Hello Dear Ones.......
Journaling is a wonderful tool to use in your daily Spiritual practice. You can use it to record questions for which you are seeking answers. You can record thoughts that you have had during your meditations. You may want to use it to help get "outside" that which has been floating around "inside."
For example, once thoughts that have been troubling you inside are written down on paper, they can lose some of their power that they have had over you. You may feel less fearful once you are directly looking at them. You have clarified a situation rather than have let it continue to "spin" around inside of you in all different directions. You can become more focused on solutions as you are now dealing with a definite statement or situation.
Re-reading your journal, say once a week or so, will help you to realize how far you have come, often in a very brief period in time. Or it may help you to see that by diligently continuing your Spiritual work, you will eventually find those answers which you seek. You may even have an "aha" moment as you review your work.
Do not forget to also write down those things for which you are grateful, for in doing so, you will find that indeed you are truly blessed!
And do not "stress" over the selection of that "just right" special journal or that "just right" special pen for that is simply a way you may be using to delay beginning your important work.
Blessings to All of you and happy journaling!
I AM Andre St Germain
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