Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thank you, Andre, for your response; I really appreciate it. I also have to be honest, and say that I'm getting a little weary of all the "lessons" and "lifetimes" that I'm having to release these days. It just goes on and on and on... Is there any way I can get some relief and more support? Am I not asking loudly enough for this? And also, I seem to be having to go this very much alone. I've been asking for support, but not a whole lot has shown up. I know "I create my own reality" on some level, but I've been asking for "grace and ease" and this strikes me as being elusive in my life these days. I remember Archangel Michael telling me once that I was a great soul and that's why I had so many challenges to face in my life. However, there comes a point when one would like to feel some gratification and relief. Is this too much to ask?!? Hope you take this in the spirit of Love and Light in which I intend it.

Dear Maria.....I do understand what you are feeling right now. There are so many Lightworkers experiencing exactly what you are right now. You did make the choice to incarnate on the earth during this period of many changes in order to complete many of your lessons and to help others with their changes, also. They seem to go on and on and on because of the many lifetimes that you have lived here and because of the lessons that you have accumulated during those lifetimes. And remember that these lessons are also present in many of your other "aspects of self" that are living in other dimensions.

My sense is that there are some elements of your current lessons that you have not yet realized. Because you are so determined to clear these lessons, they will keep appearing and perhaps even intensifying a bit until you find all of the "threads" that you need to release. Neither I nor your other guides can remove them from you. Once you discover these elements and come to a place of peace,  acceptance and release of them, they will be healed throughout all of those lifetimes and dimensions in which you experienced them.

For example, a thread that could be there, you (I use the word "YOU" as a representation of many of those on your planet ) may have experienced tremendous emotional pain in a relationship in another lifetime. The pain may have been so great to bear, that you "vowed" never to experience true connection with another person ever again, because you do not ever want to go through that pain again.

You may have squandered your wealth in another lifetime, which ultimately caused you to "harm" yourself or others in that lifetime - i.e. you or your family starved to death because you gambled away your money. And so you "vowed" never to have wealth again so that you would not repeat that same scenario.

You may have experienced such a "broken heart" with another individual that you vowed never to allow yourself to love again so that you would never have to experience the pain of a broken heart again. I am sure that you are getting the picture now. 

Someone that you may have injured in another lifetime may have placed a "curse" on you so that you would not ever be able to hurt them again. They "vowed" that you would never hurt anyone again as you hurt them. You may have even done this to someone else yourself.

May I suggest that YOU (and I again use that term collectively for all of the readers) take the time to really quiet yourselves and look inward. It is sometimes difficult to release something that you are not even aware is affecting you. If you are sensing that you have vows or curses upon you, then more than likely you do, and you will want to take action to release them.  In addition to your own work, you might also enlist the assistance of other healers who work with vows and curses to assist you with this. 

This discussion is not intended to cause you to become fearful or give you something else to worry about. Vows and curses are simply elements that  help you to learn lessons. From now on, you will also want to carefully choose the words that you use in dealing with yourself and with others, so that you do not  place more vows upon yourselves or "curses"upon others.

It is important to always come from a place of love within your heart when you have interactions with yourself and others. YOU ALL do create your own reality, as Maria said, and do you All not desire to create the best reality that you can? Choose your thoughts and your words wisely in doing this, for as it is said, "As you sow, so shall you reap."

Maria, have you considered that you are seeking "outside" help for the solutions to your problems when perhaps the "help" that you are seeking is already there - within you. Taking the time to really quiet yourself may reveal the answers and help that you seek.  May I again suggest that often times what YOU  seek may appear in a different way that is expected or perhaps even wanted, but it will appear. And of course you know that others can not do your work for you.

Indeed, it would be nice if everything that YOU were to do would be easy and graceful - but the reality is that often times it is not. Know that in spite of this, YOU CAN accomplish and obtain what you seek. Be sure that you are coming from a place of love and not from fear and perhaps even anger when you are doing your work. Your Angels and Guides are there to assist you but they can not do your work for you. YOU are never alone. Remember that WE ARE ALL ONE and ONE with Source.

I do guarantee that you will feel Light-er and that relief you seek as you do your work and release those energies that no longer serve you. I know that I am repeating myself, but I can not say enough times to please use the Violet Flame to transmute those energies that you have released. By doing this, you are releasing more Light into the Universe and this benefits All of us.

I hope that this discussion has helped you.

My blessings and love to each one of you.


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  1. THank you very much, Andre. I am humbled and guided to Go Within more deeply. I still wish there were a more simple way to Release all of my pain, but I guess what you're saying is there's no easy way to do this. I just need to find the pain, sit with it and release it -- using the Violet Flame. Thanks for a new possibility, as I'm not sure how effective some of the methods I thot. were effective are, in reality :) It's hard to know what's really working, but i guess my inner guidance will tell me as i check in with it...

    Love Peace & Harmony from the Magnificent Red Rock Country! Dancing heart~~~~

  2. I have had some experiences with Braco the "Silent Gaze" healer that have helped ms... Blessings of Love, Light, and Gratitude to ALL who are helping us heal at this time.

    Many Thanks for your "tips," Andre. Your words have been helpful!
