Hello Dear Ones....
Earlier I spoke of spending time in Nature and enjoying the fresh, pure air. Today, I would like to give you some more information about the importance of connecting with Nature.
In Nature, you also find the plant and animal kingdoms. It is important that you remember that there is Oneness throughout the Universe and Multi-verse and we are all connected to one another.
The plants and animals play important roles in your lives. They contribute to the overall energies of your planet by contributing food and service to you. When you are walking in Nature, be sure and thank them for being such an important part of Mother Earth's eco-system without which you would not be able to sustain your lives.
Take a moment to pause and connect with them. Be still and hear a message that they may wish to give you. Admire their beauty. Know that at their very core is also the spark of Divine Essence that is within all of you. They are composed of atoms and molecules just as you are, only arranged differently. They have frequencies and vibrate just as you do, just at different levels.
They deserve to be honored, revered and loved just as much as you do for their roles in the Creation.
There is much you can learn from them if only you pause and take the time to do so when you visit Nature. Please do that the next time you are with them. You will not be disappointed!
Blessings to All of you!
I AM Andre St Germain
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