Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Discovering Your Life's Purpose

Hello Dear Ones...

Today I want to talk about discovering your life's purpose. 

I am frequently asked how this can be done during readings and this is how we proceed.

We spend some time reviewing what has occurred in a person's life up until that time. We'll see if there is some recurring theme or thought about one's life that just can't be put aside. You think about something you really would love to do "if only you had the time, the money, a different job, lived in a different place etc...." Talking about it feeds a passion within the individual that you can see grow from a flicker into a flame.

Each of you can do the same thing. When you have discovered what you really want to do, you will feel a resonance within your heart. You will be determined to accomplish this work no matter what obstacles may arise in your path.

Know that you may detour from your path for a while. Also know, that some of you may take a while to discover your true passions. There are no rights or wrongs in this matter. Remember that I have talked about not judging what has occurred in your life. It has all been a part of a greater plan. There is something to be learned from each event that occurs in your life.

But you will know that you are onto your life's purpose when no matter what you say or do, or how ever much you try to ignore it, there is always some thought or feeling that continues to call to you.  Spend some quiet time in meditation or contemplation and you will soon have a clearer understanding of what you have chosen as your life's purpose for this incarnation. Some like to say that "The sky is the limit".. I like to say that "The Multi-verse is the limit."

Blessings and happy searching to All of You!

I Am Andre St Germain

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Your Life's Purpose

Good Evening Dear Ones.....

Today I would like to discuss your life's purpose.

Many of you are currently pondering the exact nature of the purpose of your life during this incarnation. Have you noticed that your life has seemed to have changed as time has progressed? What you are doing now may be a far cry from what you did in your 20's. 30's etc.

Your actual life's purpose has always been the same one that you brought into this incarnation. You may have just travelled many roads while discovering it. Know that each thing you have done, each path you have chosen has been a perfect part of your life's plan. It has led you to the point at which you now find yourself.

Do not compare or judge yourselves to others. The time of life during which you re-awakened to your purpose is not the important factor. What is important is that you have re-awakened to your purpose. As you have heard me say so many times, man has been gifted with free will to use during his incarnation on the earth. This has allowed you to travel down those many paths in preparation for your re-awakening.

Each path you have travelled has helped you to gain a piece of the puzzle, so to speak, of your life's purpose. Had you not had your free will, you would not have had the opportunity to have collected the pieces that you needed to see the whole picture.

You have also helped many others along the way, those who agreed to be actors upon your stage, as you also agreed to be upon their stages. Would life have not been boring and mundane if all of you were to have acted in the exact same manner?

Many of you wish that you could live the esoteric Spiritual life, proclaiming vast Spiritual truths whose mere mention (you think) would immensely change the world. Do you not see that even the smallest particle of an atom is such a necessary and vital piece of that atom without which it would cease to be an atom? And so it is with your individual lives. Each of you plays an important role in the Ascension process.

I say again that no one's life's purpose is greater than or lesser than another's life's purpose, because we are All One and we are All connected. Remembering this may help you to more smoothly continue along your journey as you will have released the energies of "jealousy" and "importance" that will slow you down on your journey.

Tomorrow's message - how to discover your life's purpose.

Blessings to All,

I Am Andre St Germain

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Spiritual Teachers

Hello Dear Ones...

Today I would like to discuss Spiritual teachers.

Spiritual teachers can play an important role in helping you along your Spiritual journeys.

They can recommend spiritual practices, share information they have received, see the "big picture" when you may be caught up in the "little one."Many of them have gone through what you may be encountering at this moment and so they are able to offer suggestions and advice on how you can get through these times.

A true teacher coming from his/her heart will never judge you for they will realize that you must live your journey. They are loving and accepting of you just where you are. They know that what they can offer is simply another tool that you can put in your "tool box" to use along the way.

Beware of those who claim that theirs is the only way, the best way. There is no best way or only way to complete your journeys. Even recommendations that I make to you are to be taken only as recommendations. If they resonate with you, how wonderful that you will have found something additional that will work for you. If they do not "float your boat", then move on to something else that does.

