Saturday, January 14, 2012


Hello Dear Ones....Today I would like to address healing.

As the major shift in energy is occurring on your planet, many of your lessons are being brought forth for you to work on and to heal. And one of these major lessons is healing.

Many of you have been experiencing and are carrying discordant energies within your bodies. If you do this long enough, these energies will turn into dis-ease and then perhaps eventually into the physical manifestation of diseases.

When these energies are released through Spiritual work, your body can then begin to heal itself through the addition of the Light and Love that replaces the discordant energies. Your bodies will feel lighter and have higher frequencies and higher vibrations. You will be moving more towards the crystalline structure of the 5th dimension.

But please know that this whole transformation process does take time. Yes, sometimes there are instant headings, but more often than not, these healings may take a while. That is because the lessons that you are working on this lifetime that contain these discordant energies are often from the accumulation of many lifetimes of lessons.

So many of you have incarnated on the planet at this time to help with the Earth's Ascension, as well as, your own. Because of this, many of you have decided to finally deal with these lessons. That is why so many of your lessons have seemed and are indeed so intense this lifetime.

It is important that you do your work and release the layers of these lessons. Do not judge that this is not occurring faster for you, for who you are now and how your body structure is, is the result of all of these lifetimes and lessons. You have become adjusted to living your daily life with your body such as it is. If it were to change all at one time, you would have great difficulty in your lives. That is why it is so important for you to continuously work on releasing the layers of lessons, the layers of the veil so to speak, so that you are more easily able to acclimate to the changes within your bodies as you do so.

The changes that you seek will happen, I assure you! But as they say, patience is a virtue.

I will speak more about this in a future blog.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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