Monday, February 27, 2012

Question and Answer

Hello Dear Ones.......

Today, I have received a question from Pam:

while driving home yesterday, i was wondering about your thoughts on  "indigo, crystal and rainbow" indivduals

A very good question, Pam.

Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow are names that describe individuals who have come to the Earth with higher frequencies and vibrations and more awareness of their true selves and their connection to Source.

The Indigo individuals began incarnating upon the earth back in the 1940's, with their numbers rapidly increasing in the 1960's,1970's and 1980's. 

The Crystal individuals began incarnating upon the the Earth in the 1980's, with their numbers rapidly increasing in the 1990's and early 2000's.

The Rainbow individuals began incarnation upon the Earth in the mid-2000's, with their numbers rapidly increasing almost from the time they incarnated through the present time.

With the movement forward of each category, so to speak, the awareness of the individual increases. Do know however, that of course during any of those time frames, there were individuals with greater and lesser awareness than attributed to their descriptions. What that means is that there Indigos, Crystals and Rainbow individuals throughout all of those years.

The children that are being born these days are Rainbow Individuals and have the greatest connection to their awareness of their Light and Love connection to Source. However, with this knowledge also comes a challenge. Many times these individuals have great difficulty in coping with living upon the Earth, because they do not understand why everyone does not live and feel as they do. This can cause them great "pain". And can lead to major addictions, depression and even violence, as they attempt to block out the "pain" that they are feeling.

That is why it is so important for Lightworkers to be attuned to these individuals, so that they are able to connected to other like-minded individuals, so that they know that they are not alone and can be supported in their journeys. It is important for Lightworkers who are grandparents to be attuned to their grandchildren, especially if the parents are currently not aware or open to the gifts their children have.

The important thing is to love these children from the Love, Light and Truth within your hearts, for it is by doing this that you will keep open a connection from your Divine Essence to their Divine Essence which will reassure them that they are not alone. use your discernment to answer questions they may have  
but do be careful not to create a conflict  between what their parents say or believe and what they inherently know. Again, I say, that the Divine Essence connection is what is the most important.

Blessings to All and thank you for carrying the Light upon your planet.

I AM Andre St Germain

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Healing All of Yourselves

Hi Dear Ones....a great question today...

Hi Andre--
While I understand there are no rules.... If someone here on the earth plane is working on healing a specific physical ailment....are other aspects of us, living elsewhere also healing - or are part of the healing?  

I've been calling in all my aspects to ask them to forgive others who have harmed them, asking for their forgiveness, looking for any "lesson: and forgiving myself - thanks for the step-by-step help!... I guess my question is:  since all of our aspects are part of us...are they experiencing "issues" that might correlate to healng this major piece on the earth plane?....anything to be aware of or ask about, since everyone is different?  Thank you so much all the really great blogs you have blessed us with!

Yes, you are correct in saying that as you are healing here on the earth, your aspects - wherever they may be - are also healing. Since you are incarnated on the earth at this time, working so diligently on your Spiritual journey towards Ascension,  you are the main aspect - so to speak and what you are doing impacts all of your other aspects. Now that being said, what your other aspects are experiencing elsewhere can be slightly different variations of your earth lessons.

Your approach that you mentioned in your questions is the way to work with your aspects and your lessons. If something here on the earth is still presenting you with a major difficulty, may I suggest that you see if you can examine it with different eyes - in a way that you have not looked at it before. Look more internally rather than externally for your answers. 

Perhaps a little more quiet inner meditation or reflection; discussion with your Spiritual mentor; more journalling relating to the specific issue - not so much on general messages you are receiving. Ask for guidance from your guides; maybe even asking for a new guide to present himself/herself to you who can specifically assist you with your issue.

Remember that the answers that you seek are within!  Keep seeking them and they will come forth!

Extra blessings to All who are experiencing difficulties with their lessons from myself, those in other realms and dimensions and of course, from Source.

