Good Evening Dear Ones......
Today I would like to suggest that you get in touch with your child-like innocence.
There are many ways to do this but may I suggest a simple way? Spend some time with a small child. Watch as the child looks with awe and glee at the world around him/her. There is no judgment - no qualifying - no thinking about how something should be. The child simply takes in the world around her.
Take your small friend to a movie and watch her eyes and expressions as the story unfolds. Bake some cookies together! Don't worry about the spilled flour, the mess on the floor, the undercooked or overcooked end products, just observe the happiness felt by her as the separate ingredients blend together and become wonderful cookies to be eaten almost as soon as they come out of the oven! Better yet, allow her to make a giant cookie, all her own of her own shape, her own design and see her delight.
Or go for a walk with him and observe what he stops to examine; the rows of bricks decorating a lawn that become a "tightrope wire" to be conquered; the small wall that becomes a mountain to be successfully climbed. The stick that becomes a sword to fight off the dragons. The puddle that is a river to be forged.
Resist the urge to "over help;" to correct; to explain why something cannot be, for in a child's eyes, anything is possible. Perhaps it would be beneficial to you to also adopt this "anything can be" attitude. Because anything is possible in your creation!
And be sure to listen to them for as it is said there is much truth to the saying"out of the mouths of babes" for there is much to be learned from the wisdom they share.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
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