Hello Dear Ones........
Blessings to All of you as you enter the new and exciting year of 2012!
May I suggest a few resolutions for you?
Live and enjoy your life to the fullest! Do this by living from the Love and Light within your hearts.
Spend a little time each day in meditation, contemplation or prayer finding those energies that no longer work for you. Release and transmute them using the Violet Flame.
Begin to keep a Gratitude Journal and write down on a daily basis at least 5 things for which you are grateful.
Allow your hearts and minds to be open to whatever occurs in your daily lives. Look for the gifts that are in each moment of each day, even if their meanings are not immediately clear to you.
Remember that each person and each thing has Divine Essence within them.
And lastly, remember that there are so many who are ready, willing and able to help you with your daily lives. Call upon them not only in troubled times but also in happy ones.
I look forward to walking with you on your journeys this special year!
I Am Andre St Germain
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