I AM Andre St Germain

To post a question, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:

And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: We would like to get 100+ likes in the next few months!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

No Questions or Comments?

Hello Dear Ones.....well, have  I answered all of your questions?

Mary Ann has been waiting all day to receive some questions for me, but none have come. Surely, there must be something that you are pondering about?

Please take a moment to really think about something that you have been wondering about, mulling over or perhaps even disagreeing with. I welcome all questions and comments.

If you have been thinking about a personal reading, from now until March 2nd would be a good time to get one, as Mary Ann is having a special price of $50 for an hour reading for readers of this blog, in honor of her birthday and also the fact that this is a leap year. You may contact her at for further information.

When you have a personal reading, I ask that you have a list of questions ready that you would like answered. You may of course ask follow-up questions to the answers that I give you.

Well, put your thinking caps on! I await your questions.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:

And be sure to check out, share and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook Page at:  We would like to see at least 100 likes on his page!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How Do You if You Are Making Progress with Releasing Emotions?

Hello Dear Ones...another question

Hi, I have been working on releasing emotions as they come up using the violet flame and the white light of love and gratitude.

My question is how does one know how these changes are affecting the person in terms of how much needs to still get cleared.

My thoughts are sometimes I feel I have made progress other times feel stuck in fear and doubt..How also does one protect themselves from psychic attacks or things of that nature that can be negative.. I love the blog and have saved all that I have received and sent them on to others.!! Thanks, Christina  

Thank you, Christina, for your very pertinent questions and for sharing the blog with others.

Congratulations on utilizing the Violet Flame to transmute the discordant energies that no longer serve you. Is it not a wonderful tool? Since many of you have incarnated on the planet for hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, you can easily see that there are many layers of each of the emotions connected with the lessons that you are learning.

Know that as you work these days to release these energies, you are able to remove multiple layers of the emotions each time you do the work. Indeed, it would be wonderful if you each had a specific number of layers to remove and you could count down the remaining ones each time you removed some.

But there is much truth in your comment that at times you feel that you have made progress and then at other times, you feel stuck. That is because as "life happens" you do indeed at times return to those energies that you are working to release and because you do this, you are in fact replacing some of the layers that you have already removed. 

But do not despair! These "new" layers are much closer to the surface and are more easily removed by your work than are the deeper, more entrenched ones. Know that you all have the ability to reach even the most entrenched discordant energies and emotions within you. Just keep on doing what you are doing and they will dissolve layer by layer. And you will become Lighter and Lighter. When you are able to totally and always live from Love, Truth and Light, you will have completed your work.

As to protecting yourselves from psychic attacks and negative things in nature, the best way to do this is to live your daily lives from the Love, Light and Truth that is within your hearts. You know that like energy attracts like energy, so if you are living in fear, anger, judgement etc., you will be opening up yourselves to attracting more of the same type of energies. However, if you are sending forth the lighter energies of Love, Light and Truth, those are the energies that you will attract! 

If you feel that you need additional assistance, you can always ask Archangel Michael and his band of Angels for help and protection. Some beings place themselves within a bubble of white light. You can call in your guardian angels to help also. Also, trust your inner guidance and your intuition. If you are guided not to go into a certain place or area, then do not do so. You all have guidance within you. Learn to trust it. 

I hope that this helps you!

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:

And be sure to check out, share and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: Mary Ann would love to see 100+ likes on his page!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What happens to the physical body during Ascension?

Hello Dear Ones....

Will our bodies actually transform or will our spirits transform when we ascend.
Is it for our generation or our children?  Peggy

Peggy, thank you for your question. In earlier times on other planets, the Ascension meant that a being shed its physical body and its Spirit went forth into another dimension. The Ascension that is about to occur on the Earth (including Mother Earth's own Ascension) is unique in that it is the first time that beings incarnated on a planet can go through the Ascension process while still in physical form.

Now, your physical bodies have been becoming lighter, moving more into their crystalline structure as you have All been working so diligently on your Spiritual journeys. You have been releasing the denser discordant energies that no longer serve you, thereby, lightening your physical form and raising your frequencies and your vibrations.

