Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why is God referred to as He or male?

Hello Dear Ones..... another question

If "GOD" is I AM energy why is that energy referred as He or male?

The terms "He" or male in reference to God or Source is a carryover from many centuries ago. God is both Male energy -  Divine Father - power and Female energy - Divine Mother - love. Power was viewed as a term to refer to the male - the hunter, the breadwinner, the one responsible for the family. The one in control. There was not the understanding of love, of living from the love within the heart that there is now. The female was thought to be lesser than the male in many civilizations.

Even in those civilizations where the female was revered and her true status and importance known, eventually the males came to fear the females, and as such, they created "situations" that began to suppress the female. 

While many of these situations no longer exist and more and more of you have become aware of the knowledge that everyone, regardless of gender, is composed of both male and female energy, there are still many places on your planet that continue to allow the suppression of the female. As you all move toward Ascension, it will serve you well to work for the end of these situations.

With the lifting of so many of the veils that you had put into place to "cover" the true knowledge that you incarnated with upon the planet so that you could learn your intended lessons, you are now re-awakening to the I AM energy. 

Be aware that each time you say "I AM" you give the statement that begins with "I AM" the union of the energies of Power - Divine Father and Love - Divine Mother. That is a very powerful statement, so choose your statements wisely that begin with this phrase.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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