Hello Dear Ones...
It has been quite a while since I have addressed you through Mary Ann's blog.
I just could not let this momentous day of 12-12-12 pass by without saying hello to you.
Did you feel the influx of the energies? Know that you may be experiencing many things right now - feeling tired, confused, not all there, excited, inspired, and the list can go on and on! These feelings may intensify as you draw closer to 12-21-12.
To prepare yourself for the additional energies, be sure that you are drinking plenty of water, spending time in meditation or just be-ing. resting when you feel tired and eating those foods that will support you through the influx of the energies.
Know that there will be additional energies coming to your planet from 12/21/12 through 12/23/12. It will take that 3 day time frame for the energies to assimilate not only with you but also with Mother Earth.
Relax, sit back and enjoy the ride! Wonderful, wonderful things are in store for all of you! We in the Upper Realms congratulate you for the intense work that you have been doing to prepare for this momentous time. We send you blessings from above!
I A Ascended Master St Germain
Welcome! Ascended Master Andre St. Germain has many messages he wishes to convey to everyone! I receive these messages in a “conversational” format which is how he’d like me to deliver them to you. We ask you to please share this blog and come back often. Much love, Mary Ann and Andre
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Spend an Evening with Me
Good Morning, Dear Ones!
I wanted to let you know that Mary Ann will be hosting an evening with me, this coming Thursday June 28, 2012 from 7:30PM to 9:00PM.
I will be discussing the energies that are currently visiting the Earth and I will be answering your most burning questions.
Suggested Love Donation is $10.00 and I will answer several questions for you if i can, depending on the number of people who attend.
I hope to see you then.
Please email Mary Ann at mawolf53@gmail.com for the exact address and directions.
I Am Andre St Germain
I wanted to let you know that Mary Ann will be hosting an evening with me, this coming Thursday June 28, 2012 from 7:30PM to 9:00PM.
I will be discussing the energies that are currently visiting the Earth and I will be answering your most burning questions.
Suggested Love Donation is $10.00 and I will answer several questions for you if i can, depending on the number of people who attend.
I hope to see you then.
Please email Mary Ann at mawolf53@gmail.com for the exact address and directions.
I Am Andre St Germain
Friday, March 16, 2012
Checking In
Hello Dear Ones...I am checking in with all of you to see how you have been doing.
Have you been remembering to breathe?
Are you meditating or doing some kind of Spiritual practice on a regular basis?
Are you taking time every day to just be?
Are you working on releasing trapped emotions on a regular basis and discarding them into the Violet Flame to be transmuted back into Love and Light?
If you are having any difficulty with any of these things, please feel free to email me and I will be glad to assist you.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Also, be sure to check out and "like" St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Have you been remembering to breathe?
Are you meditating or doing some kind of Spiritual practice on a regular basis?
Are you taking time every day to just be?
Are you working on releasing trapped emotions on a regular basis and discarding them into the Violet Flame to be transmuted back into Love and Light?
If you are having any difficulty with any of these things, please feel free to email me and I will be glad to assist you.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Also, be sure to check out and "like" St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Question and Answer
Good Morning Dear Ones..... another question..
Is Nessie the Lockness Monster a dimensional being? Lets add the big foot and the abominable snowman to the list
Thanks for your question.
Yes, they are all dimensional beings! They travel between dimensions bringing new and needed energies to the planets they are visiting. They sometimes also remove large amounts of energy that no longer are working for your planet.
They will be seen by those who are vibrating near or at the vibration and frequency level of the beings as they are being seen on that particular planet.
They are friendly and are serving the planet. So, if you ever have a chance to "see" them, do not be afraid and send them love and light from your heart and you will receive the same back from them.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out, pass along and click Like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Is Nessie the Lockness Monster a dimensional being? Lets add the big foot and the abominable snowman to the list
Thanks for your question.
Yes, they are all dimensional beings! They travel between dimensions bringing new and needed energies to the planets they are visiting. They sometimes also remove large amounts of energy that no longer are working for your planet.
They will be seen by those who are vibrating near or at the vibration and frequency level of the beings as they are being seen on that particular planet.
They are friendly and are serving the planet. So, if you ever have a chance to "see" them, do not be afraid and send them love and light from your heart and you will receive the same back from them.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out, pass along and click Like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Monday, February 27, 2012
Question and Answer
Hello Dear Ones.......
Today, I have received a question from Pam:
Today, I have received a question from Pam:
while driving home yesterday, i was wondering about your thoughts on "indigo, crystal and rainbow" indivduals
A very good question, Pam.
Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow are names that describe individuals who have come to the Earth with higher frequencies and vibrations and more awareness of their true selves and their connection to Source.
The Indigo individuals began incarnating upon the earth back in the 1940's, with their numbers rapidly increasing in the 1960's,1970's and 1980's.
The Crystal individuals began incarnating upon the the Earth in the 1980's, with their numbers rapidly increasing in the 1990's and early 2000's.
The Rainbow individuals began incarnation upon the Earth in the mid-2000's, with their numbers rapidly increasing almost from the time they incarnated through the present time.
With the movement forward of each category, so to speak, the awareness of the individual increases. Do know however, that of course during any of those time frames, there were individuals with greater and lesser awareness than attributed to their descriptions. What that means is that there Indigos, Crystals and Rainbow individuals throughout all of those years.
The children that are being born these days are Rainbow Individuals and have the greatest connection to their awareness of their Light and Love connection to Source. However, with this knowledge also comes a challenge. Many times these individuals have great difficulty in coping with living upon the Earth, because they do not understand why everyone does not live and feel as they do. This can cause them great "pain". And can lead to major addictions, depression and even violence, as they attempt to block out the "pain" that they are feeling.
That is why it is so important for Lightworkers to be attuned to these individuals, so that they are able to connected to other like-minded individuals, so that they know that they are not alone and can be supported in their journeys. It is important for Lightworkers who are grandparents to be attuned to their grandchildren, especially if the parents are currently not aware or open to the gifts their children have.
The important thing is to love these children from the Love, Light and Truth within your hearts, for it is by doing this that you will keep open a connection from your Divine Essence to their Divine Essence which will reassure them that they are not alone. use your discernment to answer questions they may have
but do be careful not to create a conflict between what their parents say or believe and what they inherently know. Again, I say, that the Divine Essence connection is what is the most important.
Blessings to All and thank you for carrying the Light upon your planet.
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and click "Like" on St Germain's Facebook page at; www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Healing All of Yourselves
Hi Dear Ones....a great question today...
Hi Andre--
While I understand there are no rules.... If someone here on the earth plane is working on healing a specific physical ailment....are other aspects of us, living elsewhere also healing - or are part of the healing?
I've been calling in all my aspects to ask them to forgive others who have harmed them, asking for their forgiveness, looking for any "lesson: and forgiving myself - thanks for the step-by-step help!... I guess my question is: since all of our aspects are part of us...are they experiencing "issues" that might correlate to healng this major piece on the earth plane?....anything to be aware of or ask about, since everyone is different? Thank you so much all the really great blogs you have blessed us with!
Yes, you are correct in saying that as you are healing here on the earth, your aspects - wherever they may be - are also healing. Since you are incarnated on the earth at this time, working so diligently on your Spiritual journey towards Ascension, you are the main aspect - so to speak and what you are doing impacts all of your other aspects. Now that being said, what your other aspects are experiencing elsewhere can be slightly different variations of your earth lessons.
Your approach that you mentioned in your questions is the way to work with your aspects and your lessons. If something here on the earth is still presenting you with a major difficulty, may I suggest that you see if you can examine it with different eyes - in a way that you have not looked at it before. Look more internally rather than externally for your answers.
Perhaps a little more quiet inner meditation or reflection; discussion with your Spiritual mentor; more journalling relating to the specific issue - not so much on general messages you are receiving. Ask for guidance from your guides; maybe even asking for a new guide to present himself/herself to you who can specifically assist you with your issue.
Remember that the answers that you seek are within! Keep seeking them and they will come forth!
Extra blessings to All who are experiencing difficulties with their lessons from myself, those in other realms and dimensions and of course, from Source.
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a question, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/scendedmasterstgermain We would like to get 100+ likes in the next few months!!
Hi Andre--
While I understand there are no rules.... If someone here on the earth plane is working on healing a specific physical ailment....are other aspects of us, living elsewhere also healing - or are part of the healing?
I've been calling in all my aspects to ask them to forgive others who have harmed them, asking for their forgiveness, looking for any "lesson: and forgiving myself - thanks for the step-by-step help!... I guess my question is: since all of our aspects are part of us...are they experiencing "issues" that might correlate to healng this major piece on the earth plane?....anything to be aware of or ask about, since everyone is different? Thank you so much all the really great blogs you have blessed us with!
