Hello Again Dear Ones.....
I hope that you have had a chance to read yesterday's blog in which I gave you a guide to use for releasing emotions. Today I had the opportunity to watch several of you test it out.
I gave it to you because I heard so many of you wishing that there was a simple format to follow to make the releasing a little easier. Know that the format is simple but the work may be challenging for some of you. That is because you are getting down to the "nitty gritty" of your releasing work.
Do not be surprised if this work brings up even more emotions than you had originally planned to work with at the time you began using it. Many times the emotions are piggy-backed. Where there is fear, there may be anger and resentment. Where there is depression, there may be despair and hopelessness. And so on.
You may feel a very strong urge to discontinue the work but please continue onward, for it is through the facing and releasing of these "core" emotions that you will take your greatest steps, no leaps forward. These will be the ones that are underlying the other ones, the ones below the surface. You may not even be aware of the root ones until you begin this work.
Feel all of the emotions that arise! And do not be afraid that you will offend me if you briefly mention my name in shall we say an "unflattering" way. I will not take offense, as I know that you are truly doing your work and truly feeling your emotions.
This might be a good time to work with some others with whom you have a trusting relationship. Choose someone who will "push your limits" by continually asking " What are you feeling?" "What's really behind that emotion?"Could it be that you are feeling this...or are afraid of that...... or what is the worst that can happen if you do feel that? It is not necessary to know the story behind the emotion but rather it is more important to acknowledge and to feel it so you that can release it and replace it with Love and Light from Spirit.
My Beloved Ones.....you have come so far and done such hard work! Please do not stop just as you are about to jump over the few remaining hurdles. I will be here for you, as are your guides, those from other realms and other dimensions and of course, Source.
We are waiting to welcome you to the "new you" and to celebrate with you as you step into your power and in to the true you that you incarnated upon the earth to be.
Please accept our help and our blessings! We are truly so excited and so happy for you!
I Am Andre St Germain
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