Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 4, 2011 - Releasing Threads

Hello Beloved Ones... We in the Outer Realms have been hearing so many of you saying "What is happening to me?"  "I just don't know what is going on."  "I thought I had dealt with these lessons and yet, here they are YET again and on a bigger scale to boot." "When is all of this unsettled feeling within me going to stop?"

The reason that so many of you are feeling this way is because you have been working so diligently to release that which no longer works for you. What you have not realized or may have forgotten is that there are SO many layers of these energies within you, from all of the many lifetimes that you have lived. Many of the especially painful ones that you have not wished to feel or to look at, you have buried very deep within yourselves. As you are now working through the layers and releasing the outer ones, the inner ones are rising to the surface to also be worked through.

When you release an energy from a lesson, you are so to speak, releasing a thread of the tapestry of your life that you have woven. It is as if you have been creating a picture using thread, you decide that you no longer wish to use that particular color, and so you remove that particular thread of color you no longer like. But that color will still be in the picture until you remove ALL threads containing it.

And so it is with ALL energies of a particular lesson that you are learning. The total energy of that lesson will lessen with the removal of each "strand" of energy of that particular lesson. When you have "finished" that lesson, you will no longer be affected by that energy.

Do remember that there are many aspects of yourself living within many dimensions, and perhaps even many universes, so you may indeed have many "threads" that need to be released. Do not fear looking at these energies that no longer serve you. Look at them with the Light, thank them for the roles that they have played in helping you to learn, release them and use the Violet Flame to transmute them back into Love and Light.

This is the only way for you to truly move forward. You cannot truly change your "picture" into what you want it to be, without removing all of the parts of the picture that you no longer want to have within it.

So, re-examine your "threads" if you are feeling stuck and find those that need to be released. The discomfort that you may feel is only temporary. As you replace the "threads" with Love and Light, you will experience joy, peace and a lightness, that you have never felt before and your path will easily be shown to you.

And so it is.


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