Yes, you are correct in saying that as you are healing here on the earth, your aspects - wherever they may be - are also healing. Since you are incarnated on the earth at this time, working so diligently on your Spiritual journey towards Ascension, you are the main aspect - so to speak and what you are doing impacts all of your other aspects. Now that being said, what your other aspects are experiencing elsewhere can be slightly different variations of your earth lessons.
Your approach that you mentioned in your questions is the way to work with your aspects and your lessons. If something here on the earth is still presenting you with a major difficulty, may I suggest that you see if you can examine it with different eyes - in a way that you have not looked at it before. Look more internally rather than externally for your answers.
Perhaps a little more quiet inner meditation or reflection; discussion with your Spiritual mentor; more journalling relating to the specific issue - not so much on general messages you are receiving. Ask for guidance from your guides; maybe even asking for a new guide to present himself/herself to you who can specifically assist you with your issue.
Remember that the answers that you seek are within! Keep seeking them and they will come forth!
Extra blessings to All who are experiencing difficulties with their lessons from myself, those in other realms and dimensions and of course, from Source.
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a question, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/scendedmasterstgermain We would like to get 100+ likes in the next few months!!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
No Questions or Comments?
Hello Dear Ones.....well, have I answered all of your questions?
Mary Ann has been waiting all day to receive some questions for me, but none have come. Surely, there must be something that you are pondering about?
Please take a moment to really think about something that you have been wondering about, mulling over or perhaps even disagreeing with. I welcome all questions and comments.
If you have been thinking about a personal reading, from now until March 2nd would be a good time to get one, as Mary Ann is having a special price of $50 for an hour reading for readers of this blog, in honor of her birthday and also the fact that this is a leap year. You may contact her at mawolf53@gmail.com for further information.
When you have a personal reading, I ask that you have a list of questions ready that you would like answered. You may of course ask follow-up questions to the answers that I give you.
Well, put your thinking caps on! I await your questions.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out, share and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook Page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain We would like to see at least 100 likes on his page!
Mary Ann has been waiting all day to receive some questions for me, but none have come. Surely, there must be something that you are pondering about?
Please take a moment to really think about something that you have been wondering about, mulling over or perhaps even disagreeing with. I welcome all questions and comments.
If you have been thinking about a personal reading, from now until March 2nd would be a good time to get one, as Mary Ann is having a special price of $50 for an hour reading for readers of this blog, in honor of her birthday and also the fact that this is a leap year. You may contact her at mawolf53@gmail.com for further information.
When you have a personal reading, I ask that you have a list of questions ready that you would like answered. You may of course ask follow-up questions to the answers that I give you.
Well, put your thinking caps on! I await your questions.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out, share and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook Page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain We would like to see at least 100 likes on his page!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
How Do You if You Are Making Progress with Releasing Emotions?
Hello Dear Ones...another question
Hi, I have been working on releasing emotions as they come up using the violet flame and the white light of love and gratitude.
My question is how does one know how these changes are affecting the person in terms of how much needs to still get cleared.
My thoughts are sometimes I feel I have made progress other times feel stuck in fear and doubt..How also does one protect themselves from psychic attacks or things of that nature that can be negative.. I love the blog and have saved all that I have received and sent them on to others.!! Thanks, Christina
Thank you, Christina, for your very pertinent questions and for sharing the blog with others.
Know that as you work these days to release these energies, you are able to remove multiple layers of the emotions each time you do the work. Indeed, it would be wonderful if you each had a specific number of layers to remove and you could count down the remaining ones each time you removed some.
But there is much truth in your comment that at times you feel that you have made progress and then at other times, you feel stuck. That is because as "life happens" you do indeed at times return to those energies that you are working to release and because you do this, you are in fact replacing some of the layers that you have already removed.
But do not despair! These "new" layers are much closer to the surface and are more easily removed by your work than are the deeper, more entrenched ones. Know that you all have the ability to reach even the most entrenched discordant energies and emotions within you. Just keep on doing what you are doing and they will dissolve layer by layer. And you will become Lighter and Lighter. When you are able to totally and always live from Love, Truth and Light, you will have completed your work.
As to protecting yourselves from psychic attacks and negative things in nature, the best way to do this is to live your daily lives from the Love, Light and Truth that is within your hearts. You know that like energy attracts like energy, so if you are living in fear, anger, judgement etc., you will be opening up yourselves to attracting more of the same type of energies. However, if you are sending forth the lighter energies of Love, Light and Truth, those are the energies that you will attract!
I hope that this helps you!
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out, share and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain. Mary Ann would love to see 100+ likes on his page!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
What happens to the physical body during Ascension?
Hello Dear Ones....
Will our bodies actually transform or will our spirits transform when we ascend.
Is it for our generation or our children? Peggy
Peggy, thank you for your question. In earlier times on other planets, the Ascension meant that a being shed its physical body and its Spirit went forth into another dimension. The Ascension that is about to occur on the Earth (including Mother Earth's own Ascension) is unique in that it is the first time that beings incarnated on a planet can go through the Ascension process while still in physical form.
Now, your physical bodies have been becoming lighter, moving more into their crystalline structure as you have All been working so diligently on your Spiritual journeys. You have been releasing the denser discordant energies that no longer serve you, thereby, lightening your physical form and raising your frequencies and your vibrations.
The Ascension that will occur on your planet involves the shifting of energies from those of the heavier energies of anger, hate, frustration, jealousy etc of the 3rd dimension into the lighter energies of happiness, joy, bliss etc that are those of the 5th dimension. You will be living "Heaven on Earth" so to speak.
The shifting of the Earth energies begin in earnest in 2011. With each passing month in 2012, there will be more changes in the energies. Those of you who are sensitive to energies may be especially aware of the shifts. Another major shift will occur on 12/21/12, which happens to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar and does not mean that the world is ending.
So, to answer your question, you will be a part of the Ascension process, as will your children and their children and so on. It will take quite a while for Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants to totally become full members of the 5th Dimension. This whole process is a journey - a magnificent one that will be cherished after so many years of darkness.
Continue to do the work of your Spiritual journeys. It is important that as many of you as possible hold Light and space for those who have not yet reached your level, for it will be the critical mass of 51% that will help those who desire to complete the process but who have not progressed as far, to go through the Ascension process so that they may catch up on the other side. Those who want no part of the process will leave the planet and take up residence on another planet more suitable to them while they continue their Spiritual journeys.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Will our bodies actually transform or will our spirits transform when we ascend.
Is it for our generation or our children? Peggy
Peggy, thank you for your question. In earlier times on other planets, the Ascension meant that a being shed its physical body and its Spirit went forth into another dimension. The Ascension that is about to occur on the Earth (including Mother Earth's own Ascension) is unique in that it is the first time that beings incarnated on a planet can go through the Ascension process while still in physical form.
Now, your physical bodies have been becoming lighter, moving more into their crystalline structure as you have All been working so diligently on your Spiritual journeys. You have been releasing the denser discordant energies that no longer serve you, thereby, lightening your physical form and raising your frequencies and your vibrations.
The Ascension that will occur on your planet involves the shifting of energies from those of the heavier energies of anger, hate, frustration, jealousy etc of the 3rd dimension into the lighter energies of happiness, joy, bliss etc that are those of the 5th dimension. You will be living "Heaven on Earth" so to speak.
The shifting of the Earth energies begin in earnest in 2011. With each passing month in 2012, there will be more changes in the energies. Those of you who are sensitive to energies may be especially aware of the shifts. Another major shift will occur on 12/21/12, which happens to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar and does not mean that the world is ending.
So, to answer your question, you will be a part of the Ascension process, as will your children and their children and so on. It will take quite a while for Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants to totally become full members of the 5th Dimension. This whole process is a journey - a magnificent one that will be cherished after so many years of darkness.
Continue to do the work of your Spiritual journeys. It is important that as many of you as possible hold Light and space for those who have not yet reached your level, for it will be the critical mass of 51% that will help those who desire to complete the process but who have not progressed as far, to go through the Ascension process so that they may catch up on the other side. Those who want no part of the process will leave the planet and take up residence on another planet more suitable to them while they continue their Spiritual journeys.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Monday, February 13, 2012
Hello Dear Ones....
Today I would to share a few things.
The first thing is a comment received from a reader:
"We're a group of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your web site offered us with valuable information to work on. You've done a formidable job and our entire community will be grateful to you."
The second is a comment about fewer posts these past few weeks. Mary Ann has stepped out of her comfort zone, so to speak, in beginning a new work situation unlike any she has done before. I decided to give her a "break" from messages so that she could concentrate on learning the concepts of her new work which she is continuing to do.
