Sunday, January 8, 2012

Another Question and Answer

Hello Dear Ones.....

Today I will answer another question that I received.

my father is still here in body[in nursing home since march 02]
in an frozen form[ can't move, is diapered, fed pureed foods..responds occasionally with garbled words]
my sister and i wonder why he is still here.

Dear Pam....from St Germain

Your father has spent hundreds of lives in perfect physical health during which time he did not care at all about those less physically fortunate than himself. He felt that those who were not physically perfect were beneath him. He was a ruler in some of those lifetimes and he banished the physically disabled to the other realms of the kingdoms. He also did not spend much time during those lifetimes seeking the Spiritual within him.

This life time has been one of wrapping up karma so to speak. He has chosen to live the past 10 years as he has "to make up" for those lifetimes  that he lived "above" those who were less than he. He feels in some way that he is making up for the horrible way that he treated them.

Even though he is unable to communicate with those around him other than perhaps on a child's level, he is doing much inner work. He is discovering that within, which he has chosen to ignore for all of those other many lifetimes. His incarnation upon the earth this lifetime was to finally learn those lessons. 

He is aware of what is going on around him even though he does not express this, especially when you and your sister visit him. Your part in his lessons is to show him that he can be unconditionally loved, that All are worthy and deserving of unconditional love, no matter their physical, emotional, mental or Spiritual states.Remind him of your love for him. Tell him that it is ok with you whenever he decides to make his transition, that he can choose to do so at any time, you are all ok with this and you will all be okay.

Remind him to forgive himself for transgressions that he feels he has committed for he was playing the roles in those other lives that had been agreed to prior to everyone's incarnation. He is feeling that he has let down some of your family members during this lifetime. Reassure him that he is loved.

All the members of your family have been together, in all different ways - you have been your father's mother, your sister was his father,he was your son, etc etc., in many different configurations during many lifetimes. They, too, have completed many of their karmic lessons this lifetime in the configuration that you have had this current incarnation. 

Once your father realizes that he is truly loved, that he has been "forgiven" and forgives himself and he finds the peace within, he will decide to make his transition. Do not feel that he has "wasted" the last 10 years, for he has learned much during this time, as have the two of you - more than you can even comprehend! 

I hope that this insight has helped you. I am giving you all a special blessing of much peace and love from the Upper Realms for you are all such beautiful Spirits! 

I Am Andre St Germain :-)

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