Saturday, January 7, 2012

Question and Answer

NOTE: In yesterday's blog, the email address for St Germain was incomplete; it should have read If you sent an email to the one in yesterday's blog, I did not receive it. Please resubmit it to the above address. Thank you and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.  Mary Ann

Hello Dear Ones.....I received a question that I would like to answer.

From Andi -Hi.. I wonder if you might elaborate on the aura, vs. our energy field....and any tips/info (in addition to the Violet Flame) for cleaning and shielding our field?

Andi....thank you for your question. 

Your physical body is surrounded by your aura. The aura is a particular energy field that is unique to you. It is highly changeable and is affected by your physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual states. You can expand your aura outward or pull it inward, closer to you. 

(Actually, auras do not apply just to human beings, but to all beings, to everything that is found on your planet. Even though many of you are unable to see these auras, know that they are there. But back to Andi's question.)

Your aura is found within a larger area of energy - an energy field. One particular location can be within several energy fields. For example, you live at 9999 Red Street,in the City of Phoenix in Maricopa County, in Arizona, in the United States, in the Northern Hemisphere. Each of these areas has its own energy field. Of course, these fields do overlap, but normally, your own energy field is able to deal with interferences received from the other fields.

It is important for you to remain grounded as you bring in the light from Source. You want the Light to flow from above you, through your chakras and down into Mother earth. She in turn, will send her energy up through you, through your chakras, into the Universe, Multi-verse and back to Source. There is a constant ebb and flow of energy down into and through you. This occurs within your aura and will strengthen it.

As long as you are balanced, you will not be affected by others' energy fields. However, being balanced all of the time can be quite challenging on your planet these days. You may have discordant energies within your aura that you are releasing. You may be stressed which will allow "holes" to become present within your aura, which if not corrected, can be affected by other energies. I am sure you can think of many other things that can affect you.

Of course, you are familiar with using the Violet Flame to cleanse your aura and your energy field of the discordant energies by transmuting them into the Love and Light from which they were originally created. I suggest that you do this every evening before you go to bed. You can also do this at any time that you are feeling really unbalanced.

You can strengthen and repair your aura and your energy field by centering yourself, by deep breathing, through meditation, by any activity that helps you bring the Light within. You can ask ArchAngel Michael and ArchAngel Raphael to help you accomplish this.

Some of you may resonate with placing a shield of a particular color of Light around you. There is no one color that I can recommend. If you choose this method, trust yourself to know which color is best for you. This is an individual matter.

Trust a message that you may receive from within that advises you to refrain from interacting with a certain individual or perhaps visiting a specific place because of energies that may be present there. But do remember to always send forth Love and Light as that will have an effect on those energies.

Know that you are ultimately responsible for the strength and maintenance of your own auras and energy fields. If you are being affected by others' energies, I suggest that you look at what is occurring within your life and see if there are measures that you can take to lessen their effects. The solutions come from within; using "shields" whatever they may be are only temporary fixes. You need to deal with the root causes of "leaks, holes etc" if you want your fields to be consistently strong.

Blessings to All as you continue along your journeys!

I AM Andre St Germain

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