I would like to change things a bit also. I would really like to concentrate on answering your questions. I know that many of you have questions that are being "thought" about by many others who read this blog. Please send these questions to Mary Ann at: mawolf53@gmail.com The answers that you seek will be of benefit to many others.
I would also love to hear comments (such as the one above) as to how the information I have shared with you has been of assistance to you. Again, others will benefit by seeing that change can occur with something as small as a sentence or two.
So, please take a few moments and think about something that has been on your mind for a while and send it to Mary Ann. I will do my best to answer all of your questions.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Today I would to share a few things.
The first thing is a comment received from a reader:
"We're a group of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. Your web site offered us with valuable information to work on. You've done a formidable job and our entire community will be grateful to you."
The second is a comment about fewer posts these past few weeks. Mary Ann has stepped out of her comfort zone, so to speak, in beginning a new work situation unlike any she has done before. I decided to give her a "break" from messages so that she could concentrate on learning the concepts of her new work which she is continuing to do.
I would like to change things a bit also. I would really like to concentrate on answering your questions. I know that many of you have questions that are being "thought" about by many others who read this blog. Please send these questions to Mary Ann at: mawolf53@gmail.com The answers that you seek will be of benefit to many others.
I would also love to hear comments (such as the one above) as to how the information I have shared with you has been of assistance to you. Again, others will benefit by seeing that change can occur with something as small as a sentence or two.
So, please take a few moments and think about something that has been on your mind for a while and send it to Mary Ann. I will do my best to answer all of your questions.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Challenging Family Relationships
Hello Dear Ones.....
Today I would like to speak about family relationships.
Family relationships are some of the most meaningful yet complex relationships and learning opportunities that you can have. Many times emotions run very high in these relationships. They can also provide some of the best situations that you can have for recognizing and releasing emotions.
Often times in families, the members have been together in many, many previous lifetimes. They have also been together in many configurations. Many of you have chosen in this incarnation to "wrap" up many of the karmic lessons that you have had together. For that reason, you may have very volatile encounters with your relatives so that, indeed, you can finish these lessons.
You must take special care to stay centered as you interact with each other. You may often feel that your relatives are acting totally unreasonable for the situation at hand. Try to realize that what is occurring between you and other family members is actually about unfinished issues and feelings that have been brought into these incarnation from other lives. If two or more of you have especially unresolved intense feelings, you may find it very challenging or even impossible to interact with one another.
When this occurs, take a step back and center yourself before continuing the interaction. Realize that you can only "control" yourself in the situation and the best way to do this is to act from a loving, centered heart. You must feel the truth within your heart when you take action. Breathe, meditate and use my guide for releasing emotions as you are trying to find a solution to your difficulties.
As I said earlier, you can only control yourself in any situation. But if you are in control of your emotions and you are speaking from that loving place within your heart, you may have a better chance for a calmer resolution of the problem. Even if this does not occur, you will at least be able to know that you did the best that you could to resolve the issue. Have forgiveness in your heart for both yourself and the other person and be sure to send the Love and Light within your heart to them.
Extra blessings and love to those with troubled family situations!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Also, be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook Page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Today I would like to speak about family relationships.
Family relationships are some of the most meaningful yet complex relationships and learning opportunities that you can have. Many times emotions run very high in these relationships. They can also provide some of the best situations that you can have for recognizing and releasing emotions.
Often times in families, the members have been together in many, many previous lifetimes. They have also been together in many configurations. Many of you have chosen in this incarnation to "wrap" up many of the karmic lessons that you have had together. For that reason, you may have very volatile encounters with your relatives so that, indeed, you can finish these lessons.
You must take special care to stay centered as you interact with each other. You may often feel that your relatives are acting totally unreasonable for the situation at hand. Try to realize that what is occurring between you and other family members is actually about unfinished issues and feelings that have been brought into these incarnation from other lives. If two or more of you have especially unresolved intense feelings, you may find it very challenging or even impossible to interact with one another.
When this occurs, take a step back and center yourself before continuing the interaction. Realize that you can only "control" yourself in the situation and the best way to do this is to act from a loving, centered heart. You must feel the truth within your heart when you take action. Breathe, meditate and use my guide for releasing emotions as you are trying to find a solution to your difficulties.
As I said earlier, you can only control yourself in any situation. But if you are in control of your emotions and you are speaking from that loving place within your heart, you may have a better chance for a calmer resolution of the problem. Even if this does not occur, you will at least be able to know that you did the best that you could to resolve the issue. Have forgiveness in your heart for both yourself and the other person and be sure to send the Love and Light within your heart to them.
Extra blessings and love to those with troubled family situations!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Also, be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook Page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Friday, January 27, 2012
Leaving Your Comfort Zone
Hello Dear Ones.......
Today I would like to speak to you about stepping out of your comfort zones.
Since so many of you have become lighter and are vibrating at ever increasing higher vibrations, I challenge you to step out of your comfort zones. Do something different - something that you have not done before or something that you have been wanting to but perhaps have been afraid to do so.
Help spread your Love and Light by volunteering; share your re-awakened knowledge with others; reach out to someone who could use you help; spend one entire day with a smile on your lips; start a meditation group; start that new business that you have been thinking about. What can you add to the list?
For you know, now that you have strengthened your connection to Source and to your Spiritual Guides through your Spiritual practice, your ability to receive the knowledge that you desire is endless. There are so many Guides waiting to help you - all you have to do is to ask! And you shall receive!
My second challenge to you is to share here on this blog what you have done in response to my initial challenge. It will benefit all to see how far you have all come. You may send an email to Mary Ann at mawolf53@gmail.com and she will post it here. I look forward to reading them. And do not spend time worrying about what you consider "momentous" enough to send in. I believe you have a saying on your planet that "A journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step" or something like that :-) The important thing here is that you take that first step.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:
And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at:
Today I would like to speak to you about stepping out of your comfort zones.
Since so many of you have become lighter and are vibrating at ever increasing higher vibrations, I challenge you to step out of your comfort zones. Do something different - something that you have not done before or something that you have been wanting to but perhaps have been afraid to do so.
Help spread your Love and Light by volunteering; share your re-awakened knowledge with others; reach out to someone who could use you help; spend one entire day with a smile on your lips; start a meditation group; start that new business that you have been thinking about. What can you add to the list?
For you know, now that you have strengthened your connection to Source and to your Spiritual Guides through your Spiritual practice, your ability to receive the knowledge that you desire is endless. There are so many Guides waiting to help you - all you have to do is to ask! And you shall receive!
My second challenge to you is to share here on this blog what you have done in response to my initial challenge. It will benefit all to see how far you have all come. You may send an email to Mary Ann at mawolf53@gmail.com and she will post it here. I look forward to reading them. And do not spend time worrying about what you consider "momentous" enough to send in. I believe you have a saying on your planet that "A journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step" or something like that :-) The important thing here is that you take that first step.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:
And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at:
Garden of Eden
Hello Dear Ones....another question
Where was the Garden of Eden?
The Garden of Eden actually refers to a time when those inhabiting your beloved planet Earth lived from the Light and Love and Truth within their hearts and were closely connected to Source. All were happy, blissful, joyous and free.
As the inhabitants began to drift away from Source, to allow other emotions to enter their hearts - anger, fear, jealousy, greed, frustration etc. their living conditions became less than ideal. They began to place "veils" so to speak over their connection to Source. These veils "covered" their knowledge of the Divine Essence of Source, as well as, the Divine Essence within all of their fellow inhabitants on the planet.They became denser in their bodies and began to vibrate at lower frequencies and vibrations. Their "Garden of Eden" began to vanish as the other darker emotions became more prevalent.
The Garden of Eden has traditionally thought to have been in your Middle East Region. That is because the authors of your Bible had most recently lived in that area and so the inhabitants could relate to that area. Indeed, the type of living known as the "Garden of Eden" was occurring on enormous land masses throughout the entire planet.
As more and more of you, as well as Mother Earth, go through the Ascension process, the "Garden of Eden" type of living will slowly return to your planet.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share the site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to visit, share and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Where was the Garden of Eden?
The Garden of Eden actually refers to a time when those inhabiting your beloved planet Earth lived from the Light and Love and Truth within their hearts and were closely connected to Source. All were happy, blissful, joyous and free.
As the inhabitants began to drift away from Source, to allow other emotions to enter their hearts - anger, fear, jealousy, greed, frustration etc. their living conditions became less than ideal. They began to place "veils" so to speak over their connection to Source. These veils "covered" their knowledge of the Divine Essence of Source, as well as, the Divine Essence within all of their fellow inhabitants on the planet.They became denser in their bodies and began to vibrate at lower frequencies and vibrations. Their "Garden of Eden" began to vanish as the other darker emotions became more prevalent.
