Greetings to All of You!
I want to talk to you today about the importance of balance in your lives. Some of you have heard me discuss conducting your lives with moderation. This applies to food, drink, work, exercise and even your Spiritual journeys!
You have heard of workaholics, alcoholics, food addicts, drug junkies etc. Well, there are also "metaphysical junkies." You may know one, you may even have been one at some time in your life. These are folks who live, breathe, eat, dream, read and talk metaphysics all of the time. EVERYTHING in their lives is metaphysics. Notice that I said "metaphysics" and not "metaphysical." There is a difference.
The study of metaphysics can provide you with ideas for self-discovery, for accessing the knowledge within you. But you are missing the point if you simply accumulate the ideas and the knowledge and never take the time to put them to use. Metaphysics is about living. You must integrate what you learn with how you live your lives. Your day to day experiences will give you the opportunity to do this - to be metaphysical whether it be at work or at play.
You must have balance within your lives. Too much of any particular way of living is not the most ideal situation - whether it be work, play or self-discovery. You can not afford to lose yourselves. Each of you is an individual - with your own thoughts, ideas, plans of actions. It is good to have others with whom you can discuss and share these ideas. During these discussions you may even be challenged to discover just how these ideas really resonate within you.
But do not allow yourselves to simply spew forth others' ideas if you have not first claimed them as ones that resonate with you. That is not learning - that is simply becoming a "repeater" of information. It is through your daily living that you will find your truth. And that means all aspects of your daily life - work, fun and play.
I am a big believer in balance and moderation. It is very important to have fun in your life; to spend time just being; to interact with others; to challenge your self with work; to spend time learning and reflecting. But too much of any one of these without the others can actually have the opposite effect that you would think that it would. And minimizing the importance of any one of these activities will cause you to miss out on opportunities for learning and for growth.
In summation - enjoy your lives! Continue your quest for knowledge and for truth - but do so with moderation and with balance and speak only of the truth that you have claimed as your own.
Many, many blessings to All of You!
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