Hello Dear Ones.....I wish to speak with you today about allowing things to happen.
So often, life on your planet happens at a very rapid pace. Everyone wants things now - be it food, relationships, jobs and so on. You have a pain and you take a pill immediately to make it go away. You are hungry, so you drive to get fast food. You want sex, so you have a one night stand. You don't want to feel emotions, so you lose yourself in a bottle or in a pill.
By concentrating on fulfilling your needs immediately, you "rob" yourselves of the opportunity to really look at what might be occurring. Is there a reason behind that pain? Is it attempting to slow you down so that you may look at something that needs attention? Has that emotion risen to the surface to be released so that you may move forward? And yet by "stuffing" it back down, you actually remain where you are or even slip back a little bit.
The energies surrounding you are increasing the pace at which they are moving. You want to be able to take advantage of their increased movements and their increased frequencies. However, the best way for you to do this is not practice immediate gratification but rather to examine what is really behind what is happening.
Allow the pain to be there for a while. Take advantage of resting and look at its meaning. Feel it and all that is connected with it. Thank it for being there to help you look at whatever comes up. BREATHE through it! And continue to do so. Soon, you may feel the pain lessen. You will find yourself taking control of the pain instead of the pain taking control of you. You will then be in a better place to examine its meaning.
If you are hungry, wait a few moments before eating, especially fast food. I have heard many of you comment that you have "inhaled" your food. That you don't even remember what you have eaten or how the food even tasted. Were you really hungry or were you eating to "stuff" down a feeling or emotion that was occurring? What happens then is you have food in your stomach but the feeling or emotion is still there. It may even surface on a much greater scale the next time. So, again BREATHE! Perhaps have a glass of water to temporarily satisfy the "hunger" pang. Examine what was happening at the time you all of a sudden had to eat. See if there might have been something else behind the hunger.
Another benefit is that slower eating will help your digestion. Take time to bless your food, remove all memory from it, all negativity, all fear and to raise the electrons within the food to the perfect, pristine energy that they were originally created with ( a tip of the hat to Marianne Somers for this blessing).
Also, if you will start to increase the amount of fresh, live food in your diet, you will find that your cells will be "singing" and that your mind will function with more clarity. And be sure to drink plenty of pure water throughout your day. Hydration is so necessary for the many systems within your body to function at their optimal best.
I am sure that you are getting the picture of how to allow things to happen naturally. You ALL have the knowledge within yourselves of what is the best way for you to live your lives on Mother Earth. So, tap into that knowledge and to quote Nike, "Just Do It!"
Blessings to All of you!
Be sure to check the archives on www.maryannandandre.blogspot.com to read other posts and comments from Andre.
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