The Garden of Eden has traditionally thought to have been in your Middle East Region. That is because the authors of your Bible had most recently lived in that area and so the inhabitants could relate to that area. Indeed, the type of living known as the "Garden of Eden" was occurring on enormous land masses throughout the entire planet.
As more and more of you, as well as Mother Earth, go through the Ascension process, the "Garden of Eden" type of living will slowly return to your planet.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share the site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to visit, share and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Planets Having Free Will
Hello Dear Ones.....another question...
How many other planets are learning lessons with free will? And are there other planets which are under such darkness that it makes living on Earth look like paradise?
There are many other planets on which beings live with free will. For those of you want exact numbers, there are 152 other planets. The beings who live on these planets are not necessarily in a form such as yourselves, however, they do live with the ability to make choices as they are learning the lessons of their own particular Spiritual journeys.
The uniqueness of Earth is that yours is the first planet whose beings have the possibility to complete the Ascension process while still living in their physical forms instead of having to had made their transitions. This is a gift from Source because of the diligence you have all displayed in learning the lessons of your Spiritual journeys.
Also unique to your Earth is the chance for a critical mass of 51% of those who are ready to ascend to pull the rest of the masses along with them. In prior times, a planet with almost its entire population being ready to ascend was necessary in order for the Ascension to happen.
As to the second question, yes, there are other planets that are existing at a lower level of vibration and a lesser frequency than the Earth and so the Earth does indeed look like a paradise to them. They see those living on Earth as "Lighter" beings than themselves, as you are in fact, Lighter in body structure than they are because of your higher level of frequency and vibration. Know that the Earth was once where they are now. That is how much progress you have made!
Many blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share the site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
How many other planets are learning lessons with free will? And are there other planets which are under such darkness that it makes living on Earth look like paradise?
There are many other planets on which beings live with free will. For those of you want exact numbers, there are 152 other planets. The beings who live on these planets are not necessarily in a form such as yourselves, however, they do live with the ability to make choices as they are learning the lessons of their own particular Spiritual journeys.
The uniqueness of Earth is that yours is the first planet whose beings have the possibility to complete the Ascension process while still living in their physical forms instead of having to had made their transitions. This is a gift from Source because of the diligence you have all displayed in learning the lessons of your Spiritual journeys.
Also unique to your Earth is the chance for a critical mass of 51% of those who are ready to ascend to pull the rest of the masses along with them. In prior times, a planet with almost its entire population being ready to ascend was necessary in order for the Ascension to happen.
As to the second question, yes, there are other planets that are existing at a lower level of vibration and a lesser frequency than the Earth and so the Earth does indeed look like a paradise to them. They see those living on Earth as "Lighter" beings than themselves, as you are in fact, Lighter in body structure than they are because of your higher level of frequency and vibration. Know that the Earth was once where they are now. That is how much progress you have made!
Many blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share the site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Why is God referred to as He or male?
Hello Dear Ones..... another question
If "GOD" is I AM energy why is that energy referred as He or male?
The terms "He" or male in reference to God or Source is a carryover from many centuries ago. God is both Male energy - Divine Father - power and Female energy - Divine Mother - love. Power was viewed as a term to refer to the male - the hunter, the breadwinner, the one responsible for the family. The one in control. There was not the understanding of love, of living from the love within the heart that there is now. The female was thought to be lesser than the male in many civilizations.
Even in those civilizations where the female was revered and her true status and importance known, eventually the males came to fear the females, and as such, they created "situations" that began to suppress the female.
While many of these situations no longer exist and more and more of you have become aware of the knowledge that everyone, regardless of gender, is composed of both male and female energy, there are still many places on your planet that continue to allow the suppression of the female. As you all move toward Ascension, it will serve you well to work for the end of these situations.
With the lifting of so many of the veils that you had put into place to "cover" the true knowledge that you incarnated with upon the planet so that you could learn your intended lessons, you are now re-awakening to the I AM energy.
Be aware that each time you say "I AM" you give the statement that begins with "I AM" the union of the energies of Power - Divine Father and Love - Divine Mother. That is a very powerful statement, so choose your statements wisely that begin with this phrase.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
If "GOD" is I AM energy why is that energy referred as He or male?
The terms "He" or male in reference to God or Source is a carryover from many centuries ago. God is both Male energy - Divine Father - power and Female energy - Divine Mother - love. Power was viewed as a term to refer to the male - the hunter, the breadwinner, the one responsible for the family. The one in control. There was not the understanding of love, of living from the love within the heart that there is now. The female was thought to be lesser than the male in many civilizations.
Even in those civilizations where the female was revered and her true status and importance known, eventually the males came to fear the females, and as such, they created "situations" that began to suppress the female.
While many of these situations no longer exist and more and more of you have become aware of the knowledge that everyone, regardless of gender, is composed of both male and female energy, there are still many places on your planet that continue to allow the suppression of the female. As you all move toward Ascension, it will serve you well to work for the end of these situations.
With the lifting of so many of the veils that you had put into place to "cover" the true knowledge that you incarnated with upon the planet so that you could learn your intended lessons, you are now re-awakening to the I AM energy.
Be aware that each time you say "I AM" you give the statement that begins with "I AM" the union of the energies of Power - Divine Father and Love - Divine Mother. That is a very powerful statement, so choose your statements wisely that begin with this phrase.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Monday, January 23, 2012
Collective Subconscious
Hello Dear Ones......A question....
What is the collective subconscious for a person?
If it is a group in spirit that you work with for information, how many are in the group?
The collective subconscious, in metaphysical terms, refers to your soul family, those souls who are working on similar lessons and are there to support you and provide guidance to you as you are all learning the lessons. These souls may be working with you on just a particular lesson or they may be working with you on numerous lessons.
The number in the group will vary according to the number of souls working on the particular lesson. There is no minimum or maximum number. You can be working with numerous soul families at the same time.
Keep the questions coming!
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a question or to read archived messages, please visit and share the site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Be sure to also check out St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
The Importance of Self-Care
Hello Dear Ones....Today I would like to remind you of the importance of self-care during these times of rapid energy changes on your planet.
Many of you have noticed that you are feeling more tired these days. You may be having trouble sleeping at night. You may be feeling a lack of energy to even get through the day. This is because your physical body is feeling the effects of the frequent energy shifts occurring on the earth. Sometimes, these shifts occur one right after the other which does not give your bodies much time to "catch up."
If you are feeling tired, be kind to your body and take the time to rest. Go to bed a little earlier or if possible stay in bed a little longer in the morning. Rest when your body is telling you to do so. Take some time to recharge yourselves throughout the day by pausing to do several minutes of deep breathing, bringing fresh oxygen, fresh life into your bodies.
You should also increase your daily water intake. It is very important to stay hydrated and to flush out toxins that you are releasing.
It is also a good time to re-evaluate your daily food intake. Try to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your food plans. Cut back on sugars and nonnutritive items that you ingest. Notice that I mentioned "cutting back" on sweets. It is not necessary to totally eliminate them, unless you have medical conditions that are worsened by their ingestion.
Try to eat more poultry and fish. It is not necessary to totally eliminate red meats, in fact, at times you may find yourselves really wanting them. Be sure they are of good quality. Occasionally eating red meat will help to replenish a certain frequency and vibration of energy that you may be needing at that time.
You are meant to enjoy life and you can do this by enjoying all foods in moderation. Listen to your body. If you pay attention, you will begin to notice how your body responds to the foods that you eat and then plan your meals accordingly.
And many of you know that my last incarnation upon the earth was in France. I thoroughly enjoyed getting together with friends and colleagues and enjoying some wine while we had hearty discussions. Again, moderation is the key.
So, eat, drink, be merry and enjoy yourselves as you progress along your Spiritual journeys!
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Many of you have noticed that you are feeling more tired these days. You may be having trouble sleeping at night. You may be feeling a lack of energy to even get through the day. This is because your physical body is feeling the effects of the frequent energy shifts occurring on the earth. Sometimes, these shifts occur one right after the other which does not give your bodies much time to "catch up."
If you are feeling tired, be kind to your body and take the time to rest. Go to bed a little earlier or if possible stay in bed a little longer in the morning. Rest when your body is telling you to do so. Take some time to recharge yourselves throughout the day by pausing to do several minutes of deep breathing, bringing fresh oxygen, fresh life into your bodies.
You should also increase your daily water intake. It is very important to stay hydrated and to flush out toxins that you are releasing.
It is also a good time to re-evaluate your daily food intake. Try to add more fresh fruits and vegetables to your food plans. Cut back on sugars and nonnutritive items that you ingest. Notice that I mentioned "cutting back" on sweets. It is not necessary to totally eliminate them, unless you have medical conditions that are worsened by their ingestion.
