Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Releasing Emotions - Fear

Good Evening Dear Ones........

Today I would like to continue my discussion on releasing emotions and speak about fear.

Fear can be a very destructive and paralyzing emotion. Undoubtedly, you have heard the expression "frozen with fear." If you allow fear to control your lives, you may find that it will soon be difficult to take any kind of action at all. The fear becomes embedded within your cells and will cause a physical and cellular reaction when it is triggered. Living with constant fear is one of the quickest actions that will cause dis-ease and disease to flourish within your bodies, as it affects physical processes throughout the body.

Often times, fear occurs because you feel that you are no longer in control. You are used to "having all of your ducks in a row" and suddenly you find that they are all over the pond or worse yet, have even left the pond!

Or especially in these times, you may be dealing with your fear of survival. That is very prevalent in your society now as the old paradigm begins to fade away in order for the new one to emerge. So, now what do you do?

You take a moment to pause, BREATHE and center yourselves. (Do you see a pattern here on dealing with the release of emotions :-) ?) You must first re-establish your active connection to Source and to your Higher Self, in order to gain insight into what is occurring within your lives. You may wish to journal about your lives and see if you notice patterns that begin to emerge around a common theme ( for example, you may discover that you slip into fear mode when you have to deal with someone who is in a position of authority over you. This pattern could have begun back in your early childhood with your parents or other authority figures.)

Many times fear goes hand-in-hand with feeling powerless. You may have even brought your fear issues karmically into this lifetime. This is especially true if you can trace your first encounter with fear back to your young childhood years. You chose your parents and/or other authority figures before you incarnated because you knew that they would be perfect to help you with this lesson. So, remember that they played the roles that you asked them to and remember to thank them for having done this.

Own the fear that you have. No one can cause you to be fearful - the fear is your emotion; they can only provide the means by their actions to have your fear become known to you so that you can release it.

The important thing to remember is that once you become aware of these fear patterns and the lessons they are helping you to learn, you can release them. As always, you can invoke the Violet Flame to help transmute your fear into Love. As your veils thin and dissolve, you will re-awaken to the fact that you are always connected to Source; that Source is Love, is always there for you and provides you with endless abundance.

As you begin to live more from the Love that is within you, you will see your fear lessen, for Love and fear cannot co-exist.

Blessings to All!

I Am Andre St Germain

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