Hello Dear Ones....I have received a question asking me to explain the term "Violet Flame" that I often use. Just out of curiosity, I asked Mary Ann to do some research on this on your internet. I was indeed surprised at the many, varied and even complicated explanations of this term. Those who have been reading my messages know that I like to explain things in a simple format, easy for everyone to understand. I will try to do this with the Violet Flame.
I first shared information about this midway through your last century - that was because you had reached a level of vibration and frequency that would allow the information to be readily understood. The Violet Flame is a Spiritual Energy that enables lower vibrational energies to be transmuted or changed into higher ones. That is, energies that after the change vibrate at a higher rate of frequency.
Perhaps a very basic example of a change such as I am discussing would be to picture a wood log that is placed on a fire. It starts out as a very dense piece of wood. It is heavy. As it is placed on a fire, it begins to change. As it burns, it gives forth light, a flame. Then as it continues to burns, it changes shape; it becomes less dense; it becomes less dense, lighter in weight. It is transformed into ash, sometimes rising into the air, sometimes falling upon the ground. It has been changed from its original, dense self into a much less dense, a "lighter in weight" form of matter.
A similar happening occurs when you ask for the Violet Flame to transmute the discordant energies that you are releasing to be transmuted into Love and Light. These energies ( such as anger, frustration, jealousy etc) are already vibrating at a higher rate and a higher frequency than is the piece of wood that you have placed in the fire. That is because the wood is slowly vibrating and of a higher density of matter or form.
But the discordant energies mentioned above are vibrating at a lower speed and have a lower frequency than the energies of Love and Light that have come from Source. What you are asking is for those discordant energies to have their frequencies and vibrations raised to a higher level, to levels of frequency and the vibrations of other lighter energies such as joy, Love, bliss, happiness etc.
All that comes from Source is Love and Light and vibrates at very high levels and has very high frequencies. As they have come to your planet and have been in contact with those who are not at these same levels, they begin to be affected by the lesser, denser energies and the lower vibrations. Eventually they begin to take on these energies and vibrations and soon they have been changed from the way in which they were originally created. You are simply asking for them to be returned to their original states.
This is a very simple explanation of what I am talking about. You can certainly do research and find much longer, much more complicated explanations. You can also find complex methods for invoking the flame, more complex visualizations etc.
I like to keep things simple. What I have suggested that you do is just as effective as the more complex methods. Simply visualize a large Violet flame. Visualize your discarded energies going into the flame so to speak and while there being transmuted, that is, being changed back into the way that they were originally created.
You need only ask and it will be done.
I hope that this explanation has helped you to understand the Violet Flame. Please feel free to ask me any more questions that you might have.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
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