Monday, November 7, 2011

Processing and Changes

Good Morning Dear Ones...

You have probably noticed that I have not been giving Mary Ann messages as of late to pass on to you. That is because she  (as well as many, many of you) has been going through a lot of changes and has needed time to process all of the changes.

The changes that are occurring for so many of you are happening so quickly because of the rapid changes of the frequencies and vibrations on your planet. There is going to be a major shift in energy on this Friday 11-11-11. Many of you may have been feeling that you don't know which end is up, so to say. What once seemed a sure thing for you, may now look 180 degrees different now.

That is because you are diligently working to clear out what no longer serves you so that you may attune to these new energies. You thoughts and feeling may feel like they are changing on a week to week, day to day, even moment to moment basis.

Know that this is perfectly normal and ok. It is time for you to get in touch with your heart and the love that is within you. There is no right or wrong way to process these changes. The important thing is that you DO this. You may experience theses changes on a physical, emotional or Spiritual level and maybe even on all three levels! You can help yourselves by just taking time every day to quiet your mind and just "be." This will allow you to connect with your Inner Self on a deeper level. You may find that doing this will help to ease the process.

Allow yourself to "go with the flow" so to speak as the changes occur, for soon you will be experiencing these new wonderful, loving energies that are being sent to your planet.

Blessings to all of you,


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