Monday, December 26, 2011

Solutions for Post Holiday Let Down

Hello Dear Ones......

Well, now that the holiday season is beginning to wind down, I am seeing that many of you are beginning to feel a let down. You have been so focused on "getting through" the holidays with all of the parties, shopping, preparations etc that now that they have passed, you are left feeling all of the emotions that came up.

Get togethers went better or worse than expected; you tried your best to be loving during family gatherings but sometimes that didn't seem to be enough; many of you were feeling quite stressed for a variety of reasons and that stress spilled onto others who weren't even involved in the first place and now you feel guilt and shame about that. The list can go on and on and on.

So, now what do you do? Well, may I suggest one of the things that I always do - have you guessed it? Take a few moments to pause and breathe and breathe and breathe. Perhaps take some time to be alone, to just be with yourself for a while. Go for a walk, visit a park, get out in nature. Allow yourself to "review"( if you must) for a brief period, a situation that perhaps did not go as well as you would have liked. But do not keep replaying it over and over and over.

Look at whatever emotions you felt at the time and what you may be feeling now about it. Realize that it was just another learning opportunity. Do not "beat yourself up" for whatever happened. Forgive the other person(s) if necessary and more importantly, forgive yourself.

If you felt great joy and happiness and now you are feeling let down, remember those feelings of joy, happiness and love. You can experience them again, you know. Maybe you chose to feel them this time; maybe you chose to act differently and by doing so, you created a different scenario that enabled them to come forth. Guess what? You can choose a different way the next time and the next time and the next time.....

There is always my guide for releasing the emotions - discover, acknowledge, embrace, feel, release and replace. (see the archived post for Saturday December 10, 2011 for more information on this.) And of course, do not forget to invoke the Violet Flame to transmute the discordant energies that you have released back into the Love and Light from which they were originally created.

Look for things for which you can express your gratitude. Make a list. Write it down. If you are honest while doing this, you will indeed see that there are many things for which you can be grateful.
I suggest that you begin to keep a gratitude journal and write at least five things in it on a daily basis for which you are grateful. Make that your first resolution for the new year. You may soon find that your list becomes bigger every day. You will begin to feel the gratitude within your heart as you do this.

I will start you off by saying that I AM grateful that you are taking the time to read my messages for it is by working and sharing together that we ALL move forward along our Spiritual paths.

Many blessings to all of you!

I AM Andre St Germain

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