Sunday, December 4, 2011

Learning to Say No

Hello Dear Ones.....

Mary Ann received the following quotation in an email last week:

"It's a huge Step to SAY NO from your heart with integrity rather than Saying YES from your EGO because you feel obligated. Integrity is Good to practice, because it teaches you about your own energy field. Re-mind yourself when you make a choice, that 'I will Act with Loving Integrity' ".  Ben-Arion

I know that  many of you have found yourselves in situations that present you with the opportunity to feel and act one way about an event and yet when you wish to act in one manner, you will often choose another way. Perhaps, you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings - but what about your own feelings? Or you don't want the other person to think of you in an unflattering way - and yet, how do you wind up feeling about yourself when you make a choice that is one that you do not what you really want? 

Do you then begin to judge yourself for not acting as you wish, too? Do you subtlely (or not so subtlely)  become angry with the person invloved in the decision because you are acting in a way that you really do not want to? Often, that person will have no idea that you are upset with them until the discordant feelings burst forth upon the scene. And then they wonder why you are upset with them, when in fact you are really upset with yourself. I could go on and on about the many feelings that could arise.

I am sure that you who are or have been parents can especially resonate with this. Know that while your intentions may be for what you consider the best, your actions may prohibit or delay a growth opportunity for all concerned. You do not have the opportunity to be true to yourself and they do not have the opportunity to perhaps choose a different course of action that may be exactly what they need to do. Consequently, you both will then create another situation in which you will have the chance to make those different decisions. And sometimes these opportunities will be on a much grander scale that you may wish them to be.

I will suggest that when faced with a major decision, take some time to connect that feeling that is within your heart. Give it some thought, but do not "overthink" it. This will also work if you have made a decision that was done out of obligation rather than from the heart and now you need to change it. Always come from your heart and then do as Ben-Arion suggests and "Act with Loving Integrity."

Blessings to You All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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