Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Spending Time in Nature

Hello Dear Ones....

In one of my messages, I suggested spending some time in Nature. I would like to expand on this suggestion today.

When you are outside in Nature, you have the opportunity to breathe in Source's wonderful gift of air. Air supplies life to your body. If you can visit Nature outside of your normal city environment, you have the opportunity to breathe in a different air. The air in and near woods, lakes, parks, different bodies of water, mountains, valleys etc is in closer contact with the Elementals that watch over it.

It is not affected by exhaust, concrete, asphalt, pollution and industry. It is in its purer form. You are breathing in air that has been touched by the Elementals, whose job it is to preserve its purer qualities.

There is also a peace in Nature, a calmness that will  began to envelop you. You will soon find your mind beginning to quiet, to slow down, to take in all of Nature's beauty. As your mind slows, you will begin to go inward, you will begin to get into touch with your Inner Spirit. This will happen without your even trying to do so.

A visit such as this will counter-act the effects of your  city living. As you breathe in this pure air, you will cleanse your body of those toxins that surround you in your daily life. You will feel invigorated and renewed! Your Spirit will feel refreshed! You will gain a different perspective on your life!

I will have some more to say on this in a future post.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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