Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hello Dear Ones....

Today I wish to speak with you about dreams.

Sometimes when you are working on yourselves there are some facets of your lessons that you consciously do not wish to look at for various reasons. Your Soul will help you at these times by sending you a message or hint through your dreams.

You may have a recurring dream, a recurring theme in a dream, or a dream from which you awaken with a start. I suggest that before you retire at night that you ask your Guides and your Higher Self to help you remember any dreams that contain elements of lessons that you working on. Keep a pen and paper or a recorder next to your bed and immediately upon awaking record whatever you remember. You may have no idea what the meaning of your message is at that time, but it will become clear to you at a later time.

You can spend some time in quiet meditation or contemplation, going within and asking for the meaning of the message(s) you have received. If you are ready to work with the message, you will receive insight. But do not be discouraged if you receive nothing at this time. When you are ready and willing and perhaps when you least expect it, something will "trigger" you and you will have the answer that you seek.

Is it not amazing how You All have planned your incarnations upon the earth in order to receive and learn your lessons?

Sweet dreams!

I Am Andre St Germain

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