Try to eat more poultry and fish. It is not necessary to totally eliminate red meats, in fact, at times you may find yourselves really wanting them. Be sure they are of good quality. Occasionally eating red meat will help to replenish a certain frequency and vibration of energy that you may be needing at that time.
You are meant to enjoy life and you can do this by enjoying all foods in moderation. Listen to your body. If you pay attention, you will begin to notice how your body responds to the foods that you eat and then plan your meals accordingly.
And many of you know that my last incarnation upon the earth was in France. I thoroughly enjoyed getting together with friends and colleagues and enjoying some wine while we had hearty discussions. Again, moderation is the key.
So, eat, drink, be merry and enjoy yourselves as you progress along your Spiritual journeys!
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Request for Questions
Hello Dear Ones......I know that there are many more of you who have questions about some of the things that have been discussed here in this blog.
Others just have general questions. Please know that if you have questions, it is more than likely possible that others have the same questions and will greatly benefit from the answers.
So, today, I am again asking you to submit your questions.
You may post them here on the blog by following the instructions on the right hand side of the page or you may send them to Mary Ann at mawolf53@gmail.com.
Have a blessings filled day!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Others just have general questions. Please know that if you have questions, it is more than likely possible that others have the same questions and will greatly benefit from the answers.
So, today, I am again asking you to submit your questions.
You may post them here on the blog by following the instructions on the right hand side of the page or you may send them to Mary Ann at mawolf53@gmail.com.
Have a blessings filled day!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and click "like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Violet Flame
Hello Dear Ones....I have received a question asking me to explain the term "Violet Flame" that I often use. Just out of curiosity, I asked Mary Ann to do some research on this on your internet. I was indeed surprised at the many, varied and even complicated explanations of this term. Those who have been reading my messages know that I like to explain things in a simple format, easy for everyone to understand. I will try to do this with the Violet Flame.
I first shared information about this midway through your last century - that was because you had reached a level of vibration and frequency that would allow the information to be readily understood. The Violet Flame is a Spiritual Energy that enables lower vibrational energies to be transmuted or changed into higher ones. That is, energies that after the change vibrate at a higher rate of frequency.
Perhaps a very basic example of a change such as I am discussing would be to picture a wood log that is placed on a fire. It starts out as a very dense piece of wood. It is heavy. As it is placed on a fire, it begins to change. As it burns, it gives forth light, a flame. Then as it continues to burns, it changes shape; it becomes less dense; it becomes less dense, lighter in weight. It is transformed into ash, sometimes rising into the air, sometimes falling upon the ground. It has been changed from its original, dense self into a much less dense, a "lighter in weight" form of matter.
A similar happening occurs when you ask for the Violet Flame to transmute the discordant energies that you are releasing to be transmuted into Love and Light. These energies ( such as anger, frustration, jealousy etc) are already vibrating at a higher rate and a higher frequency than is the piece of wood that you have placed in the fire. That is because the wood is slowly vibrating and of a higher density of matter or form.
But the discordant energies mentioned above are vibrating at a lower speed and have a lower frequency than the energies of Love and Light that have come from Source. What you are asking is for those discordant energies to have their frequencies and vibrations raised to a higher level, to levels of frequency and the vibrations of other lighter energies such as joy, Love, bliss, happiness etc.
All that comes from Source is Love and Light and vibrates at very high levels and has very high frequencies. As they have come to your planet and have been in contact with those who are not at these same levels, they begin to be affected by the lesser, denser energies and the lower vibrations. Eventually they begin to take on these energies and vibrations and soon they have been changed from the way in which they were originally created. You are simply asking for them to be returned to their original states.
This is a very simple explanation of what I am talking about. You can certainly do research and find much longer, much more complicated explanations. You can also find complex methods for invoking the flame, more complex visualizations etc.
I like to keep things simple. What I have suggested that you do is just as effective as the more complex methods. Simply visualize a large Violet flame. Visualize your discarded energies going into the flame so to speak and while there being transmuted, that is, being changed back into the way that they were originally created.
You need only ask and it will be done.
I hope that this explanation has helped you to understand the Violet Flame. Please feel free to ask me any more questions that you might have.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at; www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
I first shared information about this midway through your last century - that was because you had reached a level of vibration and frequency that would allow the information to be readily understood. The Violet Flame is a Spiritual Energy that enables lower vibrational energies to be transmuted or changed into higher ones. That is, energies that after the change vibrate at a higher rate of frequency.
Perhaps a very basic example of a change such as I am discussing would be to picture a wood log that is placed on a fire. It starts out as a very dense piece of wood. It is heavy. As it is placed on a fire, it begins to change. As it burns, it gives forth light, a flame. Then as it continues to burns, it changes shape; it becomes less dense; it becomes less dense, lighter in weight. It is transformed into ash, sometimes rising into the air, sometimes falling upon the ground. It has been changed from its original, dense self into a much less dense, a "lighter in weight" form of matter.
A similar happening occurs when you ask for the Violet Flame to transmute the discordant energies that you are releasing to be transmuted into Love and Light. These energies ( such as anger, frustration, jealousy etc) are already vibrating at a higher rate and a higher frequency than is the piece of wood that you have placed in the fire. That is because the wood is slowly vibrating and of a higher density of matter or form.
But the discordant energies mentioned above are vibrating at a lower speed and have a lower frequency than the energies of Love and Light that have come from Source. What you are asking is for those discordant energies to have their frequencies and vibrations raised to a higher level, to levels of frequency and the vibrations of other lighter energies such as joy, Love, bliss, happiness etc.
All that comes from Source is Love and Light and vibrates at very high levels and has very high frequencies. As they have come to your planet and have been in contact with those who are not at these same levels, they begin to be affected by the lesser, denser energies and the lower vibrations. Eventually they begin to take on these energies and vibrations and soon they have been changed from the way in which they were originally created. You are simply asking for them to be returned to their original states.
This is a very simple explanation of what I am talking about. You can certainly do research and find much longer, much more complicated explanations. You can also find complex methods for invoking the flame, more complex visualizations etc.
I like to keep things simple. What I have suggested that you do is just as effective as the more complex methods. Simply visualize a large Violet flame. Visualize your discarded energies going into the flame so to speak and while there being transmuted, that is, being changed back into the way that they were originally created.
You need only ask and it will be done.
I hope that this explanation has helped you to understand the Violet Flame. Please feel free to ask me any more questions that you might have.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at; www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Sunday, January 15, 2012
More on Healing
Hello Dear Ones.... a little more about healing.
As I discussed yesterday, working on lessons to heal yourselves is very important and there are many layers of healing that will be accomplished when you do this.
Know that you ALL have the ability and knowledge within yourselves to do this. But because of the many layers, you may need some help in doing this until you reach the point that you are able to individually accomplish this work.
That is why you will notice that so many types of healing modalities have appeared within the past 20 years. There are many types of work to assist you - body, energy, counseling, hands-off, hands-on, symbols, external aids such as crystals, electronic devices that you hold or that their energy streams are directed at you, Angel cards, Tarot cards, even readings such as I and others give to you and so on and so on - I am sure that you can think of many.
These are great tools to help you to release these layers. Each of these works with you at a different frequency and vibrational level and you will be drawn to those who will help you the most at the place where you currently are. But do know that at some time you will realize that they are no longer necessary and that you will be able to know within what you must do and how you are to proceed.
What I have been noticing is that many stay with "external aids" much longer than they need to. Why? Well, perhaps they are afraid to acknowledge the Power that they have within. Or perhaps they are at a place where they realize that they must assume the responsibility and they don't want to.
Ultimately, the Power within, is what will assist you the most. Each of these "external" aids will assist you for a time. But over-dependence on them can, in fact, slow down your progress on your journeys. You run the risk of giving away YOUR POWER and YOUR RESPONSIBILITY for healing to someone else.
If you find that you might have excessively been using other means than your own for your healing, I ask you to just review your situation for a bit. If you discover that you might have been avoiding taking the responsibility for your healing, then I invite you "test the waters" so to speak of using your own knowledge and wisdom to see what you are able to accomplish.
Allow yourselves to "feel" your answer and to "feel" your progress. Perhaps you will be surprised by the answers. In any case, do not judge yourselves for what you have done up until this point. It has all been a part of your plan. I only tell you this as I have sensed that many of you are feeling "stuck" and are not sure of the next step to take. You will all reach the step of using only your own knowledge and your own power to move further along your journeys.
Blessings to ALL!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to visit and "like" St Germain's Facebook page at; www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
As I discussed yesterday, working on lessons to heal yourselves is very important and there are many layers of healing that will be accomplished when you do this.
Know that you ALL have the ability and knowledge within yourselves to do this. But because of the many layers, you may need some help in doing this until you reach the point that you are able to individually accomplish this work.