The Ascension that will occur on your planet involves the shifting of energies from those of the heavier energies of anger, hate, frustration, jealousy etc of the 3rd dimension into the lighter energies of happiness, joy, bliss etc that are those of the 5th dimension. You will be living "Heaven on Earth" so to speak. 

The shifting of the Earth energies begin in earnest in 2011. With each passing month in 2012, there will be more changes in the energies. Those of you who are sensitive to energies may be especially aware of the shifts. Another major shift will occur on 12/21/12, which happens to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar and does not mean that the world is ending.

So, to answer your question, you will be a part of the Ascension process, as will your children and their children and so on. It will take quite a while for Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants to totally become full members of the 5th Dimension. This whole process is a journey - a magnificent one that will be cherished after so many years of darkness. 

Continue to do the work of your Spiritual journeys. It is important that as many of you as possible hold Light and space for those who have not yet reached your level, for it will be the critical mass of 51% that will help those who desire to complete the process but who have not progressed as far, to go through the Ascension process so that they may catch up on the other side. Those who want no part of the process will leave the planet and take up residence on another planet more suitable to them while they continue their Spiritual journeys.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:

And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at:

Monday, February 13, 2012


Hello Dear Ones....

Today I would to share a few things.

The first thing is a comment received from a reader:

"We're a group of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your web site offered us with valuable information to work on. You've done a formidable job and our entire community will be grateful to you."

The second is a comment about fewer posts these past few weeks. Mary Ann has stepped out of her comfort zone, so to speak, in beginning a new work situation unlike any she has done before. I decided to give her a "break" from messages so that she could concentrate on learning the concepts of her new work which she is continuing to do.

I would like to change things a bit also. I would really like to concentrate on answering your questions. I know that many of you have questions that are being "thought" about by many others who read this blog. Please send these questions to Mary Ann at:  The answers that you seek will be of benefit to many others.   

I would also love to hear comments (such as the one above) as to how the information I have shared with you has been of assistance to you. Again, others will benefit by seeing that change can occur with something as small as a sentence or two.

So, please take a few moments and think about something that has been on your mind for a while and send it to Mary Ann. I will do my best to answer all of your questions.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:

And be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook page at:

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Challenging Family Relationships

Hello Dear Ones.....

Today I would like to speak about family relationships.

Family relationships are some of the most meaningful yet complex relationships and learning opportunities that you can have. Many times emotions run very high in these relationships. They can also provide some of the best situations that you can have for recognizing and releasing emotions.

Often times in families, the members have been together in many, many previous lifetimes. They have also been together in many configurations. Many of you have chosen in this incarnation to "wrap" up many of the karmic lessons that you have had together. For that reason, you may have very volatile encounters with your relatives so that, indeed, you can finish these lessons.

You must take special care to stay centered as you interact with each other.  You may often feel that your relatives are acting totally unreasonable for the situation at hand. Try to realize that what is occurring between you and other family members is actually about unfinished issues and feelings that have been brought into these incarnation from other lives. If two or more of you have especially unresolved intense feelings, you may find it very challenging or even impossible to interact with one another.

When this occurs, take a step back and center yourself before continuing the interaction. Realize that you can only "control" yourself in the situation and the best way to do this is to act from a loving, centered heart. You must feel the truth within your heart when you take action. Breathe, meditate and use my guide for releasing emotions as you are trying to find a solution to your difficulties.

As I said earlier, you can only control yourself in any situation. But if you are in control of your emotions and you are speaking from that loving place within your heart,  you may have a better chance for a calmer resolution of the problem. Even if this does not occur, you will at least be able to know that you did the best that you could to resolve the issue. Have forgiveness in your heart for both yourself and the other person and be sure to send the Love and Light within your heart to them.

Extra blessings and love to those with troubled family situations!

I AM Andre St Germain

To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:

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