Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Second Guessing

Good morning Dear Ones......lately, I have been hearing some of you "second guessing" decisions that you have made,  questioning new ideas you have embraced, and just overall questioning and perhaps even doubting yourselves.

Embracing new ideas can be very daunting after many lifetimes of holding on to certain beliefs and ideas. As you mindfully become aware of your Spiritual lessons, you may discover that your old belief systems no longer serve you. You bravely declare to yourselves that from now on you are going to embrace the new paradigm that has appeared in your lives. All goes well for a while and then something occurs which as you say on your planet "rocks your world" and then what was formerly ever so clear to you now appears to be cloudy and muddy. Now what do you do?

Well, you always have choices - you can return to your old, comfortable paradigm or you can further examine what is really going on. I am sure that many of you have experienced the return of a lesson that you thought you had learned. We have talked before about the fact that as you learn your lessons and release them, new, deeper levels of that same lesson will now be free to come to the surface for further release.

When this happens, do you mainly feel uncomfortable? Angry? Not sure of what to do next? These are all feelings and emotions that are to be expected to occur as you move along your path. You may even feel frozen, unable to take another step. When this happens, take some time to breathe and to quiet yourselves and look within. After you do this, do you now have some clarity? Has the intensity of the lesson lessened, even just a little bit? Or do you still feel very disconnected? Do you feel that the whole situation just does not "ring true" to you? Can you not take even a little step forward?

If this is the case, then perhaps what you have embraced is not in fact your real truth. I ask you not to judge yourselves if you find yourselves in this situation. Know that this has been part of your learning process. Release any feelings or emotions connected to this lesson and move on. Continue searching for the truth that is compatible with your heart. You may find this easier to do now that you have released that which does not work for you.

Indeed, look for the positive. You may have discovered something about yourselves in a relatively short period of time. Be happy, for in the past you may have spent many, many lifetimes trying to get the point. This is a gift that ALL of you on your planet have been given during this incarnation - the ability to move forward at a much faster speed than in the past. Mother Earth is increasing her frequency and her vibration and you ALL will benefit from this, as yours will increase also.

With each release of what no longer serves you, you will feel Lighter. Hopefully, this new feeling will encourage you to continue moving forward, even if it takes a while to do so. I have spoken with you before about the importance of feeling connected within your heart. That is the key.

When you are connected to your real truth, there will be no doubt within you. You will know, really know and feel, that you are where you are to be. Temporary setbacks may slow you down a little, but there will be the knowing within you that they are only temporary setbacks and you will eventually be able to continue.

Remember to call upon me and your Spirit Guides to help you with your learning. We are eager, waiting and willing to do so. :-)

My blessings to all of you,


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