That is why you will notice that so many types of healing modalities have appeared within the past 20 years. There are many types of work to assist you - body, energy, counseling, hands-off, hands-on, symbols, external aids such as crystals, electronic devices that you hold or that their energy streams are directed at you, Angel cards, Tarot cards, even readings such as I and others give to you and so on and so on - I am sure that you can think of many.
These are great tools to help you to release these layers. Each of these works with you at a different frequency and vibrational level and you will be drawn to those who will help you the most at the place where you currently are. But do know that at some time you will realize that they are no longer necessary and that you will be able to know within what you must do and how you are to proceed.
What I have been noticing is that many stay with "external aids" much longer than they need to. Why? Well, perhaps they are afraid to acknowledge the Power that they have within. Or perhaps they are at a place where they realize that they must assume the responsibility and they don't want to.
Ultimately, the Power within, is what will assist you the most. Each of these "external" aids will assist you for a time. But over-dependence on them can, in fact, slow down your progress on your journeys. You run the risk of giving away YOUR POWER and YOUR RESPONSIBILITY for healing to someone else.
If you find that you might have excessively been using other means than your own for your healing, I ask you to just review your situation for a bit. If you discover that you might have been avoiding taking the responsibility for your healing, then I invite you "test the waters" so to speak of using your own knowledge and wisdom to see what you are able to accomplish.
Allow yourselves to "feel" your answer and to "feel" your progress. Perhaps you will be surprised by the answers. In any case, do not judge yourselves for what you have done up until this point. It has all been a part of your plan. I only tell you this as I have sensed that many of you are feeling "stuck" and are not sure of the next step to take. You will all reach the step of using only your own knowledge and your own power to move further along your journeys.
Blessings to ALL!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to visit and "like" St Germain's Facebook page at; www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Hello Dear Ones....Today I would like to address healing.
As the major shift in energy is occurring on your planet, many of your lessons are being brought forth for you to work on and to heal. And one of these major lessons is healing.
Many of you have been experiencing and are carrying discordant energies within your bodies. If you do this long enough, these energies will turn into dis-ease and then perhaps eventually into the physical manifestation of diseases.
When these energies are released through Spiritual work, your body can then begin to heal itself through the addition of the Light and Love that replaces the discordant energies. Your bodies will feel lighter and have higher frequencies and higher vibrations. You will be moving more towards the crystalline structure of the 5th dimension.
But please know that this whole transformation process does take time. Yes, sometimes there are instant headings, but more often than not, these healings may take a while. That is because the lessons that you are working on this lifetime that contain these discordant energies are often from the accumulation of many lifetimes of lessons.
So many of you have incarnated on the planet at this time to help with the Earth's Ascension, as well as, your own. Because of this, many of you have decided to finally deal with these lessons. That is why so many of your lessons have seemed and are indeed so intense this lifetime.
It is important that you do your work and release the layers of these lessons. Do not judge that this is not occurring faster for you, for who you are now and how your body structure is, is the result of all of these lifetimes and lessons. You have become adjusted to living your daily life with your body such as it is. If it were to change all at one time, you would have great difficulty in your lives. That is why it is so important for you to continuously work on releasing the layers of lessons, the layers of the veil so to speak, so that you are more easily able to acclimate to the changes within your bodies as you do so.
The changes that you seek will happen, I assure you! But as they say, patience is a virtue.
I will speak more about this in a future blog.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
As the major shift in energy is occurring on your planet, many of your lessons are being brought forth for you to work on and to heal. And one of these major lessons is healing.
Many of you have been experiencing and are carrying discordant energies within your bodies. If you do this long enough, these energies will turn into dis-ease and then perhaps eventually into the physical manifestation of diseases.
When these energies are released through Spiritual work, your body can then begin to heal itself through the addition of the Light and Love that replaces the discordant energies. Your bodies will feel lighter and have higher frequencies and higher vibrations. You will be moving more towards the crystalline structure of the 5th dimension.
But please know that this whole transformation process does take time. Yes, sometimes there are instant headings, but more often than not, these healings may take a while. That is because the lessons that you are working on this lifetime that contain these discordant energies are often from the accumulation of many lifetimes of lessons.
So many of you have incarnated on the planet at this time to help with the Earth's Ascension, as well as, your own. Because of this, many of you have decided to finally deal with these lessons. That is why so many of your lessons have seemed and are indeed so intense this lifetime.
It is important that you do your work and release the layers of these lessons. Do not judge that this is not occurring faster for you, for who you are now and how your body structure is, is the result of all of these lifetimes and lessons. You have become adjusted to living your daily life with your body such as it is. If it were to change all at one time, you would have great difficulty in your lives. That is why it is so important for you to continuously work on releasing the layers of lessons, the layers of the veil so to speak, so that you are more easily able to acclimate to the changes within your bodies as you do so.
The changes that you seek will happen, I assure you! But as they say, patience is a virtue.
I will speak more about this in a future blog.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Friday, January 13, 2012
Q & A - Feeling the Presence of Someone Around You
A note from Mary Ann: Hi Everyone.....I had some computer issues earlier this week and then was not feeling well the past few days. That is why there were no messages. Thank you for your understanding.
Hello Dear Ones....I will be answering another question today.
Hello Dear Ones....I will be answering another question today.
I sometimes feel that someone is watching over me. Is there? If so, who is it? Donna Donna....thank you so much for your question. Indeed, Donna, there are many who may be watching over you. Every being has Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels who are with them all of the time. They are there to watch over you and to help you along your Spiritual journey. They are not allowed to act directly in your life, however, as everyone has Free Will, unless you ask for their assistance. If you have asked for their help, they may choose to give you subtle suggestions. Have you ever been driving down a street and then seemingly for no reason, you chose to go another way, a way you would not normally go? Or have you ever been driving and suddenly realized that you'd better get out of the way of a certain car that is near to you? Maybe you were wondering about the best place to purchase something and then all of a sudden a specific store popped into your thoughts? You go there and find exactly what you were looking for. One of my favorites to observe is to watch some of you as you call out for help from the "Parking Angels" to help you find a parking spot and then you are directed to one that you didn't see before. Be sure to thank your Guides and Angels for their help. You may also be feeling the presence of someone who has bodily made their transition but their Spirit is still here on the planet. They may be afraid to go forward, they may not know what to do, they may decide they need to stay here to help you. In this instance, assure them that it is ok to move forward, thank them for their concern but be gentle but firm in telling them that it is time for them to move forward. If you still sense their presence, you may want to ask Archangel Michael and his Angels to come forth and "lead" them along. Additionally, you could ask that other members of their family who have transitioned to also come to help escort them away. Donna, I hope that I have answered your question. Please feel free to follow up with any additional questions that you may have. For those reading this blog, know that I love answering questions, so please feel free to submit brief questions. Complex questions or questions of a really personal nature would be best addressed in a private reading. You may contact Mary Ann at mawolf53@gmail.com for further information. Blessings to All! I AM Andre St Germain To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain |
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Another Question and Answer
Hello Dear Ones.....
Today I will answer another question that I received.
Dear Pam....from St Germain
Today I will answer another question that I received.
my father is still here in body[in nursing home since march 02]
in an frozen form[ can't move, is diapered, fed pureed foods..responds occasionally with garbled words]
my sister and i wonder why he is still here.
Your father has spent hundreds of lives in perfect physical health during which time he did not care at all about those less physically fortunate than himself. He felt that those who were not physically perfect were beneath him. He was a ruler in some of those lifetimes and he banished the physically disabled to the other realms of the kingdoms. He also did not spend much time during those lifetimes seeking the Spiritual within him.
This life time has been one of wrapping up karma so to speak. He has chosen to live the past 10 years as he has "to make up" for those lifetimes that he lived "above" those who were less than he. He feels in some way that he is making up for the horrible way that he treated them.
Even though he is unable to communicate with those around him other than perhaps on a child's level, he is doing much inner work. He is discovering that within, which he has chosen to ignore for all of those other many lifetimes. His incarnation upon the earth this lifetime was to finally learn those lessons.
He is aware of what is going on around him even though he does not express this, especially when you and your sister visit him. Your part in his lessons is to show him that he can be unconditionally loved, that All are worthy and deserving of unconditional love, no matter their physical, emotional, mental or Spiritual states.Remind him of your love for him. Tell him that it is ok with you whenever he decides to make his transition, that he can choose to do so at any time, you are all ok with this and you will all be okay.
Remind him to forgive himself for transgressions that he feels he has committed for he was playing the roles in those other lives that had been agreed to prior to everyone's incarnation. He is feeling that he has let down some of your family members during this lifetime. Reassure him that he is loved.
