Sunday, January 15, 2012

More on Healing

Hello Dear Ones.... a little more about healing.

As I discussed yesterday, working on lessons to heal yourselves is very important and there are many layers of healing that will be accomplished when you do this.

Know that you ALL have the ability and knowledge within yourselves to do this. But because of the many layers, you may need some help in doing this until you reach the point that you are able to individually accomplish this work.

That is why you will notice that so many types of healing modalities have appeared within the past 20 years. There are many types of work to assist you - body, energy, counseling, hands-off, hands-on, symbols, external aids such as crystals, electronic devices that you hold or that their energy streams are directed at you, Angel cards, Tarot cards,  even readings such as I and others give to you and so on and so on - I am sure that you can think of many.

These are great tools to help you to release these layers. Each of these works with you at a different frequency and vibrational level and you will be drawn to those who will help you the most at the place where you currently are. But do know that at some time you will realize that they are no longer necessary and that you will be able to know within what you must do and how you are to proceed.

What I have been noticing is that many stay with "external aids" much longer than they need to. Why? Well, perhaps they are afraid to acknowledge the Power that they have within. Or perhaps they are at a place where they realize that they must assume the responsibility and they don't want to.

Ultimately, the Power within, is what will assist you the most. Each of these "external" aids will assist you for a time. But over-dependence on them can, in fact, slow down your progress on your journeys. You run the risk of giving away YOUR POWER and YOUR RESPONSIBILITY for healing to someone else.

If you find that you might have excessively been using other means than your own for your healing, I ask you to just review your situation for a bit. If you discover that you might have been avoiding taking the responsibility for your healing, then I invite you "test the waters" so to speak of using your own knowledge and wisdom to see what you are able to accomplish.

Allow yourselves to "feel" your answer and to "feel" your progress. Perhaps you will be surprised by the answers. In any case, do not judge yourselves for what you have done up until this point. It has all been a part of your plan. I only tell you this as I have sensed that many of you are feeling "stuck" and are not sure of the next step to take. You will all reach the step of using only your own knowledge and your own power to move further along your journeys.

Blessings to ALL!

I AM Andre St Germain

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