on. There is indeed  a beauty to your Soul's willingness and determination to help you learn your lessons, though you may not see it in the moment.

You will keep experiencing situations that cause the anger to arise within you in order for you to discover and release it. Would it not be better to find the root cause of the lesson, realize it, feel it and then release it? There may be layers to the anger that you are holding, but once you begin releasing them, the veils begin to thin. You will notice that you will more quickly become aware of anger that you are feeling and you will be able to deal with it before it causes further damage or a regression or temporary stagnation in your journey.

The next time you are feeling angry, take a moment to pause and take a few deep breaths. Bring the Light of Spirit within you to help you discover the anger; feel it; release it and then use the Violet Flame to transmute it into Love and Light. As you bring more Light within you, you will begin to heal and rejuvenate the cells within your body that have been affected by your anger. All of your bodies - physical, etheric,  cellular, emotional and mental will be affected and will feel the healing!

Be sure to call upon your Guides and Angels to help you with this process. They are very willing to be of assistance.

Blessings to All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Self Care During Holidays

Hello Again Dear Ones.....

Ah, this is such a busy time of year for so many of you! You are running here and there, trying to find the best bargains, making sure that party plans are made. cards sent etc. But what about you? Are you taking the best care of yourself that you can while you are taking care of every one and every thing else?

You will recall that I have suggested that you all have a daily Spiritual practice. This is what helps to keep you centered and connected to Source. This is especially important at this time of year. Emotions have a way of bubbling to the surface during holidays. This is especially true when you are bombarded by the media as to the importance of family during this time of year.

Thinking of family does not bring forth happy memories for many of you. If you do not have a way to deal with these unhappy memories, you can run the risk of losing your "center" and having even more unpleasant emotions arise, thus causing a vicious circle to ensue.

Please take a few moments every day to just "be" with yourselves. You may do this through prayer, meditation, chanting, a hot soak in the tub - whatever works best for you. If you find yourselves out in stores or malls with energies that feel overwhelming, find a quiet place within the mall, perhaps a rest area, where you can "regroup." Do not allow yourselves to become "swallowed up" by these energies. You can always invoke the Violet Flame to help you transmute these energies. Call in Archangel Michael and his angels to help you with the crowds and with traffic.

If you are easily affected by discordant energies, plan your days and shopping trips in such a manner as to minimize your contact with them. Make yourselves and your continued connection with Source your number one priority, and all else will more easily and more smoothly fall into place.

Blessings to All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Learning to Say No

Hello Dear Ones.....

Mary Ann received the following quotation in an email last week:

"It's a huge Step to SAY NO from your heart with integrity rather than Saying YES from your EGO because you feel obligated. Integrity is Good to practice, because it teaches you about your own energy field. Re-mind yourself when you make a choice, that 'I will Act with Loving Integrity' ".  Ben-Arion

I know that  many of you have found yourselves in situations that present you with the opportunity to feel and act one way about an event and yet when you wish to act in one manner, you will often choose another way. Perhaps, you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings - but what about your own feelings? Or you don't want the other person to think of you in an unflattering way - and yet, how do you wind up feeling about yourself when you make a choice that is one that you do not what you really want? 

Do you then begin to judge yourself for not acting as you wish, too? Do you subtlely (or not so subtlely)  become angry with the person invloved in the decision because you are acting in a way that you really do not want to? Often, that person will have no idea that you are upset with them until the discordant feelings burst forth upon the scene. And then they wonder why you are upset with them, when in fact you are really upset with yourself. I could go on and on about the many feelings that could arise.

I am sure that you who are or have been parents can especially resonate with this. Know that while your intentions may be for what you consider the best, your actions may prohibit or delay a growth opportunity for all concerned. You do not have the opportunity to be true to yourself and they do not have the opportunity to perhaps choose a different course of action that may be exactly what they need to do. Consequently, you both will then create another situation in which you will have the chance to make those different decisions. And sometimes these opportunities will be on a much grander scale that you may wish them to be.

I will suggest that when faced with a major decision, take some time to connect that feeling that is within your heart. Give it some thought, but do not "overthink" it. This will also work if you have made a decision that was done out of obligation rather than from the heart and now you need to change it. Always come from your heart and then do as Ben-Arion suggests and "Act with Loving Integrity."

Blessings to You All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Friday, December 2, 2011


Hi...Mary Ann here.... St Germain now has a Facebook Page.....

Please check it out and click the like box.


PS We are using a "modernistic" violet flame picture created by Marianne Somers.
Thanks, Marianne.

Giving Thanks

Good Evening Dear Ones....

In these days when so much is occurring in your lives, I invite you to take a few moments to find some things for which you are grateful. Often times, I hear many of you speaking about all that is not well within your lives. And with the many challenging lessons that you have presented to yourselves, it is easy to fall into this situation.

A few brief moments of contemplation will allow you to discover that you do indeed have many things for which to give thanks - a warm place in which to live, food for your meals, hot and cold water within your homes, a car, your health, friends, electricity, fresh water too drink, a computer to use to read my messages, phones on which to text and to make calls, clothes, your pets and so on.

These are things that can easily be taken for granted yet just how challenging would your lives be without them? How often do you pause to be thankful for their being in your lives? If you take a moment to assess your lives, you may discover that what you do have far outweighs what you perceive you lack.

There is a never ending abundance present in your lives! Remember to thank Source for all of the gifts that are in your lives and you will soon find that you will have even more things to be thankful for.

Blessings to All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Thursday, December 1, 2011


Hello Dear Ones.....

Friendship is one of the greatest gifts to be treasured in your lives during these times of rapid growth and frequent energy changes.  A friend who lives from the heart energy within will not judge and will accept you unconditionally thereby serving as a great soundingboard as you "try on" the new you that is emerging.

A true friendship is a gift to be cherished and cultivated. Often times, however, a true friend is taken for granted, as he/she becomes an expectation. By that, I mean, you can fall into the habit of just "expecting" a friend to be available, to do whatever you wish to do, to say what you want to hear, to be on your side  no matter what is happening, to be there when you call, to drop everything they are doing to help you.

How often have you stopped lately to really listen to your friends? How many times have you been in the process of responding to them almost just as soon as they begin to speak, so much so, that you have missed what they are actually saying? How often have you been a "soundingboard" for them, "putting on the backburner" what you may have had in mind so that you could be there for them?

I invite you to take a break to examine the current state of your friendships. Perhaps, just take a moment to call one or email one of your friends to simply say " I appreciate that you are in my life and I thank you for being there for me. How can I be of service to you today?" The shift within the energy of your relationship as you do this may surprise you. As one of your old advertising slogans said "Try it, you'll like it."

Blessings to All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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