All the members of your family have been together, in all different ways - you have been your father's mother, your sister was his father,he was your son, etc etc., in many different configurations during many lifetimes. They, too, have completed many of their karmic lessons this lifetime in the configuration that you have had this current incarnation.
Once your father realizes that he is truly loved, that he has been "forgiven" and forgives himself and he finds the peace within, he will decide to make his transition. Do not feel that he has "wasted" the last 10 years, for he has learned much during this time, as have the two of you - more than you can even comprehend!
I hope that this insight has helped you. I am giving you all a special blessing of much peace and love from the Upper Realms for you are all such beautiful Spirits!
I Am Andre St Germain :-)
There is still time to submit your questions to St Germain. You may send them to ascendedmasterandrestgermain@gmail.com; mawolf53@gmail.com; or post them as a comment to this blog www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
And be sure to check out St Germain's Facebook Page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Question and Answer
NOTE: In yesterday's blog, the email address for St Germain was incomplete; it should have read ascendedmasterandrestgermain@gmail.com If you sent an email to the one in yesterday's blog, I did not receive it. Please resubmit it to the above address. Thank you and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Mary Ann
Hello Dear Ones.....I received a question that I would like to answer.
From Andi -Hi.. I wonder if you might elaborate on the aura, vs. our energy field....and any tips/info (in addition to the Violet Flame) for cleaning and shielding our field?
Andi....thank you for your question.
Your physical body is surrounded by your aura. The aura is a particular energy field that is unique to you. It is highly changeable and is affected by your physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual states. You can expand your aura outward or pull it inward, closer to you.
(Actually, auras do not apply just to human beings, but to all beings, to everything that is found on your planet. Even though many of you are unable to see these auras, know that they are there. But back to Andi's question.)
Your aura is found within a larger area of energy - an energy field. One particular location can be within several energy fields. For example, you live at 9999 Red Street,in the City of Phoenix in Maricopa County, in Arizona, in the United States, in the Northern Hemisphere. Each of these areas has its own energy field. Of course, these fields do overlap, but normally, your own energy field is able to deal with interferences received from the other fields.
It is important for you to remain grounded as you bring in the light from Source. You want the Light to flow from above you, through your chakras and down into Mother earth. She in turn, will send her energy up through you, through your chakras, into the Universe, Multi-verse and back to Source. There is a constant ebb and flow of energy down into and through you. This occurs within your aura and will strengthen it.
As long as you are balanced, you will not be affected by others' energy fields. However, being balanced all of the time can be quite challenging on your planet these days. You may have discordant energies within your aura that you are releasing. You may be stressed which will allow "holes" to become present within your aura, which if not corrected, can be affected by other energies. I am sure you can think of many other things that can affect you.
Of course, you are familiar with using the Violet Flame to cleanse your aura and your energy field of the discordant energies by transmuting them into the Love and Light from which they were originally created. I suggest that you do this every evening before you go to bed. You can also do this at any time that you are feeling really unbalanced.
You can strengthen and repair your aura and your energy field by centering yourself, by deep breathing, through meditation, by any activity that helps you bring the Light within. You can ask ArchAngel Michael and ArchAngel Raphael to help you accomplish this.
Some of you may resonate with placing a shield of a particular color of Light around you. There is no one color that I can recommend. If you choose this method, trust yourself to know which color is best for you. This is an individual matter.
Trust a message that you may receive from within that advises you to refrain from interacting with a certain individual or perhaps visiting a specific place because of energies that may be present there. But do remember to always send forth Love and Light as that will have an effect on those energies.
Know that you are ultimately responsible for the strength and maintenance of your own auras and energy fields. If you are being affected by others' energies, I suggest that you look at what is occurring within your life and see if there are measures that you can take to lessen their effects. The solutions come from within; using "shields" whatever they may be are only temporary fixes. You need to deal with the root causes of "leaks, holes etc" if you want your fields to be consistently strong.
Blessings to All as you continue along your journeys!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Hello Dear Ones.....I received a question that I would like to answer.
From Andi -Hi.. I wonder if you might elaborate on the aura, vs. our energy field....and any tips/info (in addition to the Violet Flame) for cleaning and shielding our field?
Andi....thank you for your question.
Your physical body is surrounded by your aura. The aura is a particular energy field that is unique to you. It is highly changeable and is affected by your physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual states. You can expand your aura outward or pull it inward, closer to you.
(Actually, auras do not apply just to human beings, but to all beings, to everything that is found on your planet. Even though many of you are unable to see these auras, know that they are there. But back to Andi's question.)
Your aura is found within a larger area of energy - an energy field. One particular location can be within several energy fields. For example, you live at 9999 Red Street,in the City of Phoenix in Maricopa County, in Arizona, in the United States, in the Northern Hemisphere. Each of these areas has its own energy field. Of course, these fields do overlap, but normally, your own energy field is able to deal with interferences received from the other fields.
It is important for you to remain grounded as you bring in the light from Source. You want the Light to flow from above you, through your chakras and down into Mother earth. She in turn, will send her energy up through you, through your chakras, into the Universe, Multi-verse and back to Source. There is a constant ebb and flow of energy down into and through you. This occurs within your aura and will strengthen it.
As long as you are balanced, you will not be affected by others' energy fields. However, being balanced all of the time can be quite challenging on your planet these days. You may have discordant energies within your aura that you are releasing. You may be stressed which will allow "holes" to become present within your aura, which if not corrected, can be affected by other energies. I am sure you can think of many other things that can affect you.
Of course, you are familiar with using the Violet Flame to cleanse your aura and your energy field of the discordant energies by transmuting them into the Love and Light from which they were originally created. I suggest that you do this every evening before you go to bed. You can also do this at any time that you are feeling really unbalanced.
You can strengthen and repair your aura and your energy field by centering yourself, by deep breathing, through meditation, by any activity that helps you bring the Light within. You can ask ArchAngel Michael and ArchAngel Raphael to help you accomplish this.
Some of you may resonate with placing a shield of a particular color of Light around you. There is no one color that I can recommend. If you choose this method, trust yourself to know which color is best for you. This is an individual matter.
Trust a message that you may receive from within that advises you to refrain from interacting with a certain individual or perhaps visiting a specific place because of energies that may be present there. But do remember to always send forth Love and Light as that will have an effect on those energies.
Know that you are ultimately responsible for the strength and maintenance of your own auras and energy fields. If you are being affected by others' energies, I suggest that you look at what is occurring within your life and see if there are measures that you can take to lessen their effects. The solutions come from within; using "shields" whatever they may be are only temporary fixes. You need to deal with the root causes of "leaks, holes etc" if you want your fields to be consistently strong.
Blessings to All as you continue along your journeys!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Ask a Question
Hello Dear Ones......
I have decided that I am going to add a new feature to the blog and that will be to occasionally offer the opportunity for you to ask a brief question. So, if there is anything that you have been wondering about or that you would like further clarification on, please send me an email at one of the following addresses:
or you may post them as a comment on this page (see instructions in the right hand column for posting a comment)
I will post the question and answer in tomorrow's blog so that your question may help everyone. Rest assured that if you have a question it is a very likely possibility that someone else has wondered about the same thing.
If your question is of a personal nature and you do not want all to see, then please email it to one of the above addresses and mention that you would like the answer to be private.
I look forward to hearing from you!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment. ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:
And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at:
I have decided that I am going to add a new feature to the blog and that will be to occasionally offer the opportunity for you to ask a brief question. So, if there is anything that you have been wondering about or that you would like further clarification on, please send me an email at one of the following addresses:
or you may post them as a comment on this page (see instructions in the right hand column for posting a comment)
I will post the question and answer in tomorrow's blog so that your question may help everyone. Rest assured that if you have a question it is a very likely possibility that someone else has wondered about the same thing.
If your question is of a personal nature and you do not want all to see, then please email it to one of the above addresses and mention that you would like the answer to be private.
I look forward to hearing from you!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment. ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:
And be sure to check out and "click like" on St Germain's Facebook page at:
Friday, January 6, 2012
Hello Dear Ones.......
Journaling is a wonderful tool to use in your daily Spiritual practice. You can use it to record questions for which you are seeking answers. You can record thoughts that you have had during your meditations. You may want to use it to help get "outside" that which has been floating around "inside."
For example, once thoughts that have been troubling you inside are written down on paper, they can lose some of their power that they have had over you. You may feel less fearful once you are directly looking at them. You have clarified a situation rather than have let it continue to "spin" around inside of you in all different directions. You can become more focused on solutions as you are now dealing with a definite statement or situation.
Re-reading your journal, say once a week or so, will help you to realize how far you have come, often in a very brief period in time. Or it may help you to see that by diligently continuing your Spiritual work, you will eventually find those answers which you seek. You may even have an "aha" moment as you review your work.
