Thursday, November 24, 2011


Hello Dear Ones and a Very Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful day to pause and reflect upon all of the blessings within your life. May I suggest that from now on that you make each day a day of thanksgiving in your lives, for there is much you have to be thankful for. Perhaps that which troubles you most is the greatest thing you have to be thankful for, since it allows you to bring forth feelings and emotions that you will look upon and realize that you are ready to release.

As the vibration and the frequency of the earth continue to increase, you will undoubtedly feel this within all of your bodies - physical, mental, cellular, emotional and mental. As I mentioned in my last post, you may experience these feelings and emotions at a higher level of intensity than you have ever felt before. Know that this is part of your life's plan.

When it feels overwhelming , just take a few moments to pause from whatever you are doing to just be silent and to relax. Take the time to sit comfortably, close your eyes and do some deep breathing to relax your bodies and to quiet your minds. As you feel yourself relaxing, go deeper within to find your point of stillness and just remain within that location. Allow any thoughts that enter to simply float away.

If you will take the time to do this every day, you will find that those "intense" moments will lessen and that you will more easily receive the insight and answers that you seek. You will more easily, calmly, joyfully and peacefully live your daily lives. This is a preview of what your lives will be after your Ascension.

I send you peace, love and many blessings!


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