The important point is that you do something! There are many (both on and off your planet) willing to help you but you need to ask for their help since they are not allowed to interfere because of the free will that you have been given. You can not afford to sit back and wait for things to happen within your lives. Well, you can, but you may not be satisfied with the speed or progression of your journeys if you take this approach.

And I would like to caution you against giving "guru" status to your teachers. You ALL already have the knowledge within you that you seek. There is no one greater than another. If you give greater status to one over another, then you are still allowing judgement to function within your lives. Now, indeed there are those who may be in a different place than you are along your path, but that does not make them greater or lesser than you or anyone else. And if those who are serving as teachers right now are truly operating from the wisdom and love within their hearts, they will not want this "guru" status.

What you are striving to do is to release what no longer serves you so that the layers of the veils that have clouded your vision and acted as a separation barrier of you from Source can be removed as you joyously remember your connection with Source!


Blessings to All of You!

I AM Andre St Germain.

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Faith and Knowing

Good Evening Dear Ones.....

Today I would like to discuss faith and knowing. I asked Mary Ann to look up the dictionary definition of faith and this is what she found:

Firm belief in something for which there is no proof
Complete trust
Something that is believed, especially with firm conviction.

My question to you is "Do you have faith in yourselves?' "Do you believe with every cell of your body and your being that you are part of Source?" "Do you know with that certainty within that every atom, every electron, every being, every creature, every animate and inanimate object are all part of Source?"

Are you able to see, feel, and connect to the Essence that is within all that Source has created?

I would like you to reflect for a few moments upon your thoughts and feelings that arose when you read my questions.

There is no way to physically prove the answers to the questions that I have posed to you. Yet, many of you will say that you know without a shadow of a doubt the answers to these questions.

I have asked you these questions so that you will take a moment to really reflect upon the meaning of their answers. Just how do you know the answers? Do you innately know them? Are you saying them because that is what has been said to you? Taught to you? Required knowledge for you at some point in your lives?

Taking a moment to reflect upon them affords you the opportunity to reconnect to the knowing that is within. You don't want to think the answers - you want to know and feel them within your heart. Doing this little exercise will strengthen your connection to the knowing that is within all of you. And by becoming more attuned to this knowing, you will soon find that answers that you seek will more easily come forth and you will no longer have a need to second guess that which is intuitively known and received.

Blessings to All of you.

I Am Andre St Germain

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Feeling vs Thinking

Hello My Dear I would like to share with you a pattern that I have seen emerging as you are moving forward with your Spiritual journeys.

Many of you have been encountering some challenges in your paths the past month or so, as the waves of new energies have come through your planet. You seem to be experiencing an urgency to quickly work through these challenges and so many of you have been trying to "think" your way to a solution.

Know that it will be difficult for you to "think" your way to a solution for these dilemmas. They have arisen to call your attention to emotions and feelings that you will want to release because they no longer serve you. But, before you are able to release them, you must acknowledge them. A simple but effective way to do this is to just simply take a moment to mindfully "feel" them. Silently (or otherwise) thank the players in your "drama" for playing the roles that caused these feelings and emotions to come to the surface.

Allow yourself to feel the anger, despair, hopelessness, fear, powerlessness etc that is now in the forefront. Do not linger there, however. Once you have acknowledge them, gently release them into the Violet Flame, to be transmuted back into Love and Light that can be spread throughout your world. Once they are released, fill the areas in which they formerly resided with much Love and Light. You will feel "Lighter" as this process unfolds.

This process is simple, effective and time-saving. Your need to analyze every particular aspect of a situation and to search for every possible solution will lessen. You will begin to immediately recognize those discordant feelings as soon as they arise and you will immediately take the actions that are needed to release them, thus saving you time and the expenditure of unnecessary energies.

And most importantly, you will be moving from living in your mind to living from your heart.

Blessings to All,

I Am Andre St Germain

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Gathering with Others

Hello Dear Ones....Today I would I would like to discuss gathering with others.

There is a special energy when you gather with other like-minded individuals. Your individual energies join to form an even greater collective energy. This is indeed a beautiful sight to behold!