Do not forget to also write down those things for which you are grateful, for in doing so, you will find that indeed you are truly blessed!
And do not "stress" over the selection of that "just right" special journal or that "just right" special pen for that is simply a way you may be using to delay beginning your important work.
Blessings to All of you and happy journaling!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question, or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:
Be sure to also check out and "like" St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Journaling is a wonderful tool to use in your daily Spiritual practice. You can use it to record questions for which you are seeking answers. You can record thoughts that you have had during your meditations. You may want to use it to help get "outside" that which has been floating around "inside."
For example, once thoughts that have been troubling you inside are written down on paper, they can lose some of their power that they have had over you. You may feel less fearful once you are directly looking at them. You have clarified a situation rather than have let it continue to "spin" around inside of you in all different directions. You can become more focused on solutions as you are now dealing with a definite statement or situation.
Re-reading your journal, say once a week or so, will help you to realize how far you have come, often in a very brief period in time. Or it may help you to see that by diligently continuing your Spiritual work, you will eventually find those answers which you seek. You may even have an "aha" moment as you review your work.
Do not forget to also write down those things for which you are grateful, for in doing so, you will find that indeed you are truly blessed!
And do not "stress" over the selection of that "just right" special journal or that "just right" special pen for that is simply a way you may be using to delay beginning your important work.
Blessings to All of you and happy journaling!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question, or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:
Be sure to also check out and "like" St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Interactions with Others
Hello Dear Ones.... Today I would like to touch on the meaning of your interactions with others.
Many of you have multiple relationships on different levels - some partners, some married, some close friends, some simply acquaintances, some business. Each relationship carries a specific frequency and vibration, which may change as the relationship changes.
Some of you also have shall I say fixed ideas on how the relationship should be. Know that there are many variables involved in the relationships. There are karmic connections, contracts between each of you for this lifetime, perhaps some walk-in elements also. All of the relationships provide you with opportunities for growth along your journeys.
Try not to be tied to a specific outcome for the relationship for if you do, you may miss the opportunity to learn what you are seeking. You may have one idea for how the relationship should be when in reality that really is not the reason for its existence.
If it is not going as you would like, spend some time going inward and see what your Inner Guidance says to you. The discord that you may be feeling may be exactly what is supposed to be occurring as it gives you the opportunity to explore a different way to interact.
Do not judge any of the parties involved, especially yourselves. Perhaps try looking at the interactions from the other participant's point of view. Therein may be the key reason for the connection. Try this method if the relationship seems stagnant, seems that the same thing is happening over and over again no matter what you do.
When this keeps occurring, it is because the Soul is giving you multiple opportunities to achieve what you are desiring to learn from the interaction. Sometimes, you or the other person may just not be willing to look at what is happening. After a reasonable length of time during which you have tried to keep it going from a place of Love and Light within your heart it may be time to let the relationship go. Maybe letting go with Love and Light is your lesson. Again, go within and see what your heart says to you.
You cannot go wrong when you listen to and act from Inner Guidance with Love and Light.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:
And also be sure to check out and click on like on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Many of you have multiple relationships on different levels - some partners, some married, some close friends, some simply acquaintances, some business. Each relationship carries a specific frequency and vibration, which may change as the relationship changes.
Some of you also have shall I say fixed ideas on how the relationship should be. Know that there are many variables involved in the relationships. There are karmic connections, contracts between each of you for this lifetime, perhaps some walk-in elements also. All of the relationships provide you with opportunities for growth along your journeys.
Try not to be tied to a specific outcome for the relationship for if you do, you may miss the opportunity to learn what you are seeking. You may have one idea for how the relationship should be when in reality that really is not the reason for its existence.
If it is not going as you would like, spend some time going inward and see what your Inner Guidance says to you. The discord that you may be feeling may be exactly what is supposed to be occurring as it gives you the opportunity to explore a different way to interact.
Do not judge any of the parties involved, especially yourselves. Perhaps try looking at the interactions from the other participant's point of view. Therein may be the key reason for the connection. Try this method if the relationship seems stagnant, seems that the same thing is happening over and over again no matter what you do.
When this keeps occurring, it is because the Soul is giving you multiple opportunities to achieve what you are desiring to learn from the interaction. Sometimes, you or the other person may just not be willing to look at what is happening. After a reasonable length of time during which you have tried to keep it going from a place of Love and Light within your heart it may be time to let the relationship go. Maybe letting go with Love and Light is your lesson. Again, go within and see what your heart says to you.
You cannot go wrong when you listen to and act from Inner Guidance with Love and Light.
Blessings to All!
I AM Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site:
And also be sure to check out and click on like on St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Monday, January 2, 2012
Unusual Happenings
Hello Dear Ones.....
Today I would like to ask you to be aware of unusual things that may occur in your lives.
When something unusual happens, take note of it. You may even want to write it down. Often times this event may be a sign for you, it may contain an answer you have been seeking.
Your first reaction may be to brush it aside thinking it was just something odd that happened. May I suggest that you set the intention to seek its meaning before you enter your next meditation.
Quieting the mind and going within will provide you with a different perspective on the event. Your Inner Self will be able to reach you on a different level than your conscious mind would.
The Soul is very clever and has designed quite effective ways to provide you with answers that you seek, especially in this year of 2012, because so many of you are so determined to remove the veils that have clouded your vision.
This is the year to be open to many new things and new experiences for your Spiritual journeys are about to take quantum leaps!
Blessings to All!
I Am Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
St Germain also has a Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain. Please be sure to visit and click like on the page.
Today I would like to ask you to be aware of unusual things that may occur in your lives.
When something unusual happens, take note of it. You may even want to write it down. Often times this event may be a sign for you, it may contain an answer you have been seeking.
Your first reaction may be to brush it aside thinking it was just something odd that happened. May I suggest that you set the intention to seek its meaning before you enter your next meditation.
Quieting the mind and going within will provide you with a different perspective on the event. Your Inner Self will be able to reach you on a different level than your conscious mind would.
The Soul is very clever and has designed quite effective ways to provide you with answers that you seek, especially in this year of 2012, because so many of you are so determined to remove the veils that have clouded your vision.
This is the year to be open to many new things and new experiences for your Spiritual journeys are about to take quantum leaps!
Blessings to All!
I Am Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
St Germain also has a Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain. Please be sure to visit and click like on the page.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Recorded Message
Hello from Mary Ann....
St Germain recorded a message 1.1.12 which was sent out by email.
If you did not receive the message and would like to do so, please email me at mawolf53@gmail.com and I will be happy to send it to you.
Happy New Year to Everyone1
Love and blessings,
Mary Ann
St Germain recorded a message 1.1.12 which was sent out by email.
If you did not receive the message and would like to do so, please email me at mawolf53@gmail.com and I will be happy to send it to you.
Happy New Year to Everyone1
Love and blessings,
Mary Ann
Hello Dear Ones........
Blessings to All of you as you enter the new and exciting year of 2012!
May I suggest a few resolutions for you?
Live and enjoy your life to the fullest! Do this by living from the Love and Light within your hearts.
Spend a little time each day in meditation, contemplation or prayer finding those energies that no longer work for you. Release and transmute them using the Violet Flame.
Begin to keep a Gratitude Journal and write down on a daily basis at least 5 things for which you are grateful.
Allow your hearts and minds to be open to whatever occurs in your daily lives. Look for the gifts that are in each moment of each day, even if their meanings are not immediately clear to you.
Remember that each person and each thing has Divine Essence within them.
And lastly, remember that there are so many who are ready, willing and able to help you with your daily lives. Call upon them not only in troubled times but also in happy ones.
I look forward to walking with you on your journeys this special year!
I Am Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Be sure to checkout and "like" St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
Blessings to All of you as you enter the new and exciting year of 2012!
May I suggest a few resolutions for you?
Live and enjoy your life to the fullest! Do this by living from the Love and Light within your hearts.
Spend a little time each day in meditation, contemplation or prayer finding those energies that no longer work for you. Release and transmute them using the Violet Flame.
Begin to keep a Gratitude Journal and write down on a daily basis at least 5 things for which you are grateful.
Allow your hearts and minds to be open to whatever occurs in your daily lives. Look for the gifts that are in each moment of each day, even if their meanings are not immediately clear to you.
Remember that each person and each thing has Divine Essence within them.
And lastly, remember that there are so many who are ready, willing and able to help you with your daily lives. Call upon them not only in troubled times but also in happy ones.
I look forward to walking with you on your journeys this special year!
I Am Andre St Germain
To post a comment, ask a brief question or to read archived messages, please visit and share this site: www.ascendedmasterstgermain.blogspot.com
Be sure to checkout and "like" St Germain's Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/ascendedmasterstgermain
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