Friday, December 30, 2011

Guide to Releasing Emotions Addition

Hello Dear Ones......

As many of you are reviewing the events of 2011 in your lives and wanting to release all that did not work for you so that you may start off 2012 with a clean slate, so to speak, may I suggest that you review my guide for releasing emotions.

I am reposting it for you below with a new addition. I am suggesting that you invoke the Violet Flame to transmute the emotions that you are releasing. That will become a part of the "Releasing" step. This transmutation will return the energies of those emotions to the Light and Love from which they were created. My apologies for omitting this in my original guide.

Discover - by using intuition, contemplation or meditation an emotion that no longer serves you

Acknowledge - give it "credibility", recognize that it is residing within you and has been a part of you - it is neither good nor bad, it simply just "is"

Embrace - claim it as having been a tool to aid you in learning a lesson not something that defines you

Feel - feel the emotion and all that is connected with it within you but don't linger in that space

Release - release it with love and gratitude for helping you to move further along in your Spiritual journey. Invoke the Violet Flame to transmute the energy of this emotion back into the Love and Light from which it was created. This adds additional Light and Love to Mother Earth and benefits everyone on the planet.

Replace - fill the "space" that the emotion occupied with Love and Light

Blessings to All of you as you begin this most important year. Do not forget to call upon Myself and those in the other Realms to help you along your path this year.

I AM Andre St Germain

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