Often times there are teachers who will come to you during this time who just love the opportunity to "address" a gathering. You will find that since you are more "aware" during these sessions because of the increased energy levels, that the information you receive will seem to be on a "higher" level than you are used to. Know that this is not really the case, you have simply opened to a different level of consciousness  within the group that has allowed you to "hear" what you may not have been able to hear before.

Group gatherings, of course, do not eliminate the need to spend the daily time with yourselves of which I have recently spoken. They are indeed another "tool" to help you move forward more quickly in these times of rapid change.

May I suggest another tool that you might use at one of these gatherings - a group acknowledgement of the gratitude and love that you are feeling at the time. Have one person begin by stating something for which they are grateful for and then continue around your circle with each person adding their own statement. By the time that this is completed, you will be amazed at the warmth and the love that all of you will be feeling. Your message will instantly be delivered to Source upon the wings of those from the Angelic realm who are only to glad to be of service in this manner.

Blessings to All of You,

I Am Andre St Germain

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Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hello Dear Ones and a Very Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful day to pause and reflect upon all of the blessings within your life. May I suggest that from now on that you make each day a day of thanksgiving in your lives, for there is much you have to be thankful for. Perhaps that which troubles you most is the greatest thing you have to be thankful for, since it allows you to bring forth feelings and emotions that you will look upon and realize that you are ready to release.

As the vibration and the frequency of the earth continue to increase, you will undoubtedly feel this within all of your bodies - physical, mental, cellular, emotional and mental. As I mentioned in my last post, you may experience these feelings and emotions at a higher level of intensity than you have ever felt before. Know that this is part of your life's plan.

When it feels overwhelming , just take a few moments to pause from whatever you are doing to just be silent and to relax. Take the time to sit comfortably, close your eyes and do some deep breathing to relax your bodies and to quiet your minds. As you feel yourself relaxing, go deeper within to find your point of stillness and just remain within that location. Allow any thoughts that enter to simply float away.

If you will take the time to do this every day, you will find that those "intense" moments will lessen and that you will more easily receive the insight and answers that you seek. You will more easily, calmly, joyfully and peacefully live your daily lives. This is a preview of what your lives will be after your Ascension.

I send you peace, love and many blessings!


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Monday, November 21, 2011


Good evening Dear Ones....

I trust that you have all made it through the last few weeks since the wave of new energy came through the earth on 11-11-11. I know that it has been a time of changes for many of you. I commend all of you for continuing your work so that you can move forward along your Spiritual path.

This new energy will enable you to move more quickly through your life's lessons. You will be able to feel more joy, bliss and happiness in your daily lives. Know also, that you may temporarily feel more intensity in those emotions and feelings that you wish to release, those that no longer serve you.

The important thing is that you "do" the release for it is through this release and the transmutation of these discordant energies into Love and Light with the Violet Flame that you send Love and Light to others on your planet. The increase in Love and Light will also help others to move along their paths.

I will have more to say on this in the coming days.

Blessings to All of You,

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Processing and Changes

Good Morning Dear Ones...

You have probably noticed that I have not been giving Mary Ann messages as of late to pass on to you. That is because she  (as well as many, many of you) has been going through a lot of changes and has needed time to process all of the changes.

The changes that are occurring for so many of you are happening so quickly because of the rapid changes of the frequencies and vibrations on your planet. There is going to be a major shift in energy on this Friday 11-11-11. Many of you may have been feeling that you don't know which end is up, so to say. What once seemed a sure thing for you, may now look 180 degrees different now.

That is because you are diligently working to clear out what no longer serves you so that you may attune to these new energies. You thoughts and feeling may feel like they are changing on a week to week, day to day, even moment to moment basis.

Know that this is perfectly normal and ok. It is time for you to get in touch with your heart and the love that is within you. There is no right or wrong way to process these changes. The important thing is that you DO this. You may experience theses changes on a physical, emotional or Spiritual level and maybe even on all three levels! You can help yourselves by just taking time every day to quiet your mind and just "be." This will allow you to connect with your Inner Self on a deeper level. You may find that doing this will help to ease the process.

Allow yourself to "go with the flow" so to speak as the changes occur, for soon you will be experiencing these new wonderful, loving energies that are being sent to your planet.

Blessings to all of you,


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