Good Evening Dear Ones...Today I want to share with you the importance of having fun.
As the saying on your planet goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." We, who are helping you along your Spiritual journey, want you to have fun also. So many times, the work may seem very "heavy duty" to you and in truth, it is. To balance this, you must have joy within your lives.
And a great way to do this is to get together with friends and share some laughs. Laughter helps to move any stagnant energy that may have accumulated within your body to be released. Not only will this affect your physical body, but also your etheric, cellular, mental and emotional bodies.
You may get together for coffee or tea, have a party, go to a movie etc. Or you may find that opportunities for laughter may even arise during somewhat more sedate moments. Do not fear allowing laughter to emerge at these times. For example, you may get together with fellow healers for a session of group healing. One thing leads to another and you find that all of you are soon laughing out loud. Does this diminish the healing that is being accomplished? Indeed, it does not. In fact, it may accomplish several things.
As stated earlier, it will help the stagnant energy to be released. It may also help the one who is being healed to feel more at ease with the situation. That person may consider a thought or feeling that previously had been quite daunting to now seem less foreboding. The healers and the one being healed will also benefit from a more relaxed atmosphere.
After all, life is about balance and we in the other realms do want you to have joy in your lives, as does The Source of all joy and happiness - the Creator. We spent many lives living in physical form, so we do know about the importance of having fun and enjoying life! I, myself, used to love getting together with friends for a glass of wine and lively conversation at an outdoor cafe when I lived in France. We shared and learned much that helped us with our Spiritual journeys. And you can too, by allowing yourself to have a good time.
Now, I am going to give you some homework. I want all of you to plan a fun happening for sometime in the next week. Note how you are feeling before and then after your event. I am betting that your Spiritual work will flow more easily after the event.
Peace and blessings to All and remember to LOL - laugh out loud!
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