Saturday, September 24, 2011

September 24, 2011 - SFT - See It, Feel It, Trust It

Good Evening Dear Ones....the title of today's blog comes from words in a movie that Mary Ann and a friend saw today entitled "Seven Days in Utopia."  The movie is the story of a young, promising golfer who chokes in a tournament, grabs his stuff, gets in his car to get away and winds up in a small Texas town called "Utopia." There he meets a former pro golfer who promises him that if he spends seven days in Utopia with him, he will find his game. He does find his golf game but he actually finds much more.

Johnny, the former pro, gives Luke a ball with SFT on it. He goes on to explain that he must see what he wants to accomplish, feel what he wants to accomplish and trust that it will happen. There are many other profound moments throughout the movie. Even if you are not a golfer, you will gain a lot from seeing this movie.

The concept of seeing yourself in a situation in the way that you want to be, really imagining how it feels to be in this way and  trusting that it will actually happen this way is not new. But it is certainly most apropos in your world of today. Many of you have lived your lives according to the wishes of others or in the way that you thought you should live them. Now is the time to live your lives according to the way that you know within yourselves that you must. You incarnated upon the earth to learn lessons and by learning them you can release the energies that you have carried through many lifetimes that no longer serve you.

You are moving toward living your lives in your own Utopia.  Some refer to this as living "Heaven on Earth." This does not mean that you will be living on clouds, with angels floating by playing their harps and that God is sitting on a big stool looking down on you.

It means that you will be living from Love and Light, from the Truth that is within you. Take time to See that type of Life. Imagine what it would feel like to live this way. Really feel the happiness, the bliss, the joy, that goes along with living your lives in such a manner. And Trust that what you have been searching for all of these many lifetimes is real, possible and that it now and always has resided within you. You are simply re-connecting with it.

Toward the end of the movie, Johnny has Luke literally bury the lies that he has been carrying within him about his life. May I suggest that you do something similar to this. Now, you do not have to go out and dig a whole in the backyard (although most certainly you may if you wish to). Write them down, so that they are in front of you in black and white. Now that you can clearly see them,  there will be no doubt about what you are releasing.  You may wish to shred them, burn them or do whatever else you want to symbolize their no longer being a part of your life. Remember to breathe in Love and Light to fill up the empty spaces left by your releasing.

S - F - T the new you! You will be amazed at how your life will change by doing these three simple things.

Blessings to All!


NOTE from Mary Ann: the movie has a website that has a place where you can write down your lies and they will actually print them out and really bury them for you in Utopia, Texas.

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