Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What happens to the physical body during Ascension?

Hello Dear Ones....

Will our bodies actually transform or will our spirits transform when we ascend.
Is it for our generation or our children?  Peggy

Peggy, thank you for your question. In earlier times on other planets, the Ascension meant that a being shed its physical body and its Spirit went forth into another dimension. The Ascension that is about to occur on the Earth (including Mother Earth's own Ascension) is unique in that it is the first time that beings incarnated on a planet can go through the Ascension process while still in physical form.

Now, your physical bodies have been becoming lighter, moving more into their crystalline structure as you have All been working so diligently on your Spiritual journeys. You have been releasing the denser discordant energies that no longer serve you, thereby, lightening your physical form and raising your frequencies and your vibrations.

The Ascension that will occur on your planet involves the shifting of energies from those of the heavier energies of anger, hate, frustration, jealousy etc of the 3rd dimension into the lighter energies of happiness, joy, bliss etc that are those of the 5th dimension. You will be living "Heaven on Earth" so to speak. 

The shifting of the Earth energies begin in earnest in 2011. With each passing month in 2012, there will be more changes in the energies. Those of you who are sensitive to energies may be especially aware of the shifts. Another major shift will occur on 12/21/12, which happens to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar and does not mean that the world is ending.

So, to answer your question, you will be a part of the Ascension process, as will your children and their children and so on. It will take quite a while for Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants to totally become full members of the 5th Dimension. This whole process is a journey - a magnificent one that will be cherished after so many years of darkness. 

Continue to do the work of your Spiritual journeys. It is important that as many of you as possible hold Light and space for those who have not yet reached your level, for it will be the critical mass of 51% that will help those who desire to complete the process but who have not progressed as far, to go through the Ascension process so that they may catch up on the other side. Those who want no part of the process will leave the planet and take up residence on another planet more suitable to them while they continue their Spiritual journeys.

Blessings to All!

I AM Andre St Germain

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