Friday, December 9, 2011

Releasing Judgement of Self

Good Evening Dear Ones.....

Tonight I would like to discuss judgement of self. This is one of the most self-destructive actions that you can impose upon yourselves. When you judge yourself, you are denying the presence of Source within you. You are saying that you are not ok. And yet, how can someone who has the Essence of Source within them not be ok?

I can hear some of you saying "But I am too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, too old, too smart, too gray, too dumb, too smart...and so on." And your point is? All of those descriptions are describing an outer shell that is used to house your Essence. Your appearance and your comments about yourselves are simply tools that you are using to bring up emotions and discordant energies that you wish to release in this lifetime.

Know that in other lifetimes, you were and looked the opposite of the terms that you use to describe these days. And yes, in those lifetimes you also judged yourselves! Now is the time, to release your self-judgement. Now is the time to love yourself completely and wholly for who you are and that is the Essence of Source!

I have several exercises that you can use to practice releasing judgement. The first is to stand and look in the mirror, look yourselves in the eyes and proclaim "I love you" over and over and over till you start to believe it. And then, do it some more until you feel the love that you have for yourself within your heart. This may take a while for you to accomplish but I promise that you will feel it within your heart if you continue this practice.

The other exercise you can practice is to write yourself a love letter using only positive words and positive attributes. I know that some of you are saying "You have got to be kidding!" "I can't do that." It is not that you cannot do it; you may not want to do it because you may still be harboring feelings of unworthiness. You may only be able to write a few words. That is ok. You will get to the place that you will be writing paragraphs!

As you begin to truly love yourselves for your true Essences, your judgmental feelings will begin to fall away. Use the Violet Flame to help you with these exercises.

I promise you that with continued practice, you will experience an absolutely amazing transformation!

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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