Sunday, October 16, 2011

Time Out

Hello Dear Ones....Mary Ann has been doing some heavy duty processing as of late and that is why there have been no messages for a while. I wanted to give her some time to work through some major issues that have come forth for her.

From time to time, you will all experience that same kind of happening. You will be going along at a certain pace and then all of a sudden, things will either speed up or possibly slow down for you. Know that when this occurs, your  are in the middle of a major shift in your Spiritual journey. You may find that you wish to journal more, talk with your Spiritual advisors, meditate more etc. Or you may find that you feel like just withdrawing for a while. Do what you are led to do. There is no right or wrong - there is just "is."

All things that are happening to you are part of your journey. Things will be different for each one of you. In fact, there is a good chance that they will be different for you at various times throughout your journey. Do not judge what you are feeling. Do not stuff what you are feeling. Whatever comes up for you is doing so for you to examine and to release. Not allowing this to occur can lead to more intensity in those feelings when you finally do allow them to surface. Face them, thank them, release them and transmute them with the Violet Flame. Everyone and every thing is helped by this transmutation!

There are no guidelines and no manual for your Spiritual journey. It is dynamic - ever flowing and ever changing. No two journeys are alike. Indeed, not even two seconds along your path are the same.

So, as they say, "Just go with the flow".

Many blessings to you all!


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Multiple questions and personal issues are best served with a private session.

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