Hello Dear Ones......
Today I would like to help you with releasing depression. Undoubtedly, each of you at some time throughout your journeys has experienced depression. It is often the result of having experienced one of the other emotions that I have already discussed to a very large extent and not having known how to release it, in order to allow more Light to shine in to illuminate the "dark" areas caused by the veil.
Depression can cause some very serious consequences if allowed to flourish. You can sink from depression into hopelessness and despair. You will then find yourselves in a position that will take much effort and even some times additionally, some assistance from an illumined individual to help you see the Light again.
One way to keep from experiencing the depths of despair is to continue your commitment to your daily Spiritual practice. If you do this, you will experience a connection to your Higher Self and to Source, which brings you much joy and bliss. You will become accustomed to these feelings and you will know when all does not seem well with you as soon as it begins.
If your current lessons are providing you with events that cause you to lessen this connection and to question your whole Spiritual outlook, I would challenge you to "flip" your thinking. For example, if all that you see in your life is lack, then I would ask you to look for the abundance that you have and you all have abundance. It may not seem that way at times but it is always true.
When you pay your monthly obligations, try paying them with a grateful heart.
Instead of, "Gosh I really dislike having to pay the electric company", how about saying "I am thankful that I am able to pay the electric company so that I have power to run my lights, computers, stoves, refrigerators etc." "Wow, the oil companies are really ripping us off with the amount that they are charging for gas to run our cars." How about, "I am thankful that I am able to place gas within my car." Even more basic, "I am thankful that I have a car."
I hope that you are getting the idea. Work on turning your depression into gratitude. You will feel Lighter and you will find yourselves being "raised up" instead of falling deeper into the depths. If this seems difficult to do, enlist the aid of an illumined friend who will help you to recognize these facts.
Talking to someone who is "down" there where you are will only take both of you down to lower depths, as your "down" energy will expand and become larger. You must stop this energy from expanding and swallowing you.
Do not forget to invoke the Violet Flame as you release this depression that no longer serves you.
I am sending All of you special blessings to accomplish this most important work.
I Am Andre St Germain
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