Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Releasing Emotions - Powerlessness and Frustration

Hello Dear Ones......

This evening I would like to discuss releasing several emotions that many of you are feeling - powerlessness and frustration. These emotions go hand in hand and are very prevalent today because of the current upheaval that is occurring within your world. Many of you are feeling very frustrated that change is not happening at a faster rate in your lives or that what you are doing does not seem to have an impact or be enough.

It is more difficult to obtain jobs; your expenses are rising while incomes are decreasing; your government representatives seem less inclined to act for the will of the people and more for their own interests. Many  are wondering if indeed the changes that have been promised for your planet are ever going to occur. You feel that you are doing all that you know how to do - and yet that does not seem to make a difference.

Those of you who are working on releasing these emotions may be experiencing feelings of dis-ease, discomfort and even disease around your middle, stomach and intestinal areas, in the area of the 3rd chakra - your power center. I know that some days you are even questioning the value of continuing along your Spiritual paths because you just don't feel that you are having any sort of impact with the work that you are doing so why bother.

Know that any Spiritual work that you do does indeed affect your life, the lives of those around you and your planet. So, how do you release these emotions?

Well, if you have been following my blog, you know what is coming next. I am going to recommend that you pause for a bit, BREATHE, and connect to your Higher Selves and to Source. Note what parts of your bodies feel the discomfort and distress or dis-ease when you are feeling powerless and frustrated.

Acknowledge these emotions, feel them, and release them. Do the releasing by bringing the Light and Love into your bodies, especially to the affected areas. As the Light continues to flow through you, you will notice that the effect of these emotions will lessen and they will start to dissolve. As with the other emotions that you have been releasing, there may be many layers of these within your bodies. And they might also be located in other areas of your body.

As you become accustomed to the flow of Love and Light throughout your bodies, you will more quickly be able to notice where the Light and Love do not flow as easily. Concentrate on bringing  the Light into these areas and I promise you that the discordant energies of these emotions will begin to dissipate and you will feel and become Lighter.

Thank those persons who are acting in such a manner as to cause these feelings to arise for helping you to become more aware of just what you need to release.

You hold the Power to your lives! Do not continue to give it away to others! Live your lives the way that you wish to, the way that resonates with your hearts. For it is by living from your hearts, your truth and your love that you will make your Ascension and you will help others to do so also.

Many blessings to All of you as you continue bravely going forward with your journeys!

I Am Andre St Germain

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