Hello Dear Ones.....
Today I would like to speak about family relationships.
Family relationships are some of the most meaningful yet complex relationships and learning opportunities that you can have. Many times emotions run very high in these relationships. They can also provide some of the best situations that you can have for recognizing and releasing emotions.
Often times in families, the members have been together in many, many previous lifetimes. They have also been together in many configurations. Many of you have chosen in this incarnation to "wrap" up many of the karmic lessons that you have had together. For that reason, you may have very volatile encounters with your relatives so that, indeed, you can finish these lessons.
You must take special care to stay centered as you interact with each other. You may often feel that your relatives are acting totally unreasonable for the situation at hand. Try to realize that what is occurring between you and other family members is actually about unfinished issues and feelings that have been brought into these incarnation from other lives. If two or more of you have especially unresolved intense feelings, you may find it very challenging or even impossible to interact with one another.
When this occurs, take a step back and center yourself before continuing the interaction. Realize that you can only "control" yourself in the situation and the best way to do this is to act from a loving, centered heart. You must feel the truth within your heart when you take action. Breathe, meditate and use my guide for releasing emotions as you are trying to find a solution to your difficulties.
As I said earlier, you can only control yourself in any situation. But if you are in control of your emotions and you are speaking from that loving place within your heart, you may have a better chance for a calmer resolution of the problem. Even if this does not occur, you will at least be able to know that you did the best that you could to resolve the issue. Have forgiveness in your heart for both yourself and the other person and be sure to send the Love and Light within your heart to them.
Extra blessings and love to those with troubled family situations!
I AM Andre St Germain
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